Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hot & Cold


by MCR_Vampire_321 1 review

Two certain people have a fight...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-18 - Updated: 2011-02-18 - 1215 words - Complete

Lucy’s POV…
Much to my surprise, everyone ignored me at school today. Apart from my sisters and friends of course. But all the people who had been mean to me before I left… They didn’t seem to care that I had come back at all.
Even the teachers didn’t seem to notice I had gone.
PE was rubbish today. The rest of our PE class must’ve made a pact not to bring in their kits. Only six of us brought them in. Me, Hollie, Chloe, Frank, Gerard and Mikey. It was rubbish. Everybody else got to sit in one of the French rooms and basically talk all lesson. It was because we had a substitute teacher with a very odd accent. I couldn’t tell where she came from.
I got out-voted. We had a choice between football and basketball. I voted for football because in England I played football outside of school as a hobby. Everybody else wanted to do play basketball. So we played basketball.
The warm-up was boring. All we did was run around the pitch five times. Hollie kept turning to me every five seconds and asking “What did she say? I do not understand her accent!”
When we went back into the changing rooms the rest of the class was back. They all laughed at us like it was hilarious. So Chloe glared at them and they shut up.
But something really strange happened at break time. Chloe and Frank soon got bored and walked off behind the bike sheds. I don’t even want to know what they were doing… Hollie and Mikey were just sitting on the bench, talking to each other about random crap. Bob and Ray were at football practice which I had wanted to join but apparently it was BOYS ONLY. Stupid. Girls like football too!
Back to the point. Because everyone had seemed to pair off together, I was left talking to Gerard. This was a little awkward to say the least… We just kind of stood there, not really knowing what to talk about.
“So, do you think you’ll be seeing JLS?” Gerard asked me.
I shrugged “Probably not.”
“That’s too bad…” He told me.
I just nodded and didn’t bother to reply. He sighed heavily… Then I don’t really remember what happened. I was just standing there innocently when suddenly Gerard’s lips were on mine. He was kissing me!
I could feel Mikey and Hollie watching us. I couldn’t tell their re-actions though. I shoved Gerard away. They both seemed expressionless. Well I knew how I was going to express my emotions. I slapped Gerard round the face.
He put his hand up to his cheek in defence “What was that for?”
“What do you think that was for?” I yelled at him “You just kissed me! Who said you could kiss me?”
He blushed “I didn’t think Lucy… I’m sorry. I really am.”
“I don’t think you are.” I told him, before glaring and then walking away.

Hollies POV…
Wow. Did that really just happen or did I imagine that? Then again, from the look on Mikey and Gerard’s faces, that doesn’t seem very likely. I sighed, stood up and ran after Lucy.
I didn’t stop her walking, I walked next to her “Why are you so mad?” I asked her.
She glared at me “He just kissed me. He had no right to. I told him I wasn’t interested and he’s still trying!”
“I know but Lucy… You were the one who said you loved him in the first place.”
“Yeah. So?”
“Well, I’m guessing he loves you too.”
“What do you mean too?” Lucy asked “It’s not like I love him.”
“I think you do…”
She turned to me and slapped me round the face. I gasped. She gasped “Oh my god… I am so sorry…”
I stood there for a second then said “Me too.” She looked confused “For doing this…” Then I punched her right in the face.
She was knocked back. She stood up again, touching her nose. It was bleeding “What the hell?”
“You have got to stop acting like a total bitch!” I yelled at her. She grabbed my hair and pulled it. I scratched at her face. I’m famous for having long nails.
A group of people had surrounded us now and were chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” From the look on Lucy’s face, she was ready for a fight. But so was I.
Lucy punched me in the stomach “I’m not acting like a total bitch! You’re acting like a bitch, trying to get me to admit feelings that I don’t have!”
I twisted her arm round while she screamed in pain “You just said admit! So you admit that you were going to ADMIT to having feelings for Gerard!”
She kicked me in the knee and I fell over “No! I wasn’t! Get over yourself!”
I grabbed her legs and pulled her over with me “No! You get over yourself! Stop acting so stuck up and just admit that you love the guy!”
We started pulling at each other’s hair and yelling “You let go first! No, not until you let go!”
Suddenly Chloe and the others showed up out of nowhere. Chloe yelled “Oh my god, what the fuck are you doing?”
We both started yelling at her at the same time, trying to explain our sides of the story. Chloe just stood there, staring in disbelief. Then me and Lucy glanced at each other. We both burst into tears.

Chloe’s POV…
We were sitting in the nurse’s office. They weren’t seriously hurt. Lucy’s nose was bleeding and she had a couple of scratches on her cheek. Hollie had a giant bruise on her knee. I told them it was their own fault. But they both seem to have calmed down now. They both keep hugging each other and apologising.
Gerard is in the corner of the room, shaking his head. I think he’s feeling bad for kissing Lucy. I’m a bit mad at him too. If he hadn’t kissed her, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
Frank was waiting outside with Mikey. Neither of them wanted to be anywhere near us for a while. I could see why. We did need to talk about a few things.
The nurse finally turned to us and asked the questions we were hoping to avoid “So, how on earth did this happen?”
“I fell over…” Hollie mumbled.
Lucy’s excuse was harder to come up with. She sat there for a minute and then finally said “I walked into a tree branch then fell over and hit my nose off a brick wall.” I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud.
The nurse didn’t look like she believed either of them but she accepted it anyway and let them go.
As soon as we were outside, I turned to them both and said “Now that is the kind of violence I never want to see between my sisters ever again! Understand?” They both nodded “Good.”
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