Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If You Were Here I'd Never Have A Fear

Shut Up and Show Me Your Jazz Hands

by x-BreeLynn-xz 0 reviews

Avril faces Frank and Jamia. And she lets her feelings show to Billy.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-24 - Updated: 2011-02-24 - 691 words

Oh! Another update? Well yes, and I think since these chapters a a bit short. I think I'll update twice? How to you like that. And the chapter names are from Na Na Na and SING because I fell in love with them so hard core. Hehe hope you like
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I was getting ready to go back stage with the guys tonight. Once I was done with my makeup I walked out of the bathroom to find Billy.
"Hey love, you ready?" He asked me
"As ready as I'll ever be." I said
We walked arm in arm off the bus and towards the venue. Once backstage I saw my boys and smiled until I spotted Frank and Jamia in the corner on a couch. Thats when my stomach started curning. Billy put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I smiled a thank you to him.
"GC your on." Ther tour manager said
"Alright Love, see you later." He said kissing my cheek and heading on stage. Once he was gone I went and sat down by Gee.
"So you and Billy?" He asked
"It's nothing Gee. He's just being a friend." I told him.
I started looking around and my eyes laid upon Frank and Jamia again. She leaned down and kissed him. Thats when the bile rised in my throat. I ran out of the venue and puked causing myself to burst into tears. I didn't know what to do with myself. Surely all this stress isn't good for the baby. Suddenly I felt a presense. Finguring it was Gee I turned around, but instead laid my eyes upon a very upset Frank
"Hey." He said
"Get the hell out of here Frank!" I snapped
"Av, I." He started
"Save it Frank." I said interuppting him. "I don't want to hear it. I don't even wish to speak to you right now. Just leave me the fuck alone."
Frank walked away and I burst into tears again. I felt absoulutly horrible. I was pregnant, the father didn't know, and on top of that the father dumped me for his ex-girlfriend. What the hell was I going to do. I sat there staring off in the darkness when Billy came out. He helped me up and led me towards the bus. Once on we sat on the couch.
"You okay?" He asked
"I am now." I said looking up at him
Billy smiled, I just loved his smile. He helped me feel better about my situation. I looked up into Billy's eyes and smiled. We sat there for awhile just looking into each others eyes. Then I did the unthinkable. I crashed my lips against his.

Billy's POV

I wasn't really sure what was going on. Avril's lips were against mine and I wasn't really sure if I should kiss back. After she pulled away she frowned.
"I'm sorry." She said quietly looking at her shoes.
I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head so that I could look into her eyes.
"Av, it's fine. I'm just confused." I told her. I wasn't sure why she decided to kiss me. Was she just mad at Frank or did she really like me.
She looked at me with a questioning expression "Confused about what?" She asked
"The kiss." I told her
"Billy, I really do like you." She said. She looked nervous. I looked deep into her eyes.
"Avril?" I asked her
"Yeah Billy?" She replied
"Will you go out with me?" I asked her. I watched her. As soon as I asked her, her eyes lit up.
"Yes!" She said throwing her arms around me.
I smiled. I wasn't really syre if we would stay together at this point. I mean she was having a baby with Frank, but as far as I'm concerned I was more willing to step in as the father id Frank didn't. All I cared about is Avril's happiness. I would do anything to make sure she didn't hurt. I cared about her, and I wasn't about to let Frank destroy her.
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