Categories > Original > Fantasy > Wonderland

The diamond seekers

by stardust078 2 reviews

chapter 3

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-02 - Updated: 2011-02-03 - 306 words

Chapter 3 - The diamond seekers

The ghosts of the unknown world, scattered everywhere, their eyes glued to the ground. In return for finding the diamond they will be rewarded their life. To rewrite their life. They, the ghosts must write a life for themsleves that they will return to. But they must write wisely. One mistake equals a death or a nearly death. White and pale, still searching for the diamond, a Junior elf comes wandering about. Maybe to find some honey leaves, you know what elfs are like! Still young, he could face consequence. The ghosts, you see, are very hungry so if you go through a ghost they will retaliate just like if you were getting bullied. The Junior elf did not know anything about ghosts, so it is possible.... Just as he reached the honey tree, a whistle blew into his ear.
"Flaming wind, much prefer it at Wonderland, these things are probably not even edible!" muttered the elf. He does, unfortunatley, have a short temper. So, he reached up with his plump short hands and grabbed a honey leaf. They were very rich and sweet so his mother would only let him have one. The trouble is once you bite into them, you cant help yourself but pinch some more. The diamond seekers (ghosts) were nearby. Once, they see flesh, BAAAM! They're gone, inside their stomachs for now at least.
A diamond seeker, just at the corner of his eye saw the Junior elf. Well flesh from their point of view. Immediatley he got hungry, dribbling, growling, tasting the flesh even though he was no where near..... RIPPPP! The elf was gone, a pool of purple blood filled the ghosts mouth. "Sluurrp" the ghost drank his blood. His meal for tonight was delish, but he still had to search for the diamond.
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