Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Azianeth Soul

Chapter 3

by mellowriterx3 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-04-07 - Updated: 2011-04-08 - 321 words


Chapter 3
            As my mom and I were turning the corner to my school, I had a nervous feeling. “What’s wrong with me today?”I thought. Then we finally got to the front of the school. I got out of the car and my mom said” Happy Birthday, Katalin! Have fun, ok?!” “Ok, Mom, don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Bye, Mom,” I said. I closed the door and waved goodbye, she waved back and drove off. I turned around and took a deep breath, and then I walked into the school gates.
            When I walked through the school gates, all of my friends came crashing to me. There I saw Steffine, Rheana, Melanie, Klaude, Kenneth, Kiana, Amy, Quentin, Ethyn, and a whole bunch of my other friends. They all said “happy birthday” at the same time. I said, “Thank you, thank you!” they all gave me hugs and some gave me gifts and cards. Kiana asked” how old are you now?!” “I’m now the lucky 13! Yup, the start of something new,” I replied. Kenneth rested his elbow on my shoulder and said, “That’s right! The start of something new!” I looked at him and he smiled weirdly, we all laughed.
            When we were having a blast of laughter, I interrupted and said, “I’ll put away my flute, in the band room.” They all said “okay!” I giggled and went to the band room. When I was walking to the band room, I felt the nervous feeling. But this time I felt scared, too. I had a feeling that I was being followed. I keep turning around and there was nobody there. “Something is really wrong with me,” I thought. I finally reached the band room, and the other part Asian group said, “Happy birthday!” I said thanks and finally put away my flute. The bell rang. “Time to go to 1st period,” I said to myself.
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