Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fatal Facination


by BandiitMarie 6 reviews

"She touched her hand and traced the scar through his cloths."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Published: 2010-03-24 - Updated: 2010-03-24 - 1342 words

A/N I hope you like it! I have been feeling like I am losing my touch a bit, If I am PLEASE let me know, cuz it is eating at me. I am finding it harder and harder to post because I am not feeling it! AHH!

Gerard came closer to her, he tried his best to keep his feelings behind his knife. He watched her squirm in anticipation, shutting her eyes.
"Do it." She whispered, backed up against the concrete wall. Gerard lifted his knife and with one swipe a large gash appeared,as she cried out in pain, she laughed a little. She touched her chest right below her neck, the cut oozing blood. Why was she laughing? He thought. He got mad, as he cut her leg. Alyn screamed in pain, then laughed like rocks were lifted off her shoulders. He watched her, bleeding, laughing? His hands wore a glove of her blood. He realized she was enjoying this, this is what she wanted.

Alyn felt the sting of her gashes, putting her knees to her chest, the blood covered her knees as she was sighing to herself. She looked up at Gerard. Scanning his eyes. Over and over. He waled outside and returned with a cloth. She was wondering why he was going to bandage her up. She did not want to be bandaged. As Gerard approached her she stuck out her foot to his chest, pushing him backwards. He saw her leg covered in blood from her chest. The cut was not deep, why was she bleeding so much? He smacked her foot away from him, and got closer. Her foot yet again met his chest trying to push him away.
"I am going to break your leg if you don't quit." She just laughed at him as he smacked her foot away from him. She let him get a little closer before putting her foot back on his chest.
"Really? Your gonna do this?" He stared at her in the eyes. This was some kind of game she was playing. He admired how she could play a game, regardless of her bleeding everywhere. He smacked her for one last time, as he stepped close enough to where she could not get her foot to his chest.
Alyn stuck out her chest for him to dab the wound. He did not go for her chest but for her mouth. As the cloths smell hit her nose she wriggled away, but felt tired. She slowly felt herself falling to sleep.

Alyn did not remember waking up, but there she sat on her bed. Her cuts were not there. Did she dream of the cuts? Was this a dream? She sat there wondering what was going on. Her mirror was even there. She ran over to it, looking at her face. Nothing, no monster, no mean words. Just Alyn. She smiled at her reflection. She noticed something on her chest. She was worried about what it was. Was it another horrible word. She moved the neck of her black shirt down, so she could see. Right over her heart was the name 'Gerard'. She looked closer and saw an arrow below his name pointing down. She lifted her shirt up, exposing her stomach. Her stomach was swollen. She was pregnant. Written in small letters across her swollen belly read. 'That's what you get.' she looked at her self in the mirror, hugely pregnant. She saw Gerard walk into the room and pulled her into a kiss. He knelt down and and put his hand on her belly. Alyn thought about it. He was putting his horrible, murdering hands on my-our baby. He kissed her belly and stood back up to look into her eyes. Alyn stood there motionless.

When Alyn woke up, she was hurting. The gashes on her arms were stitched and bandaged, as the one on her leg. The one on her chest felt like heart burn, but it was not deep enough to stitch. She layed on clean sheets under a blanket. She looked around the empty room. She was alone. She stared at the ceiling, remembering her dream. She put her hands on her flat stomach. Was she pregnant? They did not use a condom. She layed there feeling sick. She wanted to tell Gerard her dream, to tell him what could happen. She waited, and waited. She felt her self get irritated at waiting. She got up and looked through the tiny window in the door. She stood on her toes to get a better look.

She saw him out there. With his head in his hands. She pulled herself up to see better, but it hurt her stitches in her arms. She hit her toe against the door and it made a loud noise. She gritted her teeth to not yell form the pain. She wanted to be quiet. Although that plan failed when Gerard took his head out of his hands and looked at the window through his hair. Catching her eyes. He stood up and waled to the door, looking at her through the window. Part of her wanted to rip through the door and kiss him, because he looked so good. The other part scared. They stood there for what seemed like hours staring at each other. It really had only been a few seconds. He opened the door and she stepped aside. He stood there so close to her, she felt the warmth of his body on her. She looked at his clothed chest. Remembering how the scars looked on his chest. She touched her hand and traced the scar through his cloths.

"How did you get it." She looked into his eyes. Her voice was actually concerned.
"Get what?" He sat down on the bed, and her in the metal chair. It felt weird switching places.
"That scar, On your chest." She found her eyes scanning his chest, remembering all the ones she saw.
He let out a half scoff, "Which one?" Her eyes grew weary, she wanted to know.
"All of them, tell me." He looked at her, and waited for a moment. Not moving.
"My father." She looked at her hands, not wanting to meet his eyes.
"Even the big one?" She continued not to look at him
"Big one?" He was not sure which one she meant. He never really looked at himself in the mirror, let alone wanted t look at the scars. Alyn stood up and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it off his torso. She traced it with her index finger.
"This one." She looked into his hazel eyes. He managed to speak, wanting so much for her to touch him again.
"Y-yeah, it was from him too. He was an angry man." She looked at all the scars. She looked and remembered the yellowed bruises. She lightly touched one, not sure if it was hurting still.
"And these?" He looked down and saw that she was touching a bruise. He wanted to tell her all about the fight Frank putt up, punching and kicking, but he did not want to ruin this moment.
"I don't remember." Alyn knew he was lying, it was either from Frank or Ray, her heart sunk at not really remembering them much anymore. She put her hands on his shoulders, and she felt like she should tell him about her dream.
"I had a dream." He looked at her confused as to why telling him that had any importance.
"And?" He gave her this confused and amused smile.
"And.. I was pregnant." His face went paler tan usual after that statement.
"W-Well, it was just a dream, probably meant nothing." He looked into her eyes and saw that they were very serious. He stood up and put his shirt back on.
"I will be back in a few." She glared at him, thinking this a horrible time to go anywhere.
"What ever." She sat back on the bed and did not watch him go out.

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