Categories > Original > Drama > Opposites


by cassieallen 1 review

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-02-28 - Updated: 2011-03-01 - 1135 words

Marcie's P.O.V.

I layer two tanktops on top of eachother, put my skirt over my skinny jeans, then sliping on my converse and my locket. I check my hair in my broken hand-me-down mirror from my sister. Nice and straight, with my purple bangs.

I move up my stairs and open the chiped white door. Bright, unneeded light, came through to my eyes. Ow, it burns.

Taking the first left then right takes me to our perfect sleek kitchen. Everything is steal or ganite. I open the steal frige and take out an apple. I start the new coffee maker, you know, the one with the little cup things that you just press in? Yeah that thing. It can make it as black as I want. And that's my breakfast. Coffee and an apple. Yummy. I sit at the island and eat.

Shuffling feet causes my head to turn. Michelle came in wearing pink PJ's and pink bunny slippers, whats wrong with her?

"Good morning!" She says happily.

"What's so good about it?" I ask. Mines been crappy so far.

"Will you just be happy?" She says sharply.

"Nah, I'm good." I shrug. Hey, she didn't have to talk to me.

"Ugh!" She stomps around while making her eggs and bacon.

"No mommy so tend to your every need?" I wonder. Normally the women was making her fresh OJ, making her bacon, scrabled eggs, and whatever else her princess wants.

"Moms sick. Have some respect!" She spat.

"When she starts to respect me!" I call, getting up and to the door, slaming my way out. I have to set up things for art club. We meet today and they wont set up for us. I have get the paint from both the art rooms, pencils, pens, markers, colored pancils, ect. It's half thankless work but my love of the art is what keeps me going.

I park in my normal parking spot and slam the door. Checking in at the desk, I think, just thinking. What if things were different?

The art room smelled of freashly opened paint and sealer. I look to the corner seeing one of the new freshman in the art club. Shes so cute! She has these huge glasses and she like a twig. Her hair is a brown blonde mix. Big blue circles hide behind the glasses.

"Hey Alyssa! You coming to the club today?" I ask getting the stool for thr high but cabinet.

"Y-Yes. I-I am." She answered in her quiet voice.

"Whatcha working on?" I peek my head to the sheet of paper. It was a cheery blossim tree in the snow and moon light. It was gorgeous! "Wow, Lyssa, that's great."

"T-Thanks. I had a dream about it so I came here and drew it, then painted, and now we're here." She giggles alittle.

"That's amazing. At the club I'm showing everyone. Well I gots to go. Bye bye." I wave happily to her with supplies in my hand. She waves back the turns to her painting again.

I'm in a good mood now. Cute little freshman normally do that. With that sad, I almost skip to the other art room on the thrid floor. As I reach it, I see Brad, my sisters boyfriend, walking out of it with a grin on his face.

"Hello Richard." I say with a fake smile just for him.

"Freak." He nods. "And don't call me that."

"Why? It's your real name. I think I have a-"

"Just don't, freak!" He snaps.

"Someones PMSing.." I mummble. "What are you doing in the art room?"

An evil smile played at him lips. A glint in his eyes tells me it's not good. "Oh, you'll see." He smirks. He pushes past me, both of us keeping our cool. As soon as hes out of sight, I run for the class room.


Everything was broken. Or spilled. Or cracked. Brushes snaped in half or more, paint all on the floor, stools with no legs, and painting burned. My anger burned and bubbled inside me. I drop the stuff on a table not broken and run after Brad. But by the time I was to the end of the hall, he was gone.

Sceaming, ploting, cooking up a revenge plan. Thoughts raced as I got closer to the storage closet of a room we have for the club. I hate that boy. Even though I have the perfect revenge plot. I slap the stuff down on the table and think this through. It would be perfect. They wont suspect a thing.

"What are you cooking up?" A person called from the door way. I smiled. "I love that evil look you get when your plotting against people. Who this time?"

I laugh and move over to Crimson and twist my fingers in his hair. "Brad. He destroyed the art room." I sighed, I neecd to get my mind off this. "Anyway, come, I want to show you what I drew last night." I giggle and pull him into the room.

I dig through the million papers that live in my binder until I find the cutest cartoon ever. I turn around quickly and push it in his face. He moves back taking it from my hand and looking at it. The picture is him with a big head and huge hazel eyes. His body is small with his normal black everything and combat boots, and he's holding up a rose.

"So? What do you think?" I ask eagerly.

"It's cute." He smiles. "Thank you." He places a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Mmmm coffee." I murmur. He just laughs and puts his arm around me.

"Aw! I love you two!" Crimson's little sister, a.k.a. my best friend, Emily stated as she walked in. It went in this order: Dated Crimson, became bestest friends forever and ever with his sister whos a year younger than us.

"Love you too baby sister." Crimson huged her.

"Yay hugs!" She giggled.

We all laughed and left the claustrophobic box. On the way down to our first class, We see the other side walking towards us. It has to be the weirdest thing you will ever see. Brad had his arm around Michelle just like Crimson had around me. One of Brad friends were tailing them as Emily was with us. Can you say paradox?

Brad passed with the saying "Freak." It was whispered so Michelle wouldn't hear a word.

"Can I punch him now?" I moan to Crimson.

"No. When he comes over to creep on your sister, then you can." He tells me.

"Okay!" I chirp.
hey guys.... This isn't cassieallen...This is jadesohma. We were suppose to do a dual story but that didn't work so it's just me:)
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