Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Gotta Be Cruel To Be Kind With Vamp's Like Her

Well It Sorta Worked...

by MrsPatrickStump_FOB 1 review

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-11-22 - Updated: 2010-11-22 - 882 words

"Ready to go?" Beckot asked standing in front of the entirely overly extravagant car.
Scarlet bit her tongue and nodded, sliding into the car with Brendon, Frank and Ryan, Beckot sat demuly next to her and the driver set off.
They drove for what seemed like an eternity. Scarlet watched from her seat as the trees and woods went past. She had never seen this place before. She ignored the delegated chit-chat that the others around her seemed to be enjoying. The trees looked so beautiful in the evening light. Shame the car moved so fast. She shut her eyes and tried to get her head around this. She had a range of choices. She could abandon the plan and stay with Beckot, an eternity of being lower and being the latest toy for a murderous bastard. She could go through with the plan but, still run from the slayers, had it not been for the fact she would be out on her own she definitely would have taken this into extreme consideration...or...she could stay with them. Just for a little while...until she got back on her feet. She did miss Joe though. He had a kind of goofy sweetness about him. He made her feel safe...well safer than those other slayers did anyways. Oh no... she wasn't getting a... crush. She couldn't... not on him of all people. He kidnapped her for Christ sakes.

-Snap out of it Scarlet!-she thought opening her eyes.

The car pulled to a halt. They bumbled out the car and she watched as it drove of to park.

Beckot smiled and strode forwards into the the darkening city.

-Fallow him, just go with the flow until i tell you other wise.- Franks voice shot into her head.
-you know Frank, i don't much care for people intruding my thoughts-
-Lighten up-
-Make me-

Frank went up behind her and proded in her the side. Making her wince and the curve of a smile battled its way to her lips.

The streets seemed almost empty, until Beckot stopped in his tracks. A rather attractive young women stood under street light. Her shiny mouse brown hair glittered. her black skinnys eventuated her figure along with a leather jacket. She stood there as if waiting for somebody. Texting away she looked up to see them all staring at her. she put her phone in her pocket and looked down at the ground nervously.

"Hmm... Brendon i think you can have this one..." Beckot stated with a smirk as he urged him forward. Brendon seemed to walts over with confidence. Scarlet looked desperately at Frank for him to stop this. He just winked at her. Scarlet turned her head at the sound of Brendon being knocked to the ground by the girl and Watched in delight as a familiar car screeched its breaks to a halt and four boys leapt from inside it. Andy went automatically to the girl, making sure she was alright before handing her holy water.

Brendon got up and swiftly ran back to the group. Scarlet looked to Frank who nodded for her to run. Scarlet froze on the spot. Before she had the chance to go, she had caught sight of Pete with the most hate filled look she had ever seen. This wasn't going to end well.

"Hello Peter." Beckot grinned.
Pete just glared.
"Give us the girl Beckot." Patrick growled.
"Oh the kitten does hiss so violently." Beckot laughed
"Shut the hell up and give her to us. NOW." Andy shouted.
"Oh i think not" he grinned grabbing Scarlet arms and pulling her towards him seductively. He slid his hands onto her waste and she punched him in the face.
Pete growled from his spot while Joe held him back.

Beckot pushed Scarlet into Franks arms.
"Take her home. NOW!" he hissed dangerously.

Pete suddenly floored Beckot thrashing punches left right and centre.
Patrick was suddenly fighting Brendon, Joe was fighting Ryan and Andy along with the girl, were next to Scarlet and Frank.

Beckot suddenly through Pete from him, knocking Patrick to the ground with him.
Joe hit Rayon over the head, putting him out cold. He Then went on to drag him into the car, handcuffing his hands behind his back.

"RAYON!!!" Brendon called as Beckot Dragged him away. He Screamed for him and tried to escape Beckots grip to get to his life long best friend but couldn't.

Pete looked over to the girl who then "dragged" away Scarlet whilst Andy supposedly knocked out Frank and also "dragged him away".

Beckot lunged for them after pushing Brendon into his car. Pete jumped in front off him. The fight went on for ever. They hissed and used all they had to try and kill each other. Until Beckot lifted Pete by the neck from the ground, ready to kill. Patrick shot at Beckot with a tazor. He dropped Pete to the ground.

"We shall continue this some other time, when believe me, i will have her back Peter, just you watch, she has tasted the finest blood the world has to offer, you cant sustain her need for long." He smirked before making his get away into the darkness.

Pete turned to face Scarlet.
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