Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Full Of Holes.

Ask Me No Questions,I Tell You No Lies

by unitedsuck007 8 reviews not so sure about this chapter....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-03-16 - Updated: 2011-03-16 - 1343 words

Dudes,just sayin' I'm not sure I really love this's just....I dunno.Is it not funny,too ironic,too many sex references?God,I'm great,aren't I?I'm not sure,judge for yerselves.Also,thx to Unicorns-are-real who cast me in her sure-to-be-ahmazin' story!You rock major stonage,grrl.Also,hope ye have a good Paddy's day,guys!I love that we have such a famous feast day that nearly everyone in the world celebrates it.We also get two days(tomorrow and Friday) off school.FOUR DAY WEEKEND HELL TO THE YES!Enjoy,mah darlins'.xo,l.

"Gerard?"I hear Mikey call."Come here for a minute.We just wanna talk."
My nerves tighten and my eyes flicker as he motions for me to come.I'm so utterly terrified of talking to my younger brother about my relationship with our band's guitarist I could actually shit myself.His words swirl around in my head,like a horrible soup mixture of emotions and reactions.
You two will destroy this band...
"Gerard?"His voice is sharper now,more annoyed.I can tell his eyebrows have knitted together and his nails are digging into his legs.I know him well,you see."Come on.Get in the kitchen."
I stay rooted to the spot,my comfy seat in the living area.
"Yo,Way,"I hear Bob holler,"get yo ass out here.Just fucking talking."
Ah,the carefully selected words of Robert Bryar.I try to end all of his sentences with "as a true poet would say."
"That's it,"sighs Mikey,"I'm getting him."
I stand up,my vodka legs failing me.(And if you know what that means,Lauren will give you a cookie.)"Never mind,he's comin' now,"I hear Ray mutter.
I walk into our little kitchenette,absorbing my surroundings.Ray,Bob,Mikey,Maria and Frank are sitting around the little table.Ray looks bored,Bob looks vehement,Mikey,Maria looks tired and Frank looks (apart form sexy) worried.
You two will destroy this band...
I attempt to shake Mikey's words away by shaking my own head,causing my greasy raven hair to cascade across my face.All I get for my efforts is a pistol-whip from my own hair and a "what the hell is he doin'...." look from Bob.
I take a seat and look to the others.Frank has now reached a dull pink glow at the bottom of his neck.I try to catch his eye but every time he sees me he looks downward.I begin to wonder grudgingly what's so damn interesting about the floor.
"So...."Maria starts off cooly."How is everyone today?"
Mikey looks outraged."Maria!We have something vital to-"
Maria says nothing,but one simple look from our manager silences Mikey like a blow to the neck.
"Anyway,"she continues,"how is everyone today?"
No answer.Just the awkward silence and the quiet hum of the mini-fridge.
"You know,when I ask a fucking question,I expect a fucking answer.So,how is everyone today?"
"Good,thank you,how are you Maria?"we chorus.
She smiles that familiar warm smile."I'm very well,boys,lovely of you to ask."Her face is suddenly grave."I believe we have certain matters to discuss."
"Michael James Way,were you raised in a barn?"
"Well,you certainly act like you were!The whole world does not revolve around you and what you want to do.First things first,then you may speak.Now,"she dons reading glasses and peers at a sheet she is holding."according to this,Bob,you broke your snare last week.What brand was it?"
Mikey breathes a frustrated sigh."Can't this wait-"
Another stare.Mikey shuts up.
"Uh....I think it was D Drum."
"D Drum?"
(As a true poet would say.)
"Okay then,"Maria scribbles D Drum on her little page,"next thing.Uh....Ray,you have that family thing on the 11th,so you'll be missing,right?"
"Yep,but only for one show."
Mikey looks like he might actually spontaneously com bust,but has sense enough not to interrupt.
"One show?Good,good.We'll get Matt to replace you then,"she scribbles M.Cortez next to Ray-missing 11th and then takes off her glasses,rubs her eyes and looks to Mikey.
"Well,Mikey,would you like to speak?"
Mikey nods stiffly.
"Well,I don't know if any of you guys know,but Frank and Gerard have been doing some mighty shit behind our backs.D'you guys know what I'm talking about?"
Ray scratches his chin."Is it about the whole Frank taking at least an hour in the motherfucking shower thing?'Cause that bugs the shit outta me,man."
Mikey remains stable.
"That may be so,Ray,but that's not what I'm talking about."His eyes sweep over me and they stay fixated on my head as he breathes the next line.
"They're dating,"he sneers.
For a second there is absolute silence.No-one speaks.I look at Frank.That dull pink is now a fiery red,and I can hear his shallow breathing.I raise my eyes to Mikey.
You two will destroy this band...
"We won't,"I wheeze clumsily.
"What?"Maria sounds like she needs a good night's sleep.
"Destroy the band.Of course we won't."
They're staring at me now,a full frontal glare.Bob decides to speak."Gerard,what do you mean?"
I point at Mikey."Him.He thinks that if Frank and I are together My Chem's gonna break up.Which,"I scoff,"is completely false.Nothing could make this band split,even an A-bomb just dropped on our heads.Anyway,me and Frank could keep it quiet,we're not gonna shout it from the mountaintops or something."There are mountain tops on the Warped Tour?Oh,well,ya learn something new every day."So,guys,please,just.......hear me out."
Ray,Bob and Maria is look fairly convinced.Mikey still appears skeptical,while Frank looking at me,his mouth slightly open.
Ray goes next."Just one more thing,Gerard.Well,this is just me talking."
"Do you two...."he makes rather awkward hand gestures towards Frank and I,"you guys really love each other?"
"I can't speak for Frank,but I can certainly say this:I didn't know what love was until I met Frank."I look over to to the aforementioned for verification."Frank?Do you feel something for me?"
Please,please say yes.If you say no now,you will not only break my heart but simultaneously break me.
Frank raises his head slowly."Of course,"he mummers,"how can you even doubt that?"
He leans over and kisses me on the cheek.
The room is silent except a faint vague snuffling.It takes me a few minutes to spot the source.
"Bob!"exclaims Ray,"are you crying?"
"It's just.....kinda sweet,"he huffs.
"Mikey,"I say,"please.This is the person I love.It's just like you and Shannon;or Ray and Lea,or Bob and Gia.Only difference is that the person for me happens to be a guy.Can you please just accept that?"
He still maintains the ultimate poker face,his expression unreadable."And if I don't accept it?"
I stiffen.Is my brother actually saying this?Yes,he is.
"Then,"I state coldly,"we have a problem."
He looks at me.The tension is so thick I could cut it with a knife.Then his face breaks out into a smile.
"Of course I accept,Gerard.Just......don't let the relationship get too involved with the band,'K,Frank,Gerard?"He looks to us for confirmation.
We nod.Then I say:
"Look guys,I'm exhausted and gonna hit the sack.So,good night."
I wave to the guys-and girl-and start to head to our room.Then I remember.I walk back into the kitchen,and kiss my boyfriend lightly on the lips.I return to bed,a stupid grin plastered across my face.
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