Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tales of a Killjoy

Back to the Station

by Anthrax_Angel 1 review

Time for the Killjoys to head back to the Station and find out what happened to Show Pony

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-12-06 - Updated: 2010-12-07 - 1041 words

I woke up in Kobra’s arms something I misses more then anything, the feeling of safety that I had when he held me, I looked around and saw Jet Star looking out the window watching with is good eye. “I’m so sorry Jet” I said moving slowly out of Kobra’s embrace, “for what” he asked not looking away from the quickly darkening desert. “For leaving, for being too scared to come back” I say sitting across from him so I wouldn’t be in his blind spot, “you should apologise to Kobra not me.” “I already apologized to him your next on my list, I’m sorry I left you to deal with all of this, I wasn’t thinking” I say turning toward the desert. “I’m glad your back, we need someone with brains around here” he says, and just like that I know things are back to normal between us.

We sit there in silence until it is pitch black out, “time to go” I say hopping off my perch to wake everyone up, “time to blow this joint” I say shaking the Girl awake and kicking Ghoul. Jet is standing over by Poison making no move to wake him “he said so himself 4 is a safer number then 5” Jet mumbles “yeah but if a clap goes all Costa Rica we can use him as a shield” I say shaking Kobra awake. “Hey babe” he says pulling my face down till my lips meet his, it only last a second but it brings back all the memory’s I buried when I left, “time to go” I say pulling him with me.

“So you, me and the Girl in the Impala” Kobra says as we gathering all our stuff, “no way the Girls coming with me” Poison says turning on Kobra. “It’s safer if she rides with me the second a Exterminator sees the Trans Am they’ll go straight for it, last anyone heard I’m still rolling around on my motorcycle” I said handing the scrapbook to the girl. “She’s right Poison” Ghoul says, we all wait for his response “of course she’s fucking right, she’s always right” Poison says storming out of the Diner, “did he just admit I’m smarter then him” I say tossing the keys to the Impala to Kobra. “What don’t think you can find to Station in the dark” Kobra says tossing our stuff in the trunk while I helped the Girl climb in the back, “pretty much” I say climbing in.

We sit in silence Kobra turns to look at me more then is safe considering he’s driving but I can’t say anything because my eyes are glued to him. “Angel, you came when Dr. D called you would you have come back if we had called earlier” the Girl asks from the backseat “of course” I say turning to face her. “I told Poison that he didn’t believe me” she said staring out the window, “I bet he was just scared” I say gaining me a look from Kobra. “Poisons not scared of anything” she says still looking out the window “that’s not true he’s scared of losing you, he’s scared he can’t protect you” I tell her turning around to look at the Trans Am’s taillights. “Why didn’t he give me that picture” she asked looking at me “because he didn’t want you to be sad, he loves you and he didn’t want you to be hurting.” Kobra looks at me with a look I couldn’t read in the dark, “do you think I should apologize” she asks “I think you should do what your heart tells you” Kobra says looking at her in the rear-view mirror.

It was still dark out when we reached the station, we all pile out of our cars and the Girl runs over to Poison and throws her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry” Poison says holding her close “I love you too” she says. “Did you mean it” Koba whispers in my ear. “mean what” I ask turning in his embrace, “that Poison hid that picture cause he didn’t want her to be sad” “I don’t know Kobra, I want to believe that’s why he did it but to tell you the truth I’m not sure I know Party Poison as well as I thought.” “Yeah I’m beginning to feel the same” he says leading us to the panel, “what do we do” Ghoul asks as we all just stare at the panel. The Girl steps out and knocks on the panel “go away” a voice from within says “fat chance Dr. D” I say sliding the panel aside and climbing through.

Dr. D was at his microphone staring off into space “great he’s tanked off his ass” I say approach the drunk old man, “of course he is he knew you were coming for him” Poison says followed by a grunt of pain. “Not nice Poison” Jet says from behind me, “hey Dr. D” I say when I’m right in front of him “I knew you would come” he says not meeting my eye. “yeah I bet you did look, I know you tried your best I just need to know what happened” I say sitting back on my heals beside is chair. “They came there was 5 Dracs and an Exterminator he went out even though I told him to stay, they grabbed him and just left” Dr. D slurs out. “Did they say anything” I ask praying the old man had a little more info “they said they were gonna make his daddy a happy man, I could have saved him, not for this damn leg” “hey now even if you were in perfect shape more likely then not they just ghost ya” I say standing. His head tilts back and within seconds he snoring “makes a lot sense for a drunk, what’s the plan” Ghoul says planting himself on the loveseat I had collapsed in not three days ago, “looks like we’re going to meet my parents.”
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