Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Love Potion


by duochanfan 0 reviews

Harry is going after his Potions Master. But young Ginny Weasley is ging after Harry, how will that cause problems for the pair as they try and get together and stay together. To get her man she tr...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Snape - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-04-18 - Updated: 2006-04-19 - 1455 words

Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me no matter how much I wish upon a star.

This story will contain slash and mpreg as well as some not very nice situations later on. This story is finished and like Frozen I am going through it once again as I post it.


Harry woke up; he felt groggy, his limbs felt heavy and numb. He tried to move, but couldn't, his arms and legs were bound to the chair he was sitting in. He opened blurry eyes, not able to see anything, because the room he was in total darkness. He couldn't feel the usual weight of his glasses on his nose or behind his ears.

The light started to come on, as a blurry figure entered the room and came towards him. The lights came on before the figure went into the darkness. He could now see the redhead clearly, as she placed his glasses on his nose. He looked up into the familiar face and whispered, "Ginny".

Ginny looked apologetically to him and said gently, "I'm sorry Harry, I had to do that. The effects of the sleeping draught should wear of soon, I knew you wouldn't come with me that's why I used it." She sighed sadly. "I am sorry, but this is for your own good."

"Why Ginny? I'm happy with Severus, please let me go Ginny please," he said all but begging to be released, and wanting to know why kidnapping him was for his own good.

Ginny looked at him in exasperation and huffed. "Snape is no good for you Harry; he is twice your age. I even brewed a love potion and gave it to you, but I would say Snape already had you under his spell. You are supposed to be with me."

Harry looked at the crazed look within the blue eyes and said, "Please Ginny, let me go. I don't need the stress I'm six months pregnant and too much can harm the baby."

Ginny's eyes became fiery and she yelled angrily. "That...that abomination shouldn't even exist. Snape has you under his spell. I know that Harry." Her eyes then becoming soft and understanding.

"Ginny please let me go, please," Harry begged, as tears formed within his emerald green eyes.

"Harry please break whatever spell he has on you, break it please," Ginny said sadly, as she looked at him. "I'll also help you get rid of that thing in there." She added, pointing to his swollen stomach.

"NO!" he shouted loudly, the distressed sound of his voice echoing off of the walls. "Please leave the baby alone."

"I know that isn't you talking there Harry. Please break the spell; I know you can do it. I know deep down inside of you, you are agreeing with me. I will be back in a little while. I need to get the things to help you get rid of that thing," she said, as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and left him alone.

"No," he whispered to himself, tears fell from his eyes, and broken sobs could be heard echoing from the walls. He tried in vein to get free from the ropes that bound him to the chair. He felt the magic course through them, there would be no way he could break them. "Sev please find me," he said with a whispered plea.


Severus Snape was walking towards the hospital wing; it had been an hour since Harry had gone to see Poppy. Severus wondered if something was wrong with Harry or the baby, and that was why he was taking so long to come back to their shared quarters. He walked through the large double doors of the hospital wing.

He looked around the room and noted that Harry wasn't there, or lying in one of the many beds. Frowning he went in search of Poppy, who was in her office. "Poppy, did Harry stop by today," he asked, as she looked up from her work.

"Well, he was supposed to come here for an appointment that you made for him, but he didn't show up," she replied, as she placed her quill on top of her work and added. "I thought he had been detained by you."

Severus answered, "No I had sent him on his way here over an hour ago." A puzzled frown appeared on his face.

"He may have gone to see Mr. Weasley or Ms. Granger for a while. I know he hasn't spent as much time as he usually does with those two," she told him, thinking of the golden-trio.

Severus nodded agreeing with her that he may have gone to see his friends. "Well I will go and see them; Harry once told me that they are usually in the library this time of day."

Severus said goodbye to Poppy and left the hospital wing, he walked through hallways and up staircases. He reached the library and walked through the large wooden door. He nodded a quick hello to Madame Pince. He walked past bookcases full of old and new books on the various subjects taught at Hogwarts. Finally, he spotted Hermione and Ron ensconced behind a wall of books.

"Mr. Weasley, Ms. Granger," he greeted; causing the two to jump slightly. "Forgive the intrusion on your study time," he apologized.

"That's alright Professor," Hermione said, smiling up at him in a welcoming manner. "What can we do for you," she asked, shutting the book open in front of her.

"Has Harry been to see the two of you today," he asked. "He was supposed to go to an appointment with Poppy but he never arrived," he explained.

Hermione shook her head negatively, as Ron answered him, "No sorry, but we thought he would be with you, he wanted to spend time with you. He would have gone to the appointment; he was excited about the baby, and very careful to."

Severus nodded and then sighed, wondering aloud he said, "Where could he be?" He then turned his attention onto Harry's two best friends. "Do either of you two know where Harry go could be, or anyone that would of seen him," he asked them.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other and thought for a moment or two before Ron mused aloud, "Well I know he has been avoiding Ginny, he told me that she wanted him and that she had been following him around lately. Ever since Valentines Day he has been very wary of her. If she is still following him then she may know where he is."

Hermione huffed in exasperation and started to rummage through her bag looking for something. "Harry gave me the marauders map in case he went missing; he knew that Ginny was up to something he had told me and not Ron, because Ron is Ginny's brother. Sorry Ron."

"Thanks okay I can understand that," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Got it," Hermione said, as she pulled out the map and opened up the old piece of parchment. Severus recognized it from Harry's third year; it was the parchment that had insulted him. Hermione said, as she held her wand on the map. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The map of the entire school became visible. They looked closely at every dot and their names, trying to find Harry.

"May I ask who else knows of this map," Severus asked curiously, as he kept looking for his love.

"Me, Ron, Harry and Remus, oh and now you as well Professor," Hermione replied, not looking up at the Professor as she answered.

"Got him," Ron shouted aloud, and he got an annoyed look from Madame Price, as she passed them by carrying a load of books to be placed back on their shelves.

"What's he doing their, I thought he said he never wanted to go anywhere near that place again after what happened the last time he was there," Hermione said, puzzled at Harry's location within the school.

"Hey Ginny's going towards him, I have a really bad felling about this. What is she going to do with Harry," he said, as he watched the dot marking where his sister was moving towards Harry's dot.

"Lets go and quickly," Severus said.

Hermione placed her wand against the map and said, "Mischief managed." The map disappeared from their view. She placed it into her robe pocket and the three of them left the library, almost running out of the wooden door. They left all their things behind, too concerned about Harry and worried about what Ginny was up to.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review.
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