Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Love Potion


by duochanfan 2 reviews

Harry is going after his Potions Master. But young Ginny Weasley is ging after Harry, how will that cause problems for the pair as they try and get together and stay together. To get her man she tr...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Snape - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-04-18 - Updated: 2006-04-19 - 942 words

Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me no matter how much I wish upon a star.

This story will contain slash and mpreg as well as some not very nice situations later on. This story is finished and like Frozen I am going through it once again as I post it.


Severus, Ron and Hermione ran towards the second floor girl's bathroom. They ran in and ignored a crying moaning Myrtle that was floating around the room. They stopped in front of the sinks and they started to look for the snake on the tap. They found it. Hermione and Severus looked over to Ron who was the only other person that had been to the Chamber of Secrets.

"Ron do you remember how to open it all up?" Hermione asked, as she continued to look at her boyfriend.

"It was in parseltongue. I need to think of how he said it," he mumbled aloud to himself. He started to say word after word, trying to copy what Harry had said during their second year. "/Open/," he finally got it. The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets opened up in front of them.


Ginny walked towards the struggling and crying Harry. She undid the bonds, and Harry made a break for it. He was unable to get far as he felt 'Petrificus Totalus' take hold of him. "Sorry Harry, but this is for your own good." She levitated him onto the hard concrete ground and undid the paralysis curse. She bound him down onto the ground. His arms went above his head and were attached to the ground with a spell. His ankles were done in the same manner.

She forced a potion down his throat and made him swallow. "I'm sorry Harry but that was the strongest pain potion I could get."
Harry's brain was slightly muddled by the affects of the potion. His eyes were filled with tears of worry for his unborn child. "Please Ginny let me go, please." His voice was barely above a whisper.

"I'm sorry Harry, but I can't do that; you already know that Harry. This is for your own good," she said.

She lent over and took something from the bag she had brought with her. The knife gleamed in the light that was in the chamber. Harry struggled vainly, but his body was barely moving thanks to the potion. He kept on begging for her to let him go, and to stop whatever she was going to do. His T-shirt was pulled up and the knife came down and was pulled across his stomach. It wasn't too deep, but it hurt. Harry screamed as loud as he could. Ginny went in for another cut, trying to get the little baby out of Harry.

"NOO!" someone yelled from the other side of the chamber. It was Severus; Harry was looking at him with pleading eyes wanting him to stop Ginny.

Severus, Ron and Hermione ran towards Ginny with their wands out. She turned and saw them all. Her eyes flashed with anger, she raised the knife above her head and started to bring it down on Harry's stomach. Three curses flew towards her and knocked her away from Harry, and flinging the knife away from her.

Severus rushed to Harry's side and knelt down. "It's okay Harry, it's going to be fine," he said softly, reassuring him.

"Hurts, really hurts," he said his voice strained.

Severus conjured a stretcher and levitated Harry onto it. He left Ron and Hermione to take Ginny to the headmaster. He quickly made his way to the Hospital Wing. Harry was moaning in pain. The doors to the ward burst open in front of them. Harry was laid onto a bed and Severus shouted for Madam Pomfrey.

She heard Severus' shout and came running towards them both. She set to work on Harry; she healed the large gash on his stomach. Even though it was healed Harry was still in pain. Poppy ran some tests on Harry to try and find out what was happening to him. He was in early labour. The stress of the last few hours had brought it on early.

Poppy looked up at Harry and Severus, who sat at the head of the bed gently soothing Harry. "Harry your in labour. It's very early. The baby would not be able to survive birth naturally, so I'll have to do a caesarean. Alright." she tried to explain.
Harry just looked up to Severus and nodded, tears fell from his eyes down the pale checks. "Yes go ahead Poppy," Severus replied for him.

Poppy went to the store cupboard and took out a potion for Harry to take. "Harry I want you to take this, it will make you very groggy, but it will numb the pain properly. So you won't feel a thing. Okay," she said softly to him, as she handed Severus the vial to let him give it to Harry.

Poppy set to work. Harry was barely aware of what was happening around him. About an hour and a half later the tiny baby was out. No larger than Poppy's hands, she was place into the awaiting incubator. She quickly healed Harry up. She told Severus that Harry will come round properly in a little while.

The little baby girl was lying quietly in the incubator. Her breathing was not very strong, her heart was beat strongly in her tiny chest. Poppy hope the little girl would make it, she looked strong and fully formed, even though she was almost 3 months premature.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review.
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