Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > My Love Is Her Boyfriend

My Love Is Her Boyfriend

by punk1210 4 reviews

Sakura Haruno is love with her older sister's boyfriend,Sasuke Uchiha.But,is there really a chance that Sakura could ever be with him...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-01-09 - Updated: 2011-01-09 - 1329 words

"Sasuke,stop it!",Karin laughed.
Sakura Haruno watched as her sister played around with her boyfriend.
Her older sister,Karin Haruno.Long,red hair with matching red eyes,and a body that belongs on a magazine.
Karins' boyfriend is Sasuke Uchiha.He has dark hair with matching darks eyes and the body of a God.
They were the hottest couple in Leaf,USA.Or you can say the entire world...
Then there was Sakura.Most of the time known us Karin's little sister.Other times known as Dorkura.Lame name,but that's what they called her.
They were at the moment at Sasuke's pool area for a pool party.All of Sasuke and Karin's friends were invited.Unfortunately,so was Sakura.
A bad thing about being at a pool party for her,is that she cannot swim at all.She will drown the moment she is in water.
Yet the worst thing,is that while she is watching Karin be lovey dovey with Sasuke,her heart is sinking.Because she is in love with Sasuke Uchiha and has been since the seventh grade in Konoha Junior High.
Now they were all in Konoha High and Sakura was in the 10th grade.Sasuke and Karin were in a grade higher.
"Sakura,come over here!",Karin called.Sakura saw in the farest corner watching with envy.
"No thank you.",Sakura called back and went back to her book.
Sakura had long,weird pink hair with green eyes and such pale skin.She wore nothing but clothes that covered her from top to bottom.She at the moment wore overalls with an old plaid shirt,her hair in a messy ponytail.
"Come on,Sak,get over here!",Sasuke called.Sakura looked to Sasuke with a blush and gave a smile.
He was smiling at her once more.He was so beautiful...
She jumped as he called her out again.She gave a smile and shook her head.
"I'm going to the restroom.",she excused herself and quickly went inside sliding the door behind her closed.
She took a deep breath and turned to see everybody.All of Sasuke's pals.All of Karin's friends having fun.
"I wish I can join them one day...",she whispered.She turned and went upstairs to the restroom.
But she stopped when she saw Sasuke's room.
She bit her lip and tiptoed to the room to sneak a peek.
"Wonder what it looks like.",she whispered to herself and poked her head in.
The room was dark but it had many trophies and pictures of his family and himself together.Then she noticed the picture on the nightstand.
She frowned almost immediately.Karin and Sasuke together,smiling so happily.
Sakura sighed.
"It is a mean thing to be in love with Karin's boyfriend.He is her boyfriend and I should respect that.If only I was cool and pretty like her..."
"Find something?"
Sakura screamed and spun around to see Sasuke standing there with a smile and crossed arms.
"S-Sasuke!I'm sorry!I dropped something nearby and I had to go in your room to get it...because it rolled in there!",Sasuke quickly and sloppily covered.
"Ummm,okay.",he said and pointed to his left.
"What?",she asked.
"The bathroom is down the hall.After all the times you've been in my house,you forget so quickly.",he said with a laughed at the end.She blushed and shrugged.
"Guess they don't call me dumb for nothing.",she told him.
His eyebrows furrowed together and she noticed the awkwardness she created.
"Well,guess I'll be on my way to take a pee.",she said.
He stiffled a laugh and she blushed noticed what she had just said.
"Ummm,I'll go now.",she said and quickly,half-running,made her way to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.
Sasuke sighed and shook his head walking into the room.
Sakura splashed water onto her face and moaned out.
"Why am I such a doofus?One of the few chances I speak with Sasuke and I mess it all up!I'm so stupid!",she yelled at herself.She looked up to the mirror and looked at herself for a long time.
Wondering if she could ever really be as cool as Karin,or be with anybody as cool as Sasuke.
"It's not possible,is it,Lord?",she asked and looked up to the ceiling.
With a long sigh,she left the bathroom and went back outside where Sasuke was in the pool playing volleyball with the guys,all the girls watching.
"Sakura,why don'tyou go in with them?",Karin asked me.
"No thanks.",Sakura said.No matter how many times she reminded Karin that she could not swim,Karin kept forgetting.So she didn't bother with it anymore and just said that she didn't want to go in.
"Oh,come on!Why are you so boring?!",Karin called out at her.One of her friends,Ino,gave a giggle.
"Karin,you know I can't swim.",Sakura reminded her one more.
"So??Just stay in the shallow end.You'll be just fine.",Karin said with a shake of her hand.
"Karin,leave it alone.If Sak can't swim,don't invite her in.",Sasuke said from the pool.
Sakura looked to him and stared in surprise.
Sasuke had stood up for her!From his own girlfriend.From Sakura's sister...
"Sasuke,she needs to learn how to swim otherwise she'll be useless.",Karin defended with a dramatic gasp.
Sasuke rolled his eyes and continued to play.
"Maybe another time.I just remembered I have lots of homework to do.",Sakura said and started to turn away.
Sakura looked to Karin's friend,Ino.
"Aren't you some super nerd?",Ino asked.Sakura sweatdropped with a disappointed smile.
"Kinda?",Sakura answered.
"Well,you should be done with your homework by now then.Stay and listen to Karin.You can learn how to swim right now.",Ino said.
"Ugh!Look,come!I'll teach you how to swim.",Ino said and stood up walking to Sakura.
"There you go.",Karin said then sipping on her drink.
"You got a bathing suit?",Ino asked.
"N-No.",Sakura told her.
"Alright,I bought an extra one.You can wear that one.",Ino said.
"B-But what kind of suit is it?",Sakura asked.
"It's a two-piece.Duh!Now go!My bag is on the couch and it's pink with a capital I on it.Go!Go!",Ino rushed her.
Sakura nodded and Ino pushed her into the house.
"Aww!This is going to suck!",Sakura groaned as she grabbed Ino's bag.
"Why are you being nice to her?",Karin asked with disgust.
"Oh,shut up!She needs help!She's wearing overalls for God's sake!Also,I feel sorry for the poor little girl.",Ino said and grabbed her drink.
"Me too.That girl looks like she's allergic to the sun...and a social life.",Tenten,another friend of Ino.
"Oh,she probably just needs a nudge.She's not that bad.",Hinata said,also Karin's friend.
"Hinata,don't pity her.She really is that bad!",Karin yelled making Hinata cring.
"Stop yelling at my girlfriend,creep!",Naruto,Hinata's boyfriend and Sasuke's best friend,yelled.
Naruto hated Karin and never had a reason why.Just hated her,simply.
"Be quiet,ramen boy!",Karin yelled back.
"Alright,everybody,calm",Sasuke's voice faded away as he stared at Sakura.
She stood at the door wearing Ino's ruffly and pink two piece.
Sakura's hair was down and long,flowing with the wind.A visible blush on her cheeks as she stared back at Sasuke.
Why is Sasuke looking at me like that?
Sasuke could feel his face going red and tried to shake it away.It was impossible.
Sakura looked beautiful!
"Wow,who knew Sakura was so hot!",Naruto yelled out making Sakura cover herself the best she could.
"So hot...",Sasuke murmured.
So very,very hot...
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