Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Azianeth Soul

Chapter 4

by mellowriterx3 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2011-04-07 - Updated: 2011-04-08 - 289 words


Chapter 4
            I ran up the stairs and dashed into the door. I got into the classroom and the bell rang. “Yes, I’m not late!” I thought. I went to my seat and pulled down my chair. People came by and said, “Happy birthday”. I said all my thanks and sat down.
            We started with our regular Friday week test. As always, I was one of the first students to finish. “I’m such a geek! Hahaha,” I thought. I sat there and waited. It wasn’t long until everyone was finished. We all turned in our test and then Mr. Jones said, “We have a special day today! Everybody say happy birthday Katalin!” The WHOLE class yelled out, “Happy birthday”. I put my head down on my desk, feeling embarrassed. Kiana passed out donuts as a treat for everybody. The bell rang and everyone dashed out the door. I stayed back and so did Kiana and Amy. They both hugged me and said, “Happy birthday!” I said “thank you, thank you! Kiana, thank you for the donuts, thank you so much!” “You’re welcome,” Kiana replied and they both left.
            Now it was just me and Mr. Jones. He helped put the extras into a bag. He was a nice kind of teacher. He wasn’t strict. He was more in the middle. He was a funny and fun kind of teacher. He understood the students. He was my XL/Gate language arts teacher. He said, “You have great friends, like family. Have a great birthday.” “Thanks, Mr. Jones. Bye,” I said. Then I left the classroom. As I was walking the empty hallways I felt the nervous and scared feeling, again. I ignored it and kept walking.
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