Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Converting Jared

Cat's Out Of The Bag

by jlyEchelonMCRmy 0 reviews

People are beginning to find out what Jared's really like. How will he react?

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2010-08-09 - Updated: 2010-08-09 - 1462 words - Complete

Jared's POV
"Jared?" asked my mum as soon as I had walked through the door.
"What?" I sighed.
"I've just had a call from the school," she said in a concerned voice.
"Oh God, I haven't done anything, I swear." I moaned as I threw my bag down.
"Jared, will you tell me the truth if I ask you something?" asked Mum close to tears.
I hated seeing her like this, so I nodded.
"School have had a phone call from Lily's parents." I froze, shit. "Why did the two of you break up?"
"Why would you ask that if you didn't already know?" I asked.
"I cannot believe I'm having this conversation with my son," sighed Mum shaking her head. "Just tell me the truth."
"Fine, I raped her. Happy?"
"You did what?" asked Shan.
"Yeah, I've been doing it for ages, have you never wondered why I don't have very long relationships?"
"How come we never found out before?" asked Shan.
"'Coz normally the girls are too scared to tell..." I trailed off, then I realised someone else knew about it. "Bitch!" I said voicing my thoughts.
"Jared!" said Mum sternly.
"Shan, did you say Emma was going to that pizza place after school today?" I asked.
"Yeah, with Stacey. Why?" replied Shan.
"Thanks, bro," was all I said and then left the house my mum shouting after me.


Jared went down to the place where the girls were eating and marched straight over to Stacey.
"Who did you tell?" he said with a powerful commanding tone.
"What?" asked Stacey, confused.
"The school knows; who did you tell?" he repeated.


Stacey's POV
"No-one. I didn't tell anyone," I said, I wouldn't tell anyone because, as much as I hated him, I didn't want to get him into trouble.
"Well, someone told," he said, still with an accusing tone in his voice.
"Oh," I said slowly realising what I had done. "I told Lily to tell her parents."
"Why?" he asked.
"Because someone needed to know, she needed someone there for her." I said apologetically.
"Neither of you told anyone else did you?" he asked, his voice had changed; he sounded worried. I suddenly had this strange urge to comfort him.
"No, not that I know of," I said. Jared nodded and walked away.
"What on Earth was that about?" asked Emma.
"Nothing," I said. "He'd kill me if I told you." I stared blankly at the door Jared had just left through, the strange felling of sympathy still hung over me.

That night I was lying in bed thinking about the strange feeling I got talking to Jared in the Pizza Parlour.
Maybe Emma was right. Maybe I have got feelings for Jared. Then my dream would make sense.
No! I can't! I hate him. He's a monster. I could never love a man who treats women like that. I can't believe I actually felt sorry for him. At least I think I did; what would that feeling have been if it wasn't sympathy. But still, I hate myself for being able to sympathise with someone like him who objectifies women.
I hate Emma for putting the idea in my head. For making me think I could possibly like him. Although if I really hated him I wouldn't object to telling everyone and getting him into trouble; I wouldn't have felt sorry for him earlier today.
God, how am I going to sleep with all these thoughts running through my head?

But finally, I got to sleep; only to wish that I hadn't. The minute my heavy eyelids dropped I was walking. I was on my normal route to school; but there was someone with me, walking beside me, holding my hand. I knew what was coming, but for some reason I couldn't hold back, stop it happening. Couldn't or wouldn't. I didn't even try to protest as he pulled me down the side alley. He kissed me, it was longer and more passionate than last time, and I was kissing back. He pulled away. I stood, staring into the perfect blue eyes that belonged to Jared Leto. This time he didn't speak; didn't confirm my feelings before moving onto me. Yet again I woke as he entered me.
What was wrong with me? I lay panting in bed. There was no reason why I should be. Nothing exactly happened; I knew what was coming anyway. But it was more vivid and this time more of me wanted to fall asleep again, back into my dream, but then a part of me wouldn't call it so much a dream, more of a nightmare. It was my sense against my sensibility. The latter seemed to be winning, until I snapped out of my trance. Jared Leto was a womaniser, a monster. I did not and could not like him. And with this final thought resounding round my head I fell into a deep, peaceful and Jared-free sleep.

I did not feel up to confronting Emma the next day. She thought I was weird after my first dream. The first time I was just confused as to why I was dreaming such things. Now I'm just purely shocked and, as calm as I was when I got to sleep again, slightly shaken by it.


Next day at lunch, the girls sat with Shannon and his mates again. Jared went over to sit with them. And Shannon gave him a dirty look.
"Who gave you permission to sit with us?"
"Well, I normally do, and you're my big brother so I guessed you wouldn't mind," said Jared.
"Yeah, well you guessed wrong. Clear off!" replied Shannon harshly.
All Jared's confidence seemed to leave him as he turned away. At that point Lily walked past with her friends, one of whom was called Mia and was famous throughout the entire school for being just about the biggest gossip ever. All of them glared at Jared.
"Have you told them, too?" Stacey burst out without thinking.
"Yeah, why not?" said Lily casually.
"It's not fair!" Stacey said, hating herself more and more for every word that passed her lips. How could she stand there defending a womanizer like Jared?
"Well, if I remember you were the one who said I should tell someone."
"I said tell your parents, not your gossiping mates!" Stacey could feel herself getting angrier and angrier but didn't know why.
Lily shrugged and left with her giggling girl friends. Without even thinking Stacey walked off after Jared.
"Stacey, what..." started Emma but gave up when it became clear Stacey wasn't paying attention.


Stacey's POV
"Jared, I'm sorry." What was I doing apologising to him, when I knew deep down that he deserved everything he was getting?
"I guess people had to find out eventually," said Jared, leaning against the wall behind him and sliding down it to sit on the floor.
"I just... I want to know why you do it." I had no idea why but I did.
"I don't know," he said, hopelessly.
"How can you not know?" I said sitting next to him. "How long have you been doing it?"
"I don't know," he sighed. I stared at him for a few moments in silence. "Fine, since I was about thirteen," he said not looking at me.
Then the bell rang, bringing me back to my senses. I stood quickly and left for music.

In music we were working on our solo projects but me and Emma were sharing a practise room. I sat down at the piano and began playing.
"I'm so tired of being here, suppressed by all my childish fears..." I trailed off. "Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me." I whispered.
"So," said Emma loudly snapping me out of my daydream. "How's Jared?"
"What?" I asked.
"You were talking to him earlier."
"Oh, right, yeah," I said playing a random scale on the piano.
"You love him," said Emma, shutting the piano as I quickly moved my fingers away from the keys.
"No, I don't," I said, re-opening the piano.
Emma shut it again and sat on it.
"Tell me what's going on," she demanded.
"No, I can't. It's not my business," I said.
"Look, if you hate him as much as you say you do, you wouldn't care who finds out; and anyway everyone is going to find out because we both know the Mia is the biggest gossip ever," argued Emma.
I sat in silence for a while; not knowing what to say in response, then the teacher came into the room.
"Emma," he said. "How can Stacey practise when you're sitting on her instrument? Anyway, that doesn't matter now I want you all back in the class room."
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