Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter, The Twilight Wolf

Harry Potter, The Twilight Wolf

by HpFreak 2 reviews

Not Twilight related. While seven year old Harry Potter is running away from his cousin he is bitten by a wolf and his life changes for ever.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Lupin - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2010-06-06 - Updated: 2010-06-06 - 3321 words

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything in Harry Potter and am making absolutely no money at all writing this. I am merely doing it for my own enjoyment.

Harry Potter, the Twilight Wolf

Seven year old Harry Potter was running down the road trying to get away from his cousin Dudley and his friends. He ran as fast as his weak legs would go and quickly turned a corner. He fell but jumped up and took off down the road towards the woods at the end of it with his cousin closing in behind him. When he got to the woods he quickly ran in and started moving around the tree’s and bushes and heard Dudley and his friends following him.

“Stop… running Potter. We’ll… catch you… no matter what just… like we always do.” Dudley yelled between breaths as he leaned against a tree.

“Dudley why don’t we just go beat someone else up. I’m tired of chasing Potter.” Said Piers Polkiss a rat faced boy.

“Because I want to get Potter today.” Dudley said looking around to try to find which way Harry went.

“Well why don’t you just get him at your house later.” Piers asked.

“Because I like seeing him get beat up.” Dudley whined

“Well just tell your dad that he hit you and you can see him get punished.” Gordon another one of his friends said and Dudley nodded with a smile.

“That’s a good idea. Alright let’s go find someone else than.” Dudley said and led his friends out of the woods as Harry watched them from the tree Dudley was just leaning against.

‘That was close.’ Harry thought to himself as he started to climb out of the tree. He was almost down when he stepped on a branch and it broke making him fall the last eight feet and his head hit a log knocking him out. A few hours later he woke up with a groan. He sat up and touched the back of his head and felt a lump. “Dang that hurts.” He said as he stood up. He looked up and saw a half moon in the sky. As he started walking he heard a howl and jumped and started looking around the dark woods. He didn’t see anything so he started walking faster while looking around. He heard another howl and started to run when out of the corner of his eye he saw a giant wolf jump towards him. Shocked he fell to the ground and the wolf flew over him. He sat up and watched the wolf slowly walk towards him and started to back away. When the wolf was a few feet away Harry jumped to his feet and took off through the woods with the wolf right behind him. He looked over his shoulder and didn’t see the wolf and when he looked ahead the wolf was right in front of him and pounced on him knocking him to the ground and bit his arm before he pulled back. Harry was fighting the tears that were trying to fall as he clutched his arm and backed away from the wolf who was just sitting there staring at him with golden eyes before it started to whimper and it turned into a man in his late forties early fifties with long black hair with some streaks of white going through it, he had black eyes with specks of gold and he had on black pants and a white shirt that had blood soaking into it. When he saw this Harry’s eyes went wide.

“Hello Mr. Potter.” The man said before falling to the ground holding his side.

“W-what are y-y-you and how d-do you know who I am?” Harry stammered

“I, Mr. Potter am a…” he stopped as he tried to stand up but he fell back down with a wince. “I am what’s known as a twilight wolf and now that I bit you with the intent of changing you, you are as well. And I know who you are because you are famous Mr. Potter. I…” he stopped again as he started breathing deeply.

“Are you alright.” Harry asked as he backed up.

“No Mr. Potter I’m not. The vampire clans found my village of twilight wolfs the last in England and destroyed everyone and everything in it. I came here to find you before the vampire clan did because if they found you they would turn you into a monster like them. I came to give you a chance to live Mr. Potter. But we haven’t got time for this. Here take this book and read it, it was just for you. It will explain everything Mr. Potter. And I want you to take this ring as well. I am making you my heir I haven’t much time left to live. Just do as the book says and show them the ring I will have everything set up for you. Now go back to your relatives quickly.” He said as he gave Harry a small black book while gently touching his bleeding arm.

“Why are they after me and why were you?” Harry asked nervously.

“Because of an ancient prophecy Mr. Potter. It will explain in the book. Now go.” He said before turning into a wolf again and taking off through the woods. Harry watched him for a second before taking off through the woods towards his family’s house. When he got to his street he slowed to a jog then to a walk as he got to Number Four. He slowly turned the door handle and found that it was locked so he snuck around back and tried that door but to his horror he found it locked as well. He knew he had to options. Knock and get beaten for waking his relatives and being out so late. Or sleep outside in the cold and get beaten in the morning.

‘Either way I get beaten might as well sleep inside and get beaten.’ He thought to himself with a sigh, ‘I really wish the door would open.’ He thought to himself as he sat there with his hand on the handle and the door knob turned in his hand and Harry gasped in shock and slowly pushed the door open and went in. He looked around to see if one of his relatives opened it as he shut and relocked it. When he saw no one was there he quickly made his way to his cupboard under the stairs and turned the light on as he sat on his small cot. He looked down at the book in his hand before looking at his arm and wiping the blood off of it and when he did his eyes went wide as he saw it was healed. He shook his head to clear it before he opened the book in his hands and started to read what looked like a journal.

Twilight wolfs, Mr. Potter, are known as such because however much we are like the common werewolf we are very different. They change only on full moons where we can change at any time. The werewolf has one form that of a half man half wolf. We on the other hand can become a full wolf, or a half-half like the common were-wolf. We got the name Twilight wolf because we rarely change during the day for fear of being seen. Twilight wolfs are for the most part born Twilight wolfs. It is a rare occasion when a human is turned to one. The reason you were turned is because of an ancient prophecy.

The one marked for greatness will end the battle between opposing forces. The marked one will decided the fate of the worlds as we know it after he defeats a great evil. There is only one other who can oppose him. They are marked in their own ways but one day they’ll meet. They will decided who over powers who in the power for greatness. The marked ones will end the battles once and for all.

That prophecy is about you Mr. Potter. You have ended the dark days and defeated a great evil as you should know. But as we couldn’t find you in the magical world we fear that you are living as a, what the wizards call, muggle.

“Wizards. Werewolf’s what’s going on.” Harry asked him self before going back to the book.

A muggle is a non-magical being and if you are living with them than you know nothing about yourself. You are a wizard Mr. Potter as were your parents. You defeated a evil wizard called Voldemort and ended the dark days. You are now destined to end our dark days. The Vampire will try and find you Mr. Potter. If you are living in the muggle world you won’t believe any of what I’m writing but I beg you to go to London and go to Charing Cross Road and look for the Leaky Cauldron and then go to the bank which is ran by the goblins you will learn all you need to there.

“What is this all about? It’s so confusing.” Harry muttered to himself.

Chap1. Controlling the Wolf

It takes a lot of time to learn to control the wolf if you weren’t a born twilight wolf but it can be done with meditation and effort. Since you are a wizard you will have to meditate to find your magical core and the wolf will be there. You have to over power the wolf in your mind before you can over power it to transform by yourself. Until that time it will go with your emotions. When you are angry or afraid you will likely transform and while still in control you won’t be able to change back until you are safe and unafraid. It is recommended that you complete this as soon as you possibly can. To do this sit in a comfortable position and calmly breath in and out. Try to zone out the rest of the world until it is just you. When you do it correctly you will be in something like a black void and in that black void you will have to find your core which will look like two huge bright lights of any of these colors. Yellow, green, orange, red, blue, silver, or gold. The color represents how powerful a wizard you are. Yellow is the color of a muggle. Green is a squib who are basically muggles born to a witch and wizard. Than there is orange which is a below average wizard. Red is average. Blue above average. And Silver is the level that Dumbledore, a great wizard that helped me out of a tight spot a time or two, is and Voldemort was. They are very powerful wizards. But gold that is the level that the four founders of Hogwarts School were at along with Merlin. Usually a person has one but you will have two as a twilight wolf. One for just your magic and one that shows you as a twilight wolf which will be dark purple where regular werewolf are light purple.

‘That’s not a good thing to have around the Dursley.’ Harry thought before putting the book and the ring under his cot and turning off the light and going to sleep.


The next morning he woke up and shook his head thinking that everything that happened was a dream and went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before going into the kitchen and when he did his relatives stopped eating.

“Boy what are you doing in here? Did you break in boy? The doors were locked there’s no way you could have got inside and where were you last night. Dudley told us what you did to him boy your gonna pay.” His uncle said as he turned purple and stood up.

“I didn’t do anything to Dudley.” Harry said as he backed away from his enraged uncle.

“Don’t lie to me boy your going to pay for what you did.” He said as he charged at Harry. He pulled back his fist and swung and Harry flew back and hit the wall. He felt all his muscles clench up and a low growl emitted from his throat. He looked down at his hands to see they were covered in black hair and his nails were growing. He heard his aunt and cousin scream and looked up to see his white faced uncle staring at him. He looked around and knew that what happened the night before was real. He slowly stood up and growled at his relatives making them back away from him.

He started walking around and before they knew what happened he ran out of the room and up the stairs. He went into the bath room and looked at himself in the full mirror. He had short black fur covering everything visible with long teeth and nails with his small lighting bolt scar on showing on his forehead. He snorted as he realized that his relatives were afraid of him now and he slowly started to turn back to normal.

‘Good thing I didn’t turn all the way.’ Harry thought to himself. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw he looked exactly as he had before except his eyes had small flecks of black and gold in them when he looked at them at the right angle but he just shrugged it off and went back down stairs and into the kitchen only to see that the kitchen was empty.

“Hmm that’s weird.” Harry said with a shrug before walking over to the counter and opening the drawer for silverware. He reached in and grabbed a spoon and when he did he dropped it with a hiss of pain as it burnt his skin. He looked down at it and saw that it was real silver. “Dang that hurt.” He mumbled before getting up and going upstairs to the bathroom and grabbed a tube of triple antibiotic ointment and rubbing it on the burn. After he put the ointment on the burn he went back down stairs and into his cupboard. He lifted up his bed and grabbed the book and ring that he shoved under it the night before. He took them both back into the kitchen and sat down at the table. He sat the book down and looked at the ring. It was black with a small diamond on it with the name Cassavant written on the side. Harry ran his hand over the name before slipping it on his finger and he felt a small poke before the ring shrunk to fit his hand.

‘This is so cool.’ Harry thought before picking up the book and rereading what he read the night before. ‘Well might as well start.’ He thought as he put the book in his pocket and went into the living room and sat down in a chair. He got himself comfortable before sitting up straight and starting to breathe slowly. He was only sitting there for a few minutes before he heard a loud crash in the hall way. He jumped up and hid behind the chair. He looked around it and saw the door handle being turned. He pulled his head back and tried to control his breathing as the door was thrown open.

“Mr. Potter we know you’re here.” Said a silky voice and he heard the wolf in his head growl as he smelt something that he couldn’t identify. He chanced a peak around the chair and saw three men in black button up silk shirts, black pants with short black hair and extremely pale faces and pointed fangs. He couldn’t stop himself as he let out a growl as he knew these were vampires. “Ah hello Mr. Potter.” One of them said as Harry felt his muscles shifting again and he stood up on all fours as the three vampires moved towards him pulling out long swords. He knew that if he tried to run past them that they would kill him. And if he tried to fight them they would kill him. So he did the only thing he could. He turned and jumped through the window shattering it. When he landed he took off down the road trying to put as much distance between him and the vampires as he could. After a while he was running through the woods that he was in the day before. When he stopped he looked around and didn’t sense any danger so he sat down and started breathing trying to calm himself down to transform back.


After Harry took off through the window the vampires were going to follow but knew in the sun light that even Harry could best them so they went through the house trying to find anything to do with him. While they were searching there were a series of loud cracks that they knew were apparition and they tried to run out the door but there path was blocked by an old man.

“Dumbledore.” One of them hissed and they tried to flee out the back way but they were blocked there by a group of people who all fired stunners at them. They dodged them and bared there fangs.

“Where is Harry Potter?” Dumbledore asked them his wand pointing straight at the leader.

“He’s gone Dumbledore. We made sure of that.” He said with a laugh before running straight at him as he pulled his sword and Dumbledore apperated out of the way as the others threw more stunners. The vampires ran out the door and disappeared.

“Remus do you smell Harry here.” Dumbledore asked as a man in of about thirty who had grey hair and a scar running down his face smelled the air.

“Yes but that’s not it. I also smell a wolf. Dumbledore if Vampires and wolfs are here I don’t know what could have happened to Harry.” He said and Dumbledore nodded.

“Alright I want search party’s to search the area and find Harry. Let’s go.” He said and everyone took off through the door and started looking for Harry.

“We have to get him back. I let James and Lily down once. I can’t do it again.” Dumbledore thought to himself with a sigh as he walked out of the door and started looking.


A/N Well there is the first chapter of Harry Potter, the Twilight wolf tell me what you think with a little R/R action
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