Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Keeping you safe

The Kiss

by Cassie-ZombieGirl 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-04-05 - Updated: 2011-04-06 - 1004 words

We stayed like that for about a half hour just listening to each other breath, The boys came running down and told us to come upstairs for some food and games. We slowly got up and walked up the stairs. The pain in my ribs wasn’t really there anymore, only if I moved wrong or laughed to much. I was glad nothing was broken. We were all sitting around in the living room eating pizza and playing truth or dare.

Bob looked at me “Frankie Truth or Dare?”

“Um Truth” Bob sighed and I laughed, every time he asked someone truth or dare, they all said truth because apparently he gives t worst dare, and there pretty evil.

“OK, are you gay?” oh my god, he just came straight out and asked me. Well gee said they wouldn’t hurt me, no matter what so I guess knows the time to see if he is true to his word.

“Yes” I said simply, with a smile. Mike shouted

“YES I WIN” and Ray groaned handing him a 20.

“Use both bet on me to see if I was gay or not?” I asked laughing slightly.

“Yes but I wish I hadn’t now” mumbled ray, he must of seen the look on my face because he smiled and said ”Don’t worry frank I’m cool with it, that’s not why I said I wish I hadn’t, every time I make a bet with Mike’s I always lose”

I laughed “then why do you keep betting with him?”

He sighed, “Because I do be hoping that I will win, but I think that was the last time in going to bet with that kid” he laugh now

“OK frank your turn” Mikey said while sitting down after his little victory dance.
OK truth or dare Mikey”

“DARE” he shouted, I smiled evilly at him.

“ I dare you… to.. Gave back that 20 to ray”


“well its that… or running around next doors garden… nude?”

He sighed and stood up. “I guess Mrs, Walsh is going to see what she seen 17 years ago” he said whole taken off his cloths. Gerard looked at me and winked I blushed and stood up walked to the door with a now naked Mikey.

“Go Mikey “ I laughed as he ran out, hopped the wall and ran around her garden, I was on the ground laughing, my ribs hurt but I just couldn’t stop laughing.
“come one Frankie calm down before you hurt yourself or get sick” Gee said while laughing himself.Once I calmed down Gerard shouted at Mikey to come back in, Mikey ran in the door up to his room and a second later he ran back down the stairs fully dressed.

“I hate you” He said as he walked pasted me I just laughed.
“I love you too Mikey” He flipped me off and sat down beside ray who kissed his head and put his arm around him. WAIT is Mikey and Ray.. TOGETHER? Wow I didn’t see that coming, I looked at Gerard who was looking and Mikey and Ray smiling, he looked at me and nodded his answer to the question I hadn’t asked. I looked back at the too and they where just pulling away from a gently kiss, they where both smiling and they looked so in-love. I smiled and hoped that one I would feel like that.

Mikey sat up and looked at Gee. “Truth or dare”

Gee smiled and said “Dare”

“I dare you to kiss Frank” I looked up with my mouth open, Gee turned to look at me and smiled, blushed and he moved towards me. I felt his soft lips brush against mine, I moved my lips against his and I never wanted it to stop, he pulled away and kissed me again sort but sweet. I missed his lips already. I smile and blushed again and put my head down.
The game went of for about an hour but I wasn’t really interested in it, I couldn’t stop thinking about Gee and how that kiss had made me feel, it was like my body heated to his touch and was now in fire I wanted more, yes I’m gay but never had I had a kiss like that. I’ve never been with anyone before, I’ve never kissed another guy before, I’ve always be attracted to them, wanted them but never had a chance to feel someone lips against my own, till now, and boy did I want more.

“You OK Frankie?” Ray asked I nodded yes and smiled. He smiled back and put his arm back around Mikey who was talking to Gee and Bob about something, none of them noticed my lack of interested except Ray.I kept looking at Ray’s hair, it amazed me at how.. Big.. It was it was huge, a family of birds could live in there and he wouldn’t even know. I was brought out of my train of thought, by my cell ringing, I picked it up and answered it.

“Hello?” I asked, I had no idea who it was.

“Frank. If you think that by staying at your boyfriends house is going to stop me form beating your ass, you have another thing coming. I WILL see you tomorrow morning. I mean it.”

“Ok Darren, bye” I hung up my cell and put it back in my pocket. I just set there, I was in for it tomorrow that was for sure. I didn’t want to go home tomorrow, but I new I’d have to, or it would be just worse when he did get me.

A/N Ok im sorry but i deleted Gerard's POV i didnt like it, im just going to stick with Franks. and i changed the end of this chapter because i didnt like it either.
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