Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Holly Evans and the Spiral Path

Fresh Snow

by wordhammer 2 reviews

Fallout from the First Task turns into an argument about Hermione's future

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Fleur,Hermione,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-04-02 - Updated: 2010-04-02 - 13104 words - Complete

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related concepts are owned by someone who isn't me. I will never seek or accept money for the circulation of this work.

Holly Evans and the Spiral Path
Chapter 43
: Fresh Snow

The Tale of the Midnight Visits

Holly's hospital bed is partly curtained for privacy, but Holly can just see through the gaps in the fabric to the bed next to hers where Barty Crouch Jr. has been left until a decision as to his fate can be made. His sightless eyes are held closed by a sticking charm of some sort. Holly is discomforted by his open-mouthed drooling and occasional lolling of his head. His father is resting in the bed opposite, obscured by his own privacy screens. The Aurors stationed nearby are both nodding off in their chairs from boredom. On her opposite side is an empty bed and then the window, through which Holly can see the reflection of torchlight on the twinkling flakes of an early snowfall.

Holly seethes for a moment- the ankle bones of her left foot are being regrown and despite applying a Numbing charm to her left knee (against Madame Pomfrey's advice), pulses of pain still make it through. Holly silently muses, 'It's as if I'm being punished for defying the advice of the healer that rules this room by making the spell only partly effective- someday I hope she tells me how she does that.'

Winky the house-elf appears next to Holly's bed with a quiet 'Pop!', surprising Holly from her ruminations. Her sudden jerk in reaction causes a second flare of pain to shoot up from her ankle.

"Good grief, Winky! What's brought you here now?"

"M-mistress, can... may Winky... "

Holly notes that her servant keeps making sidelong glances at the other patients in the room.

"You want to look in on your Crouch's, is that it?"

The little elf nods emphatically.

"Winky, you must tell me what you can about how these two men have come to this circumstance. If you do this..."

Winky immediately starts hyperventilating and pulling at her ears in anxiety.

"Stop that! You're an Evans elf, now. Show some composure."

The elf settles down, though she continues to pull her ears down around her cheeks.

"Alright. If you tell me what you CAN, as in 'what they didn't tell you specifically NOT to say', I think we can arrange for you to spend some time with them. I certainly don't need your help very often, but don't get confused. You work for me, right?"

"Yes'm. Winky will... tells you... what she can."

Holly sits forward and props a pillow behind her so that she can sit up comfortably. Turning back to her servant, Holly sits for a minute staring at Winky's facial contortions. She gently encourages the elf when her patience starts running short. "Anytime, Winky."

"Yes, Mistress. Um... Mister Junior was a bad wizard and went to the cold island but Mums was sad and sick and Master went with Mums and switched them using the face-stealing drink. When Mums finally passes they bury her in Mister Junior's plot but Master keeps Mister Junior stupid with the glassy-eyes bad magic. Only, Winky wants Mister Junior to enjoy living and asks to takes him to the broom bash because Mister Junior always likes the matches but Mister Junior finds a rat before we go and then something happens Winky is not supposed to say. Then when Master lets Winky bring Mister Junior who isn't glassy-eyes to the match he goes away and steals a wand and makes the BAD MARK! Winky finds him and takes away his stolen wand but then the gold men capture Winky and Master is mad and sells her to Mistress."

"Uh... huh. Did you talk to either of them while they've been here?"

"No, Mistress. Winky did watch them when she could, but Winky am Mistress's elf and can't do things for her Crouch's anymore."

"Did they meet?"

"Yes. Master try to red-light Mister Junior while he was face-stealing the ugly old man but Mister Junior saws him coming with the redheadses' parchment and made him glassy-eyes instead. It was funny for a moment, but then Mister Junior says bad things about Master and gives him orders to make sure Mistress and her other self be hurt in the dragon-fighting. Mistress was very brave today."

"Thank you, Winky. Y'know, I really like that you're so loyal to both me and the Crouch's. I think you've done well."

Winky cries a little and rubs the edge of her tea towel across her cheeks to clear the tears. "Winky sees now why the bad elf likes Mistress so much. Can Winky help the Master Crouch when she's not needed by Mistress?"

"Let me talk to him about this first. I wouldn't want him to feel insulted."

Winky smiles and tears up some more before popping away. Holly sits back to think through what she's heard.

A bare whisper of the door opening calls her attention, and Holly sees Hermione entering the hospital wing. With a flick of her wand she Confunds the entrance bell that Hermione was about to trip and then tosses Newt down on the floor to finish scribing a wide anti-scrying circle. Hermione sidles past the privacy curtain and into the radius of protection. A moment later, Holly hears a squeak from the inky imp and she empowers the barrier with a quick wand dance.

Hermione takes notice of the circle's activation and reaches down to lift Newt back onto Holly's blanket. She whispers, "I hope I didn't wake you."

"Nah, I was up. This sort of pain would be great for exam prep if it weren't so distracting. Oh, and we can use normal voices within the circle. Just don't start yelling at me."

"I wasn't planning to."

"You rarely do, and yet..."

"Well, it's not like you don't induce a certain amount of hysteria. I doubt there's an adult in thirty miles that isn't busy trying to handle some aspect of the fallout from your actions today. The whole staff is running ragged on tea and Pepper-up."

"You don't seem hysterical."

"I've had time enough to think. Also I took a nap after supper. Wasn't... Harry supposed to be here as well?"

"Natalia's around here somewhere. I think she was trying to prank her fellow Aurors somehow but I haven't seen anything yet. What'd you think of my performance... -es?"

"As you already know I am very happy to see that you're alive, though I'm still at a loss to explain how you accomplished that. Did you watch the whole thing first and then Turn back to utilise the foreknowledge?"

"No. Padma wouldn't let me use the Turner for the Task as she saw it as cheating. Instead she helped Natalia and me to work out our switching scheme. I don't think she even watched the match as she was so disgusted with the idea of the competition as a whole. I decided not to tell her that I was already going to be cheating and just left her to believe otherwise."

"What do you mean 'cheating'?"

Holly sighs and looks Hermione in the eye. She says, very plainly, "I was competing under the influence of Felix Felicis. Liquid Luck." Holly watches Hermione carefully, anticipating her flustered indignation. She isn't disappointed.

"I... I... I can't believe you!"

"Oh, honestly Hermione! If you found out you had to face two dragons, wouldn't you do everything you could to make it go smoothly? It cost me a fair fortune to get some Felix here without anyone but Florean knowing it was for me, but I think it worked out for the best."

Holly grimaces as another pulse of pain from her recalcifying ankle makes its way past the Numbing charm. Hermione looks away from Holly's discomfort and calms herself before replying.

"Setting aside that you put your magic at risk by cheating; I'm not sure how the potion helped you. The idea of a potion affecting probability always seemed dodgy to me."

After a moment's concentration to bear through the extra-loud nerve signals, Holly offers an explanation.

"First of all, I wasn't risking anything but bad press. I looked it up; all I have to do is enter the arena at the start of each Task. I'll get a zero if I turn around and leave but that's as much as the 'ancient contract cup' can require of me. Not only is the Goblet of Fire merely compelling my attendance but I have it on good authority that cheating in the Tournament is nigh-on traditional. It's why we, ALL the competitors, knew that there were dragons ahead of time when we were explicitly not supposed to know anything until Bagman announced the rules."

"But you were mauled! And you chose the worst dragons! What sort of 'perfect day' is that?"

Holly shakes her head. "That doesn't mean it wasn't working, in fact I can assure you it worked quite well. They were the best dragons I could expect for my intentions, especially if you consider that I was competing against another champion on Felix. Someone with a better batch than mine, I'd say."

Holly looks meaningfully at Hermione for a bare second before her friend fits the clues together.


"Exactly- she pulled the easiest dragon and got perfect scores, as far as logic would allow. Karkaroff must've already decided that he wouldn't give better than a 'six' to the other champions, nor less than 'seven' to his own. Margaux probably took the potion just after her security inspection, and only an hour's dose to make sure later scrutiny wouldn't pick up traces of luck around her. I had to down my whole bottle as I had no idea how long it would take to finish both of my challenges. As it played out, I doubt her intent was anything more complicated than 'I want to win and not get injured or humiliated.' It seems Felix listens to that intent and leads you to the path that best suits your needs. It's weird how it makes your muscles twitch to lead you."

Hermione nods thoughtfully in understanding as Holly continues.

"As to my needs- Harry fought the worst dragon of the lot; he was provided exactly what he needed when he needed it; and he survived honourably, despite sabotage. His reputation will go through the roof! I ended up facing the slowest, most valuable dragon and succeeded in putting it down with a minimum of personal damage."

Hermione gives a skeptical look at Holly's ankle and bandaged left hand, expressing her doubt that she would agree with Holly's idea of 'minimal' with a challenging look. Holly smiles back at her and then adds another thought.

"Also, you and Ginny caught Barty Crouch, Junior."

"Yes. It's unfortunate that your luck wasn't enough to save him from the Minister's Dementor."

"'Unfortunate luck'- nice pun, but that may actually be a blessing in disguise for a few reasons. For one, I was nowhere near the confrontation that revealed Barty Junior so our dear Minister didn't have a reason or opportunity to toss his Dementor at me 'by accident'. Also with Junior's public de-braining Fudge's Ministry is under fire and finally, Riddle may still believe that we have no idea that he's around, given that his captured agent can't be interrogated."

Hermione finally relaxes into the chair beside Holly's bed.

"How did your Housemates take it? They seemed to be grousing quite a bit at dinner."

"Oh, I got a standing ovation when I went back to the dorm. Them acting like I'm a bitch who ruins everything is just how they show their love. Blaise Zabini even agreed to track back Margaux's Felix source for a fair fee."

"Still, it wasn't a 'perfect' day."

"Maybe not, but I wouldn't say it's false advertising either. It worked well enough for me on several other fronts to have made the purchase and smuggling worth the cost. While you were publicly punching our Minister (and I want a trip in the Pensieve of that memory), I was busy with the goblins who were thankfully interrupted from attacking me by Mr. Bagman and the twins. We even won our bets at eleven-to-one odds overall. Professor Snape is acting as my business partner in handling the dragon's corpse which should reduce his desire to see me in flames. Your kiss will hopefully put Ginny and other less-deserving fans off of pursuing Harry for a while. And now... you're here to start up a relationship that you made me vow not to encourage. You want to date Harry for real, right?"

Hermione bites her lip in trepidation before explaining. "Not... really. I mean, when I saw Harry just barely survive the Horntail I may have been swept up in my emotions, but I knew it was you. And I kissed you... only it was Natalia." Hermione's face darkens in remembered confusion.

"She told me. Actually, she re-enacted it for me."

"She appeared as ME?!"

"Yes, one of only two times I've asked her to do so. I have certain rules about our play in the bedroom. She can't be Harry and she can't be you. Also Sirius, Remus and anyone appearing over forty or under fourteen is verboten."


"Because it's supposed to be fun-weird, not therapy-weird. I'm considering an exception for Sean Connery as he's aged well."

"No, I mean why not me? It seems the obvious choice if you missed me."

Holly sits up a little, staring at Hermione with a pained expression.

"Are you joking?"

Hermione returns Holly's stare for a moment before a blush and a smile reveals her understanding that Holly's feelings remain strong for her.

"Holly, I... I don't know what to say."

Holly groans and shakes her head in frustration.

"If this isn't about dating then what did you come here to say, Hermione?"

Hermione rises from the chair and sits down at the edge of Holly's bed, turning to face her friend. Placing both hands on Holly's shoulders, Hermione stares deeply into Holly's eyes.

"I want you... to make me a woman. Please make love to me... as Harry?"

Hermione's request ends weakly and the nervous girl bites on her lower lip again. Holly returns Hermione's gaze without betraying any emotion. Hermione continues to hold her breath until Holly breaks the silence with a question.

"And then what?"


"What happens next? Do we go steady? Would like to buy a pet owl together?"

"No! It's as I said. I just want to... get this out of the way. I want to stop worrying about sex and just have it and I certainly don't want my first time with a boy to be some painful fumble in a broom closet. I trust you to treat me well in this. And I am... very fond of you."

Holly's tone of skepticism becomes more obvious.

"But only enough to express it to Harry. I wouldn't have guessed you wanted a courtesy fuc- "

Hermione interrupts Holly's crude retort. "I FIND IT SIMPLER... to relate to you as Harry when my feelings come on so strong in this way. I am... insanely jealous of your relationship with Miss Tonks. It would have been me by your side if not for Luna's meddling. And I want to be a part of this greater purpose you've been pursuing and I'm tired of having only a portion of the facts about what's going on! All of this leads to me taking a brave step, so here I am. I... I want you to give me the Mark."

Holly squints at Hermione. The girl catches her breath when she notices the anger in Holly's expression.

"Get the fuck out of here."

Hermione begins to protest.

"Holly! I just- "

"No! You come here asking for one thing but wanting another and you think that demonstrates trust? Get OUT! Keep away from me! And don't say another word about this to anyone!"

Hermione nervously steps away and back from the bed, though the privacy circle 'nudges' her from retreating too far. Her whole face is twisted in fear and frustration.

"You don't know how hard it is to be your friend! Being close to you gets people hurt, you know? I realised this and I still... oh forget it!"

Holly watches anxiously as Hermione turns to bolt out of the room.

"Wait! Hermione, please wait!"

Hermione stops but doesn't turn around. Holly can hear the Gryffindor sobbing behind her mass of hair.

"I'm sorry. You're right; I don't know how hard it's been for you. I'm... in pain right now so I'm a bit bitchy and I took it out on you. Just don't try and TRICK me into something. Figure out what you want and then we can discuss it. Later."

Hermione turns partially to give Holly a somber look and then walks past the circle and privacy curtains. Holly can hear her quieting her sniffles before she finally passes through the doors to the corridor beyond.

Moments later, Natalia appears from out of the darkness behind Holly's bed to stand to Holly's left, looking past the curtains towards the exit with a pained expression. The metamorph whispers, "What d'you think she'll do?"

Holly sighs and leans back in her bed.

"I really want her to walk away but I don't think she's going to. What do you think?"


Holly almost growls back in frustration.

"No- my tolerance for lying just quintupled in a strange cheese-related epiphany. Yes, honestly!"

"I... ummm... well if you don't want her to come along, you shouldn't make it so enticing, Hols."

Holly looks at Natalia with growing impatience.

"Talia, what were you GOING to say?"

Natalia looks away and starts to tear up.

"I... I don't want to lose you. I think she's gonna keep asking for the Mark and once she has it you won't need me anymore."

Holly's face falls in surprise. She sits up and reaches out to grasp her lover's hand.


"(Sniff) yeah?"

"If this wasn't a war, I'd quit school and marry you. Hermione was my first love. You are my best."

Natalia spins to look at Holly, startled by the heartfelt statement. Natalia steps forward tentatively, seeming as if she doesn't believe this is real.

"Y-you w-want t-to... t-to... "

Holly smiles sadly at Natalia.

"Make babies. Own an orchard. Raise sheep and name them after Ministry officials. Yah. With you. We just can't do that until this insanity passes. Which could take decades..."

Natalia rushes in and kisses Holly with both hands cupping the injured girl's face. Holly smiles while enjoying the snog. Natalia pulls back to end the kiss but keeps hold of Holly with trembling fingers, resting her head against Holly's forehead.

"It kills me that the only reason we're not doing that is because you're ten times more responsible than anyone thinks you are."

Holly slowly shakes her head without breaking their closeness, though her smile fades.

"It's not just that. Prophesy has power. If I shirk my duty on this I'm fairly convinced my Hell on Earth will continue until either Riddle is gone or I am. Burnt orchard. Sheep with anthrax. Stillborn babies. And you dead from a delivery truck that you tripped under. It's why I don't mind Poppy giving me such grief. I suffer enough pain to balance out the good and maybe Fate will let it slide that you're in my life."

"You hope." Natalia disengages from their nuzzling and moves back to sit at the foot of the bed.

Holly closes her eyes for a moment.

"I pray. AIGGHH! Gerroff! You're sitting on my ankle!"

Natalia jumps up to wobble in place and then reaches out to pat an apology to Holly's injured extremity, stopping just shy of touching when she realises that it might make things worse.

"SORRY! Sorry! Ooohhh, sorry there, love."

Holly moans and slumps back on the bed, rolling her eyes for a moment before looking back at Natalia with a wry smile.

"I forgive you. It's like you're just doing your part, karmically. (Groan!)"



27th November, 1994

Minerva's Visit

Just past dawn, Minerva enters the hospital wing. She gives a dismissive nod to one of the two sullen Aurors standing guard, noting that the skin on his face has been tinted blue since last night. Even her proper grace is showing the effects of the night without sleep as she makes little note of the prank and simply passes into the privacy of Holly's circle. The professor quickly takes the chair next to Holly's bed and sighs in relief as her joints are finally given some rest.

Deciding not to rouse Holly immediately, Minerva sits back to regard her god-daughter. She whispers to herself in fatigued rumination.

"You look so innocent, sleeping there. It seems almost deceptive. How am I to fulfill this role if I can't help but distrust your motives, even in rest? I don't blame you for your choices, I suppose, but I cannot see how best to guide you to a better path when even I must admit that fair play in yesterday's Task would only have brought you to an early grave!"

Minerva leans forward to lightly brush Holly's hair away from her face.

"And yet, you confound me. You've chosen to deny Hermione's request for the Mark even though it seems so advantageous for you. Certainly Miss Granger would be an asset in the struggle and I have no doubt that her proclivities would bend more appreciably towards sharing your bed once more. Instead you seem... offended by the idea."

Minerva leans back into the chair, her face briefly showing sadness.

"Perhaps it's time for me to give up the pretense of guiding you."

Holly's face begins to darken; her sleep becomes troubled and soon she is flailing her head back and forth on the pillow. Minerva jolts herself from her distraction and rouses the girl just as she is beginning to seethe in pain.

Holly's eyes snap open and she immediately speaks a word of warning. "Bedpan!"

Minerva retrieves the bowl in time to catch Holly's sick.

"Was it a nightmare, Holly?"

Holly spits once more into the porcelain and lies back onto the bed, shaking her head. "No. Mr. Riddle was merely expressing his frustration over the morning edition of the Prophet. When I'm asleep I'm more likely to be affected by his anger." Holly waves a hand over her mouth, applying a Freshening charm. She then dons her frameless glasses and looks over to her visitor with clear vision.

"Hi, Mum. You look tired. You want to borrow a bed? The one by the window is unoccupied."

"Thank you, no. Injured champions may be able to take the day off, but I assure you that my day has barely begun. I merely wished to see that your recovery was proceeding apace."

"It is. I'll be out of here this afternoon, if Madame Pomfrey stays true to form. Can you tell me anything about your night?"

Minerva stares at Holly for a minute, considering the idea with a scowl. "I suppose that would be prudent, at the least. It seems your 'lucky day' has made many other people's lives more difficult."

"Ah. I take it you aren't pleased with something you've read recently. I should have known Newt would want to cover that. Can I beg a favour? Can we not go over my crimes until after you've told me what else is happening?"

Minerva grumbles before responding. "As a favour then. One I shall call on you to return."

Holly nods in agreement.

After a brief sigh, Minerva settles herself into the chair and begins.

"Rather than explain the progress of these events it might be simpler to just tell you where things stand. Amelia Bones has dropped any inquiry into the questionable actions of our Minister, as her political capital is being used to protect her position. Director Crouch's situation with his son has led to his dismissal, which is part of the reason for Ms. Bones' retreat- somehow her department is being blamed for allowing him to operate while under the control of his insane son. All this before Bartemius has even awoken to give a statement, mind you.
"Alastor Moody was interviewed by Madame Bones and then moved to a private care facility for treatment of his injuries and malnutrition. This has been a blow to his ego and I don't expect him to take up his teaching role until after the holidays. Miss... Tonks will be filling in for him in the interim, as she is his apprentice."

"Natalia? She didn't say anything about it."

"She doesn't know yet. I am still stumping for Madame Maxime to instruct the later years for us. She is a capable instructor with a Mastery in Defense. It only remains to see whether she can be convinced to contribute her time and skills."

"I hope she does. It'd be a refreshing change to learn from a qualified instructor."

"You've been trained by Miss Tonks, haven't you?"

"I meant for other people. I don't think Natalia can legally use the same incentive program with other students as she used with me." Holly grins knowingly.

"Ahem. Yes. Well. The international community is both concerned by and intrigued with our activities. Their usual diplomat has been lost in a scandal and Albus is working himself to exhaustion to cover Mr. Crouch's responsibilities until a new Director of International Cooperation can be assigned. I believe Minister Fudge intends to drag his heels on that issue, as it forces Albus into a position of spending much of his time in negotiations. In addition, the sheer spectacle of this Tournament has caught the attention of educators and sports fans across the globe. There seems to be early indications that the Tournament will continue to be held every two years from now on, with up to twenty schools competing in a wide variety of events."

Holly smiles. "Never let it be said that my involvement only leads to catastrophe."

"We shall see. Along with Albus handling the diplomatic details, we have Percy Weasley managing Mr. Crouch's administrative duties. He'll probably sit in as judge for the second task."

"Has anyone told him about Penny's ghost?"

"Not that I am aware. That is a troubling notion, though. I shall have to mention it to Sir Nicholas and see what he advises."

"Anything else?"

"Well as I understand it, Severus is quite pleased though also preoccupied in preparing to render another remarkable creature for its valuable components. I would compliment you for your insight... were it not derived from your perfidious behavior!"

Holly sighs. "So we're back to this then?"

"Cheating, Holly? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at this point. After reading about your wagers using the Weasleys and (Good Grief!) Astoria Greengrass?! This is beyond the pale! It is inexcusable!"

"Good thing I'm not asking for one, then."

Minerva's tone shifts threateningly. "Holly..."

The young witch responds with annoyance. "Mum, I can't begin to express how little the rules of the Tournament and good sportsmanship mean to me right now."

"It may mean nothing that Holly Evans subverts the Tournament, but what of Harry Potter? You put his reputation at risk as well!"

"Which is why I shouldered the burden for it! If Harry was detected, which was nearly impossible since I didn't take the stuff until after Natalia was inspected, I would have stepped forward to say it was my doing. THEY WERE DRAGONS! I can't believe everyone else made it through! And I can only assume you now realise that I wasn't the only one worried enough about it to cheat!"

"Yes, and your vows prevent me from confronting Miss Magritte over the travesty!"

"It'd be the pot calling the kettle dense, Mum! The only reason there are seven competitors is because you twisted the rules to cover for my involvement as two people. The international community has it right- this isn't sports, it's spectacle!"

"And playing to this spectacle required you to kill a dragon?"

"The spectacle had very little to do with it. This serves our purposes."

"How does this have anything to do with defeating the Dark Lord?"

"Mum, putting down Riddle is only a milestone; a huge one, but not the end of anything. Even Albus understands that."

"How can you say that? Destiny has placed you in this position-"

"Albus has placed me in this position, Mum. He set up Lily to die for the cause but he still needs me to finish the job. It's just one obligation for me; like cleaning the toilet because no one else can stomach the smell. The thing is, the moment Riddle is gone there will be an opportunity to force change, to ride on the wave of sentiment generated for his vanquishers to uncover the extent of his influence. Albus took a similar opportunity when he defeated Grindelwald to set himself up as the voice of authority and reason for magical Europe. Like Alexander, he only created an empire for a generation. Stupid, really. Albus must have known he wasn't going to have children without compromising some important personal tastes..."

"But what has this to do with your perfidy?!"

"Perfidy. Huh. Y'know, it doesn't apply to ruses of war. The money from the dragon is to replace the money I would have had if Albus hadn't so completely fucked... I mean, failed to serve the interests of the Potters. I need that money and probably a bunch more in order to gain access to resources- people, places, things and most importantly- secrets.
"When I go to bribe someone, I need for them to believe I'll pay well for what I'm asking and that there's more where that came from. No one believes I have access to the Black resources in London because the Malfoys know better and have spread the word. Bribable people WILL believe I'm independently rich and absolutely dangerous, now.
"This is the starting point that will hopefully enable us to uncover the true sources of evil. I want to break the magical world out from under the yoke of pureblood rule and goblin economic enslavement. That's my war. If you can't see the value in that, you should just... sit back and teach magic."

Minerva scowls at Holly's derisive look but decides not to chastise her for it. A quiet moment of thought passes.

"You said when we spoke in Lily's... in the Madhouse that you needed a plan. I didn't realise that you had come up with one."

Holly rubs her forehead in frustration. "Several, actually. Almost all are incomplete, but the only ones that don't involve me needing huge sums of money are for retiring to New Zealand with Natalia or becoming a paid assassin."

"I would support you if you wished to follow the former..."

"Even if Europe burns from my absence? Are you ready to shoulder the burden of protecting the next generation of witches that will be traded like cattle as sex slaves if Riddle returns to power?"

In answer to Minerva's confused look, Holly taps at the Scar on her forehead.

"I know what his revels looked like in the past and what's more they didn't upset the goblins too much, if I gauge their values correctly. I may have greater plans but I recognise that Riddle's return threatens everything. Given that his allies hold the majority of the money and influence in this world, the goblins can at best be expected to stand neutral. So long as Riddle has enough sense to pay them off, the goblins won't care who dies and might even join in the fun so long as it doesn't break a treaty.
"Tom's return will bind together the worst parts of my disparate enemies into a juggernaut- one that doesn't even pretend to abide by the restrictions of civility. Can the wizarding world defeat the combined might of a returned Dark Lord with a reputation for invincibility, allied with the corruption that rots our very society, and with the support of the only magical race that repeatedly has forced wizards to negotiate for peace?"

"I suppose not. Nonetheless, this is not the way!"

Holly sits back, her expression blank with fatigue.

"Mum, I need to rest. I'll see you in class."

Holly turns to lay with her back to Minerva. The elder witch looks about to restart the argument when she notices the time and grudgingly rises to head for the Great Hall, and breakfast.


I love you both. Please stop fighting.



The Tale of French Attention

It is around two in the afternoon when Holly enters the Great Hall for the first time since before the First Task of the Tournament. Initially, scattered applause echoes from a few small groups, but the main glut of people in the room are focusing their attention around one woman. Fleur Delacour is sitting up on an embroidered pillow in the middle of the Ravenclaw table, lavishing her audience with her presence. Holly sits down at the nearby Slytherin table to catch a late lunch; the crowd parts to give Fleur an unobstructed path for her scrutiny.

"Miss Evans finally shuffles from l'opital! Is it not wonderful to see her wounds have scabbed enough to eat wiz the 'umans once more?"

Quiet laughter runs through the assembled crowd. Holly grabs a goblet of juice and downs it in one long draw.

"Oh la! I was unsure if you 'ad recovered enough mental stability to recognize dishware."

Another wave of chuckles passes. Holly bristles slightly and grabs a pair of bacon sandwiches, placing them in her rucksack. Standing from the table, she grabs an apple from the fruit bowl, takes a bite from it and turns to face the tittering throng.

"(Munch, munch, munch.) Miss Delacour."

"Evans. I was just recalling ze details of ze First Task with all of your fellow students, but zey did not seem to be 'appy zat you are champion for zem. Zey seem to zink zat you dis'onour zem. I believe zey should afford you some patience, for surely it must be 'ard to understand such complicated instructions as 'do not kill anyzing!' Would you say your performance was rated so 'orribly because you did not understand ze rules or because you are simply a murderous beast?"

Rather than titters of amusement, the crowd makes a low 'Ooooh!' in recognition of the challenge. Holly shrugs and takes another bite from her apple.

"Certainly, ze Beauxbatons champions have been able to perform in this Tournament with grace and poise. Tell me, are you familiar wiz zese terms?"

A simple swipe of her thumb to catch some juice from the edge of her mouth is Holly's only answer.

"I was impressed by your shaggy mutt illusion. Does it speak in your voice because you have never heard a dog, or because you see yourself as one, per'aps?"

Muttered admonitions of 'Cor!' and 'That's cold!' accompany the laughter amongst the rest of the crowd. Tension within this assembly rises as all eyes focus on one or the other of the woman champions.

Holly takes a last bite from the apple and Vanishes the core with a swirl of her fingers. Fleur pauses for a moment having noticed the trick, but smirks slightly in derision.

"Do you 'ave an opinion? Or 'ave you lost ze capacity to speak while rutting wiz foul creatures?"

Holly clears her throat and speaks quietly, though nearly a hundred people nearby can hear her in the relative silence. "I have many opinions. I choose when to share them, usually if I think it will make a difference."

Fleur leans forward with a harsh gaze. "What I most do not understand is why some people seem to zink zat your pat'etic and gross performance is somezing to be admired."

"I don't know. I don't care. If popular opinion means so much to you, I'll leave you to the mystery. Seems pretty weak coming from the girl that can magically command a room's attention just by smiling."

The crowd inches forward, a few readying their wands in case a shielding charm is called for. Fleur is not smiling, and her derision is obvious.

"Zere is nothing 'weak' about proclaiming when I see a terrible person acting poorly. Zat is why I wish everyone to know my feelings- to warn zem about you!"

Holly blinks slowly before responding.

"I'm sure they know more about me than you do. That's perhaps why you aren't satisfied to leave them to their own judgment. Anyone thinking for themselves is not spending their time thinking about you. If you're feeling cold without universal devotion, I suggest you eat more of the stew. Your French fare seems little more than snacks to accompany wine, and the cold actually hurts if you don't pack some fat into your diet to insulate from it. You should count your blessings. Last year we had Dementors haunting the grounds."

Fleur actually becomes paler at that thought. "H-how did you survive? Or were you unaffected because of your cold heart?"

"Smart girls would share beds. You'd have to make friends with someone to do that. Thus in your case, I recommend the stew."

"As if I had to worry about warming my bed! Ehm... I... zat is to say... you are simply a beast who would sleep wiz goats to keep herself warm!"

Holly smiles, turns her back to Fleur and walks away. Hogwart's few openly pro-Holly onlookers quietly cheer each other and give knowing looks. Fleur shrinks visibly for just a moment, and then recaptures her regal poise with a 'Hmph!'


I'm not sure what Mum sees in this girl anymore.



28th November, 1994

Since Newt asked, I'll just say that I think Fleur is a very isolated and lonely person. I can see her drowning in a situation like hers which is not too dissimilar from mine, only with positive attention creating the isolation in her case. She could use a real friend who understands the idea of wearing masks and hating the person you pretend to be.

It's either that or she's just a bitch and I'm projecting. I'm hoping to figure it out soon, because she's really distracting and I'd hate to feel compelled to kill her during the next Task just so I can relieve myself of the burden of her continued proximity.

Truth is, her Allure is really irritating. Most girls just feel jealous or humbled by the effect. As I am both partly male and an Alpha female if ever there was one, I am at once challenged, annoyed and sexually stimulated EVERY FUCKING TIME I BUMP INTO THAT...

Sorry Mum. I'll try to keep it under control. Carving up the dragon should keep me out of her way for awhile. And yours.



1st December, 1994

The (very short) Tale of the Wrong Secret

Margaux Magritte walks along the edge of the Black Lake alone this night. She exhales a great sigh of contentment and wraps her arms around herself beneath her cloak.

Holly steps out of the darkness and her Disillusionment, startling Margaux from her reverie.

"Muffliato. I know your secret, Miss Magritte."

Margaux spins around in a panic until she stops, facing Holly. The French girl quivers in fear.

Holly steps forward. "It took a little digging, but I tracked down your... family connection, and-"

Margaux drops to the ground in front of Holly, clutching at her robes and sobbing loudly. "IT WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE ONCE! We never meant to go as far as we did. Mathieu and I... it isn't the same with other boys. Always, always it was him I compared them to, and always he... he... "

Margaux looks up into Holly's startled expression. "You... you didn't mean that secret, did you?"

"Uh, no. I was referring to the Felix Felicis from your great-uncle's apothecary shop in Bonn. Hand over what you have left so I won't feel compelled to destroy your reputation. I might even become a loyal customer, if his other stock is as well-made."

"I... I have no more."

Holly glares down into Margaux' eyes, sending a wave of fear through the girl's body. "That wasn't a request. I know about potions; you used at most a half-dozen drops."

Margaux reaches beneath her cloak to pull a small medallion from around her neck. She hands it to Holly somewhat reluctantly.

Holly accepts the pendant, holding it up in front of the lights from the castle. It is designed like a four-part hourglass with different liquids stored in each ampoule. The golden-mercury of Felix sloshes attractively inside the bottom chamber. "Tell me something. When you took the dose, what were you thinking? What I mean is; what were your intentions?"

"I... I was petrified to compete. Fleur and I were told about the dragons and I had such fear, for all of us! I wanted to succeed as quickly as I could and for none of the champions to lose their life. I have never seen death before. I do not know how I will find the courage to enter the arena again."

"Not my problem. I get a hint that you're using Felix again and reputable friends of mine will inform your Headmistress and the other champions. I don't think Fleur would be very forgiving about how you bested her."

"No she would not. I understand. But what of my... other secret?"

Holly shrugs. "You brother's cute. I see what you like. Just don't have kids together."

Margaux tears up again, sobbing into Holly's robes once more. "Merci! Merci, Holly!"



This makes me wonder 'exactly what is it that we're trying to preserve?' Still, Holly was nice enough to her, don't you think?



4th December, 1994

The Tale of Grue

Holly is working in the arena on dissecting the Ukrainian Ironbelly, using her Lignum Vitae wand to slice apart sections of flesh and cauterize organ openings. Professor Snape has engaged some of his NEWT-level potions students to aid in the corpse rendering. These other students seem to relegate themselves to the hide or claws, leaving Professor Snape and Holly to handle the more complicated parts of the anatomy.

Hermione enters the arena proper and is stopped by a tall boy from Hufflepuff. Once identified, she is directed over to an opening on the left side, made by the removal of three ribs earlier in the week. The stench of the carcass nearly overwhelms her, but once she settles her stomach, Hermione soldiers on to find Holly kneeling within the chest cavity. Hermione only recognises the short witch for her size and the barest hint of burgundy hair at the end of her plait. It's the only part that's not tinted muddy-grey with the accumulation of damp or dried dragon fluids.

"'And I thought they smelled bad on the outside.' How can you stand the stench?"

Holly tosses a small jar behind her that lands at her friend's feet.

"Mentholatum. Professor Snape has experience with this, as you might remember."

Hermione dabs some of the white paste under her nostrils and then steps forward to hand the jar back to Holly. "Is the snow making things difficult?"

Holly pulls out of her work area and turns to face Hermione, her combat goggles glistening with fresh grue. Holly smiles as she pockets the salve.

"Not at all. It's helping to keep some of the more fragile organs fresh enough to recover them- lucky break, that. Besides, if it weren't cold I'd be doing this in just an apron and gloves, and you know how Professor McGonagall prefers for me to remain clothed when in sight of the other students."

Holly stands up, lifting a spongy purple-grey mass above her head. "Sir, is this the spleen?"

Snape calls back from across the corpse. "Secondary spleen. Encase it in salt."

Holly sits back down and surreptitiously pulls out her ash wand. She swishes it around the noxious lump until it is wrapped in a cube of translucent rock.

"Still having problems with Transfiguration using the new wand?" Hermione asks.

Holly resheathes the ash wand and returns to using her primary weapon. "Yeah. It feels like I'm trying to draw schematics with a crayon. It's just not made for anything but Charms and Curses. Works great for those, of course. I doubt the Tongue-tying Hex would have taken hold without the boost."


Holly gives Hermione a playfully threatening look before continuing in her dissection.

Hermione steps closer and crouches down to make the conversation more private. "I just wanted to know if you had reconsidered my request. I want this. I'm tired of knowing only a part of the truth, Holly."

"Muffliato. Yes, I can sense your frustration. No, I'm not going to Mark you. Stop asking."

"Why are you being so stubborn about this? You need my help and you won't trust me completely without the Mark to ensure the integrity of my mind. What do I have to do to convince you that I am ready for this?"

"I don't think it's a matter of mental preparation. You couldn't do some of the things that I've done or that Natalia has done for me, just by your nature. This isn't noble work."

"You make it sound like you want to be seen as evil."

"I do! In fact, sometimes it's hard to tell... whether I'm just faking it anymore. I did murder a mother of six last week, after all. Dragons may not be human but they are self-aware. I just don't feel that bad because it was gladiatorial- she was trying to kill me, too."

"I suppose Hagrid isn't too pleased with you at this point."

"Hah! There's an understatement. Luna's still trying to convince him that these were special circumstances and that this one was a right bitch besides. I'll know she's convinced him if I'm invited back to class."

"I can't say you're missing much. The Blast-ended Skrewts have killed most of each other in a battle of ascension."

"Yeah, I think that's the basis of Luna's argument." Holly continues to carve apart sections of dragon flesh, occasionally referring to a rough diagram on parchment tacked to a curved bone laying nearby. "Hermione, I know you mean well but have you really considered what you're asking for? You say you want in, full disclosure, but you really haven't had to face the choices I've made. Marking Natalia was a hard choice but one of the easiest to execute once we were resolved, yet you reacted to it as heresy. It's why I've kept you away from so much. I WANT to confess my sins to you. I could use the sympathy and understanding but I don't think you'll feel that I deserve it once it's all said."

"Holly, of course you deserve- "

"I executed Flint by smashing his pelvis to mush, binding him face up onto a table and using Gryffindor's sword to cut off the top of his skull."

"I... knew about that..."

"I didn't have to kill him. He was down. I had a wand. I CHOSE to take his life, brutally. I used the blade for the irony of killing a Pureblood with a muggle weapon. Also for the catharsis."

Hermione gulps. She nods, indicating Holly should continue.

"The only reason Vernon is alive is because I promised Minerva I wouldn't kill anyone if I didn't have to. Even so, if the shotgun had had a fourth shell Aunt Petunia would be another headless victim of mine."

Hermione smiles a little in a moment of dark humour. "You really are lost without me."

"I don't know that you could have stopped me, but I was happier with you in my life. More forgiving. Whether that was just a matter of timing..."

"I assume that there's more."

"I had Dobby kill another elf that was caught spying on a conversation in Professor McGonagall's office."

"You... you ordered Dobby to kill another House-elf and he did it?"

"Yes. That's why Minerva made me promise not to kill anything else in the first place. And I've already broken that promise, as you can see. She hasn't looked me in the eye in a week. It's also why Dobby isn't allowed at Hogwarts."

"A-anything... else?"

Holly sits back on her heels and sighs. She pushes the goggles up to her forehead and turns to face Hermione, giving her a look to hold her attention.

"I... had to get out of Azkaban. I created a Simulacrum using an egg, Harry's sperm and other stuff like my blood and unicorn blood. It should have been an automaton, but it ended up being a full-sized clone of me without memories. In the end I had to kill her- sorry, it- with my bare hands."

Hermione wrinkles her brow in confusion.

"An egg. Do you mean one of your hybrid eggs?"


Realisation crosses Hermione's face and she loses her balance, landing on her backside amongst the muck.

"Oh GOD! You... created your own child, left it in Azkaban and then went back and ki- ...kil- ...kkkk!"

Hermione twists to her knees and sicks onto the snowy grass of the arena.

"I take it we've reached an impasse."

Hermione's retching becomes sobs of horror and grief.

"I... have to... "

"Go. And stop bugging me about this."

Holly resets the goggles over her eyes and shuffles back into the carcass. Snape approaches as Hermione dashes off.

"Granger couldn't handle the gruesome reality, I take it?"

Holly pulls back from her work holding another Quaffle-sized lump of tissue, this one greenish-grey.

"Exactly that. What's this?"

Professor Snape stares for a moment, his face becoming more agitated as he thinks. Snape nods with anger and frustration.

"That... is a tumour! Damnit! The whole lymphatic system is useless!"

Snape storms off to destroy some clay pottery across the field. Holly thinks for a moment and then smiles, dumping the greyish mass into a nearby bucket.

"Yeah, but I think Hagrid just might forgive me for this now!"



10th December, 1994

The Tale of Switching Partners

Holly enters the Great Hall for lunch to find that the mid-day meal is quite abuzz with the interest in the recently-announced Yule Ball. She takes note of Hermione gesturing for her to join the witch at the end of the Gryffindor table and Holly nods in agreement. Holly sits down across from Hermione and the girls stare at each other for a moment before simultaneously taking action- Hermione scribes a noise-repelling rune and Holly whispers 'Muffliato' with her wand raised between them.

Hermione leans forward as Holly fills her plate from the platters nearby. "No matter what else goes on between us, we always seem to be of a similar mind, don't you think?"

"Not exactly, but I'd be hard pressed to find anyone as smart as you are, who is also willing to openly spend time with me. It must be your forgiving nature."

"I just know you better."

"This is leading towards something..."

"I've... thought about things. I'm sorry about before- I clumped together two topics because they seemed related. Let me be clear, now. I want Harry to take my virginity. I'm not trying to make your life difficult. I just can't trust anyone else in this more than I trust you. I know you'll be kind and patient, and as I'm... dreadfully frightened over this I can't think of anyone else who I would want with me as I take on this rite of passage."

"Did you ask your Mum first?"

"No. This is my decision. My choice. I'm making it as an adult, so I don't see why I should run to mummy for advice about it."

Holly breaks into a genuine smile. "Good for you! To be honest, this is a bit weird for me. I've missed you in my life and I always enjoyed sharing pleasure with you. I still dream about it sometimes. Give me a little time, would you? I agree in principle but I'd like to make arrangements both logistically and in my heart."

Hermione grins with relief and delight. "That's very fair. Thank you for this, Holly."

Hermione reaches across the table and her hand is joined by Holly's. The two girls stare meaningfully at each other for several moments in this position. It is in this arrangement that Viktor Krum finds them as he steps up to speak, first snapping a formal bow. Hermione rubs away her rune before looking up to acknowledge the stout man in his red and black uniform.

"Holly. Hermy... Herriony... Miss Granger. I am unsure how to speak this, but I believe you are couple, yes?

Holly smiles up at the Bulgarian. "Viktor, we are very close friends, but only that. Does this have to do with the Yule Ball?"

"Yes. I am... undesiring to attend with some... fan-girl and respect both of your courage and... calm. I can stand as a less politically-charged substitute for your wish to attend together- "

Hermione shakes her head emphatically and interrupts Viktor's offer.

"Viktor! Viktor, I'm not a lesbian."

"Gave it up for Lent, she did."

"Hush! I am not, nor am I in need of a date for the Ball as I will be attending with Harry." Hermione then turns an annoyed look at Holly. "...and Lent is in the Spring!"

"Like I'd know that."

Neville had just walked into the Great Hall and now sits down next to Hermione, giving a quick nod to Viktor that is politely returned. Holly nods towards Neville as well and then turns back to address the other part of Hermione's statement. “Going with Harry, are you?”

Hermione returns a challenging look. “Try and stop me.”

“But why would I? I love seeing you with my brother.”

Viktor's face falls, barely. “Oh. So you and Harry are a real couple? Press and truth are often far divided. Is confusing when they are correct. Also, you seem close to each other.”

Hermione shakes her tangled curls briefly. “It's not that Holly and I aren't close, it's just... she's not my type.”

"Yah, Hermione likes a quiet evening with a good book. I'm usually plotting the downfall of society."

Viktor gives Holly a concerned scowl. Neville looks up for a moment, shrugs and then continues with his lunch.

Hermione and Holly share a look before Holly continues. "...or learning card tricks. I can never remember. Anyway, Viktor. I can’t help you either, as I'm going with Neville."

Hermione smiles at Holly in surprise and Neville looks up from eating his stew with a slight panic. "I am? I m-mean, you are?"

Holly looks down at her wristwatch.

"Yeah, Nev. Remember, there's a reason I got better marks in Divination than you. You should be asking me aaaany second now."

Holly looks up and stares expectantly at Neville, matching Hermione's fascinated stare. Neville nervously glances over at Holly, then up at Viktor, over at Hermione and then back to Holly. Several moments pass until the boy's panicked look subsides into an almost-firm resolve.

"Uhh, H-Holly, will you go to the Yule Ball wimme?"

Holly fakes a troubled rumination.

"Cor, Nev. I don't know... this international Quidditch star just asked me, but yeah, okay, I'll go with you."

"Brilliant!" Neville gets up from the table and walks off, grinning from ear to ear but forgetting his lunch entirely.

Holly watches his departure with a warm smile. "Yes, I am."

Krum turns back from watching Neville totter off and smiles at Holly.

"You use me to embolden your friend?"

"Yah. No hard feelings?"

The usually taciturn man tilts his head back and lets out an amused bark.

"HAH! No. Is best laugh since Ilya dyed all hats pink!"

Hermione turns a curious look at the Bulgarian as he sits down in Neville's spot and begins eating his stew.

"But Viktor, all your hats at the Welcoming Feast were mink-brown..."

Krum smiles and explains.

"Yes. Was silver like school colours, until Izarek happened. Karkaroff very upset. Still a year from leaving, is Ilya. Maybe Headmaster put him in tournament to finally be rid of him!"

Holly smirks and tilts her head.

“He’s like an East European Marauder!”

Hermione tilts her head to match Holly's as Viktor nods in agreement.

“Much like a pirate, yes. Though not as actual a rapist, just good with girls. More comfortable than me, anyway. Except with you two. This is why I thought you were of Sapphos. You do not giggle.”

Holly nods in sympathetic agreement. "Yeah, we don't have much use for useless laughter. A real moment of humour though..."

Viktor smiles through his spoonful of stew and swallows. "Did you hear one about Ilya's dance partner?"

Holly smiles back, nodding. "I heard him ask Tracey Davis while in the process of declining Daphne's come-hither dance." Holly turns to Hermione. "Greengrass says 'Oh, Ilyaaa! Is there something you'd like to ask me? (Tee hee, giggle.)' and he says- "

Viktor interjects, "'Da! Please would you step aside so that I can ask the beautiful Miss Davis if she will grace this poor fool by attending Ball.' Bah ha ha ha ha ha haaah!" Viktor slaps the table loudly in enjoyment of the tale causing Hermione to jump slightly, though she doesn't seem annoyed by the surprise. "The taller girl was like harpy when angry! Later Ilya says, he says 'Who knew arm-candy could spoil so quickly?'"

All three enjoy the comedy for a moment. Once their laughs have quieted, Viktor adds, "Ilya is good friend and best fan-shield I could want. He and Stanis make fame bearable."

Holly smiles back as she regards Viktor thoughtfully. "Sounds like men worth knowing."

Hermione touches Viktor on the arm to catch his attention. Holly notes that the Bulgarian blushes slightly with the contact but the Gryffindor presses on, oblivious.

“Viktor, I think I know who you might like to bring to the Ball if you’re looking for an attractive, amusing but controlled dance partner...”


A half-hour later finds Holly and Hermione leading Viktor into a sunlit courtyard where Ginny Weasley is sitting cross-legged on a low wall, reading from her Charms text. The area has been cleared of snow and the sunlight seems to be keeping the cold winds at bay, making this an unexpectedly comfortable outdoor hiding spot for mid-December.

Viktor looks over the young but fanciable girl for a moment and then turns to give Holly and Hermione a nod of approval. Viktor steps up in front of Ginny, snaps a low bow formally and then speaks while looking at the redhead with unblinking eyes- like he's zeroing in on a snitch. Ginny is startled out of her concentration by his voice but quickly schools her face to an expression of polite curiosity.

"You are Ginny Weasley. Would you wish to attend Yule Ball with me?"

Ginny gives him a once-over look and nods, smiling.

"Sure. That'd be alright."

Viktor breaks his intimidating stare and squints slightly in confusion. "You... know who I am?"

"Yes, you're Viktor Krum. I hardly think you'd want to attend with a girl so out of touch that they don't know who YOU are."

"But you are not... ex... ek... overjoyed?"

Ginny nods. "Oh, I'm very pleased. I wasn't going to be able to go unless someone invited me. Thank you!"

Viktor turns a curious eye at Holly and Hermione as they stand nearby, poorly suppressing their amusement over the conversation. With an encouraging thumbs-up from Holly, he turns back to Ginny, snaps another bow and then says "I will be honoured to attend with you. Please be prepared in Great Hall an hour earlier than most for photographs, yes?"


Viktor turns and stalks off looking slightly bewildered.

Once she is certain that the athlete has left the courtyard, Ginny alights from the wall and zooms straight up to Holly and Hermione. After standing before them for a moment she literally vibrates in excitement.

"I. LOVE... "

Holly tips up her wand with a quick 'Muffliato.'

"...OCCLUMENCY! (Hooo!) Teach me more!"


All three girls are sitting together in the Great Hall that dinnertime, chatting idly about dress style differences between the magical and muggle worlds. Holly regretfully finds herself an unexpected source of information on the topic based upon her experiences at Malfoy Manor for the Lammas Fete.

Ginny looks like she's about to ask Holly for yet another opinion on cut or colour when her face falls and she makes a nervous gulp. "Oh, bugger!"

Hermione also notices Ginny's anxiety and looks at the redhead with concern.

"What's wrong, Ginny?"

"Charlie's headed this way."

Holly arches her eyebrows. "Girls, fair warning; if I'm mean to him it's because he dumped Natalia cruelly when they were sixth years."

The strongest Weasley storms up to the table, casts a privacy charm and then immediately turns Ginny to face him with one hand on her shoulder. "Are you out of your mind, girl?"

Ginny can't quite seem to find a word in her panic.

Hermione's look of irritation begins to mimic Holly's, and she taps the man's dragonhide mantle to gather his attention.

"Excuse me, Charlie is it? I know it's been a few years since you retrieved Norbert, but I'm Hermione Granger and this is Holly Evans."

"Umm, yeah- I know. Hi. I'm just talking to my sister, if that's alright."

"Yes, but we're rather wondering why you're still here."

"Thanks to Evans, here, I'm taking apart that Ironbelly to find out how it contracted cancer. Thanks for that."

Holly scowls at his dismissive tone. "You... are... welcome. I didn't GIVE it cancer and we certainly wouldn't want you to lose half your reserve out of ignorance, now would we? Just be careful with the parts that you don't need to remove. I doubt you could afford to compensate me for their loss."

Both Charlie and Ginny stop short in embarrassment from the remark. Charlie finally finds his voice after a moment, directing his attention back to the reason he approached.

"Ginny, you can't be thinking of doing this. How would you expect Mum to react to you attending the Ball with International Quidditch Star Viktor Krum?"

Holly offers an opinion to Ginny with a reassuring touch to her shoulder. "Well, isn't he the gossip hound! At the least I'd expect her to get you an excellent dress..."

"Shut it, Evans! Ginny, there's no way you're going! I’ve already heard two Howlers from Mum just from you accusing Mad-Eye of being an impostor!"

Holly snorts in irritation. "He WAS an impostor!"

Charlie sets his jaw and stares at the Slytherin crest on Holly's robes.

"Evans. It's your fault our family is in this much trouble!"

"Yah, 'cause the twins were angels before I got to them. Still, you have a point, even if only by accident. Hermione, we may have to have you two trade dance partners."

Hermione shakes her head in confusion. "Why me?"

"Who's Hermione bringing?" Ginny interjects.



"Wait, what?"

Ignoring Hermione, Holly turns her face up towards Charlie's, noting his tennis-match attempt to follow the conversation.

"Charlie, send our best to Molly- that's your Mum, if you didn't remember- and let her know- "

Hermione looks quickly between the various red-heads present, hoping to interrupt their plans for her date. "Now, wait just a moment!"

"Hermione, no offense to your matchmaking but Molly obviously isn't going to go for the Ginny and Krum show. Yet I'm fair to certain that she'll allow her to attend on the arm of the Boy-Who-Lived. You'll still get to dance together and we'll all be seen in the press photos as would have happened if parents weren't an issue. If I took Viktor it would seem..."

Ginny pipes up, "Selfish. Like if you're not a Champion you don't rate."

"Yah, that. Also it'd break Neville's already fragile heart."

"Well... but... Viktor?" Hermione sits back, her face now set only in mild concern. Holly earnestly asks after Hermione's discontent.

"What's your problem with Viktor?"

Hermione shakes her head and whispers to Holly so as not to say something mean in mixed company, though Ginny leans in to the huddle from across the table to hear her protestation.

"It's a dance. He's not... graceful."

"Hermione, need I remind you who you were taking?"

Ginny turns to Holly with a mildly panicked look.

"Is... is Harry not... graceful?"

Holly responds while staring meaningfully at Hermione.

"Only HALF the time."

"Oh. Well I can work with that..."

Hermione catches up with a startled, "OH!"

Holly breaks their huddle and resumes a normal tone of voice.

"Right. 'Oh.' I'll go break Viktor's heart for you, Ginny. Charlie, as I said, send our best regards and the updated dance card to your mother before the other gossips around here give her a coronary, if you would please?"

Holly steps away to catch up with Viktor. Charlie just watches her walk off, incredulous.

"Where does that hopped-up witch get the idea that she can just order me around like that?"

Hermione offers a slightly contemptuous explanation.

"I suppose because in most people's view, a dragon-slayer outranks a dragon-handler. Either that or because you've been an arse from the moment you walked up to our table."

Charlie gives Hermione a sour look. "I'm gonna just stop listening to girls altogether. I either don't believe it, don't understand it or don't appreciate it if it's a girl saying it."

Ginny jumps up from the table, concerned that Charlie won't aid in her quest for dancing and fame. She grabs onto his crossed arms and grouses imploringly.

"Charlieee, pleeeeeeeeeaase! I have a chance to go! Don't ruin this for me."

Charlie tries to keep his gaze turned toward the wall but Ginny eventually captures his eye. He turns back to take in his sister's Masters-level quivering-lip pout and caves immediately, his shoulders fairly collapsing in defeat.

"I used to get respect in this family..."

Ginny jumps into hugging him with a squeal. Charlie embraces his sister while shaking his head. He is still shaking it as he leaves the Great Hall.

Ginny crowds into a huddle with Hermione.

"Thanks! Seriously, though. Can we practice Occlumency some more? I don't want to embarrass myself, especially with Harry!"

"I thought you weren't hung up on him anymore?"

"Well, so what if he's no saviour? He's absolutely dishy! Oh! Are you two serious? I thought this was just a front."


"Y'know... a friendly thing, like you're covering for his real love like he's covering for you and... OH NO! He's not.. gay is he? Please don't tell me if he is. But tell me if he isn't! Oh, but then I'll know! Ohhhh!"

Hermione clamps her hands down on Ginny's shoulders to still the hyperactive witch.

"GINNY! Yes, we can practice Occlumency. Daily, if you'd like. As for Harry, I'm not certain where our relationship stands but I promise that you going to a Ball with him won't interfere with that. And he's not gay. Not that I am, nor is there anything wrong with that."

As Hermione turns back to her meal, Ginny gives her a one-armed hug.

"You're a good friend, Hermione! A good sport!"

Hermione faces her plate of stroganoff and forcefully stabs through a lump of beef with her fork.

"Can't say as I feel like it right now."


Holly catches up with the Bulgarian amid some other Durmstrang students near the stairs.


Viktor turns to recognise Holly and steps away from his fellows for a measure of privacy.

"Da, Holly. Tell me, h-how old is..."

"Ginny. Ginevra for the formal records. She's a third year, turns fourteen on the Eleventh of August next, but don't worry about that. Hermione has agreed to attend on your arm instead."

Viktor punches into the air in forceful glee.


Holly returns a curious and surprised look. “I see you’re pleased with the result?”

“I... find Ginny attractive, but if Hermy... Hermown... is straight girl I have chance to pursue the heart. You are not displeased?”

“No. If you both are made happy by it I’m a big supporter of the heart’s pursuit.”

"And she is straight, for truth?"

"Hermione likes men very much, I promise."

"And Potter is OK with this?"

Holly scoffs. "Oh, yeah."

"You are speaking for your brother without his knowledge?"

Caught in her dismissal Holly turns to face Viktor, moving closer to create an atmosphere of collusion.

"Well, yes. I am. The good news is that he didn't know he was going to take Hermione originally, so his taking Ginny will be no more or less surprising."

"What if Potter has other date in mind?"

"He's fourteen. I doubt he's moved passed 'you mean I have to dance?' Might take him another week to ask someone, so really I'm doing him a huge favour."

"Ah. So Mr. Potter is normal boy after all."

"As male as they come."

Holly smiles as she pats Viktor on his large bicep and turns away to return to her meal.

Or so the tale is told.



18th December, 1994

First, I apologise for Newt's babble about dance partners. It really isn't noteworthy but she's on some sort of romantic kick. It was funny, I suppose.

I'm sorry for how I've been keeping a distance. Things have been confusing and I don't think not talking to you is working out for me. As it is, I'd like to share this most recent incident in Hermione's quest for 'death by unsolved mystery'. I'm thinking H. P. Lovecraft had someone like her in mind when he came up with the concept of Things Man Was Not Meant To Know.

The Tale of the Argument, part fourteen or so

Holly and Hermione remain after the end of a RE-class where, unusually, none of the students has decided to linger to ask other questions. Hermione nevertheless applies a modicum of concern for privacy before once again opening up this topic.

"Muffliato. Holly, I've been thinking..."

Holly turns to face Hermione with an open and calm look. After a pause, Hermione continues.

"This is usually where you say something snarky. Are you feeling well?"

"I'm fine. You can't have the Mark."

"Ugh! Damn your hide! Why in God's name not?!"

Holly's calm drops away and a fierce growl precedes her forceful pointing at Hermione. "THAT! Right there! That's why!"

Hermione squints at Holly. "I don't understand."

"'In God's name'. Has it yet occurred to you that my life, aside from a few moments of sex and comedy, IS A LIVING HELL? I've told you this before and even described the circumstances, yet still you seem dead-set on forcing me to call up a fucking demon to rape you."

Hermione's consternation is written across her face. "What?"

"Your life, as I have said, is a BLESSING. Mine is not. You have to break a significant Commandment to take the Mark, but you just don't seem to realise that I'm trying to save your soul by saying 'no'!"

"Well, I understand that I'll be giving up my chastity but we've already agreed to do that..."

"Not that. The FIRST Commandment. The Mark means 'I own your body, I own your mind, I own your heart, I own your soul'. I OWN IT. Do you honestly think God will take that lightly? Stop pursuing this, Hermione. You can still walk in light. Please, for me, stop asking me to consign your soul to Hell." Holly huffs in anger. "Especially... if it's just because you're curious."

Holly turns and exits the room, leaving Hermione reeling in shock.


That's what I've been trying to not tell her, but she just wouldn't let go. I should have started off with this.



19th December, 1994

Thank you. I have been fretting for some time in my concern for your character given your change of House and recent events. If it wouldn't insult you to say, I think you may have stronger convictions in your faith in the Almighty than even Miss Granger. Please don't consider this a weakness. I think that voice inside you may be the most important guide you have.

At least when I'm unavailable.

All humour aside, I am delighted that you have chosen to take the upcoming Ball as an opportunity to truly enjoy yourself. Mr. Longbottom has been inordinately pleased of late and has taken to brushing up on his dancing skills in anticipation of the event with much enthusiasm. I understand that the Misses Patil have been instructing you and your friends on more modern dance techniques over the last few weeks. Perhaps even Natalia will be able to enjoy herself as Harry if she can just keep her feet.

Let us never allow our arguments to stop us from speaking together. I know your heart is in the right place and I hope I can advise you well in the future.

With much love,


22nd December, 1994


In the interests of full disclosure, I regret to inform you that Hermione Granger has been Marked with the Spiral. She used Shakespeare on me; the first two lines are quoted from Henry the Fifth.

"'Every subject’s duty is the king’s;
but every subject’s soul is his own.'
Grace is only MY responsibil'ty,
and I devote myself to your venture.
By blood I am our enemy's target;
I want Spiral's armor for this conflict.
Will you leave my mind bereft of aegis?
Am I not worth protecting anymore?
Your Mark is the banner I choose to bear.
Trust me now and I shall never waver."

Hermione spouted that at me and Natalia in an isolated corner two days ago. She then waited, wearing her 'intense' face. Natalia looked at her, then at me as we both stood confused. Our confusion came from different sources. I was chewing on the argument but Natalia needed a translation.

"Ehmm, I'd swear that was English but what'd she say?"

"Hermione said 'shit or get off the pot'. If we're starting a revolution then I can't be coddling her as she's already a prime target for the enemy even without me loving her. Whether or not she loses God's blessing is her problem. It's a fair argument... and in iambic pentameter, no less."

If you feel the need to argue the point I suggest you talk to Hermione about it, as it's her convictions that are in question. If she asks for it I'll remove the Mark, but only if she convinces me why she has changed her mind. It might still happen. Hermione has been in such deep thought since then that I doubt she's said more than two words that weren't an answer to a class question. She's in a mental cocoon. Sometime soon we'll find out what Hermione has transformed into.

See you at the Ball.



Omake: The night of 18th December.

Natalia settles into bed, cuddling up behind Holly as she finishes recounting her argument with Hermione after the RE-class.

"...and I emphasized, 'especially if you're just curious.' so that she'll know how foolish this is. It's like she wants to know what the inside of an active furnace looks like and I keep saying 'it's hot and orange. Now move on, would you?'"

"Um, Hols?"

Holly grabs hold of Natalia's arm and wraps it around her front, drawing the taller witch more tightly into their cuddle.

"(Sigh.) Natalia?"

"Well, how come you weren't worried after my soul? Am I... do you think I'm... damned?"

Holly flips around to face Natalia. "Not at all! Oh, 'Talia... you have to understand, Hermione and I were raised as Christians of one sort or another. You were brought up in the magical world. Whenever I hear folks on this side of the line talk about higher powers, they're referring to Fate or some Mesopotamian deity."

"Oh. So... God doesn't hate me?"

"I can't imagine why He would. You seem more like a worshipper of Aphrodite or Astarte, maybe."


"Every time you have a positive sexual experience it's an act of dedication to your goddess."

"Well yeah! I mean, that's pretty much how it feels to me. So what are your beliefs? What does it mean that you want to sleep with other people?"

"It means I have enough shite to shovel that I think I deserve a little happiness. I'm damned already; what's a few more sins so long as I'm not hurting anyone?"

"Do you think it's wrong, that you're doing something wrong, when we have sex?"

"No, not at all. I may not proclaim it from the rooftops but that's just my paranoia acting up. Sex itself isn't the sin. It's the betrayal of a trust or agreement, spoken or implied, to behave towards each other in acceptable ways that make a sin. Dean sinned against me by using his talent to make me choose sex that I may not have wanted. I don't feel I sinned against you by ordering you into an orgasmic feedback loop because I knew you would enjoy it and it wasn't too far afield from other hijinks we've done."

"Yeah, about that. Please don't do that again."

Holly gasps and sits up, staring anxiously into Natalia's face. "Was I wrong? Oh, I'm SO SORRY!"

Natalia smiles back while shaking her head.

"Hols, no! It was fab-tastic. I just... I have to keep teaching Moody's classes for a bit and I can't do that going in all wobbly-kneed. I should at least LOOK like I can walk a straight line, right?"

Holly slumps back in relief. After a moment she chuckles. "Ruin my fun for the evening why don't you?"

"Doesn't mean we can't play, just keep your mighty powers to yourself this time."

Holly smiles and gives Natalia a mischievous look.

Natalia smiles back. "Y'know, or not... it is Sunday, after all."

Tangent Alert
'9411: Witches Tales' is coming soon. Holly encounters several witches with different goals in mind yet always involving her being naked (go figure). Includes Hermione's full final argument for being Marked and the results.
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