Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Window to the Soul


by Magical_Me 1 review

Harry is sent to hogwarts and Dumbledore makes a discovery with our young protagonist...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-05-24 - Updated: 2006-05-24 - 4157 words

Disclaimer - I, surprisingly enough, don't own Harry Potter, that right goes to JKRowling

A/N - I love this chapter! Partly because Harry sas something in parseltongue to Dumbledore at the end, and I have always wanted to either read that or write it, so that is what I have done!

Chapter two - Hogwarts

Because I was happy upon the heath,
And smiled among the winters snow,
They clothed me in the clothes of death,
And taught me to sing the notes of woe.

The Chimney-Sweeper - William Blake (Songs of Experience)

We can now find, one day later, Harry in the quarters of the DADA professor Sirius Black and his assistant Remus Lupin. He insults and lashes our at them every time he sees them. In parseltongue of course. The most upsetting part of this ordeal for them is that Harry seems to half fear, half loath Remus, though no one knows why.

If we watch for a while we will see Dumbledore make a discovery when Harry unshrinks a trunk hidden in his robes. We will follow Dumbledore as he leads us to the quarters of Sirius, Remus and now Harry.


Dumbledore knocked on the door to Sirius' quarters and then opened the door. Sirius and Remus were sitting on the chairs in their living room, the door to Harry's new bedroom was closed and Sirius and Remus were looking slightly exasperated.

"How is he?" Dumbledore asked, looking at the door to Harry's bedroom.

"We don't really know. As soon as we got here he hissed angrily at us and then ran into his rrom and closed the door, we don't know if he has any books or clothes or anything. You can try talking to him if you want." Remus said, sighing and placing his head into his hands. Sirius looked up and over to the door in hope.

"I will try but I have no idea how to translate what he is saying. I have looked through all of my books, but because it is such an unknown language there are no spells that will translate what he is saying into English. Or any other language for that matter." Dumbledore admitted, then he walked to Harry's door and cautiously opened it. Inside Harry was staring at the forbidden forest in longing, making Dumbledore's stomach clench in guilt. "Harry. We will be taking a trip to Diagon Alley later to buy you some things that you will need to start your seventh year, so get ready and we can go." He said cheerfully. Harry looked at him blankly and then reached into his robes and pulled something out. He then hissed something and waved his wand in the direction of a small box on the floor. It then enlarged into a trunk, which Dumbledore recognised to be a multi-compartment trunk, similar to the one that a past DADA Professor Mad-Eye Moody. Harry then turned to face Dumbledore, hissed something else at him and threw him the set of keys to go with it. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at the keys and then walked to the trunk.

"I will take this trunk into the living room so that Sirius, Remus and I can see if there is anything you might need. Ok?" he said. Harry shrugged his shoulders and the turned back to staring at the forest. Dumbledore sighed and then turned back to the living room, floating Harry's trunk behind him.

When he arrived back in the living room he placed the trunk on the floor in front of Remus and Sirius and then with a wave of his wand shut Harry's door before sitting down in a chair.

"This, it would seem, is Mr Potter's trunk." He said, handing the keys over to Sirius. "There are six compartments, however Harry has only given me five keys, which could suggest that he is hiding something. Anyway, in the mean time, we will open each compartment and make a quick list of anything he may need then we can go and fetch them. Well shall we open the first one?" Dumbledore asked, looking pointedly at Sirius. Sirius looked at him and then knelt down to the trunk and tried numerous keys in order to open the first trunk.

After trying the first compartment, which just contained a selection of robes, all black and all with large hoods, some jeans and a few black t-shirts, a state of the range broomstick and a selection of dark detectors, they opened the second compartment and gasped. Inside was a smallish library which contained about a hundred books. Sirius looked up at Remus and Dumbledore.

"Shall we go and have a look?" he asked, standing up and climbing down into the library. "Wow! Moony you should see some of these books! Advanced Defence /Unforgiveables of the world/. There's also a load of books in French, about ten in German and more than half in another... wow!"

"What? What is it?" Remus asked, jumping out of the chair and running to the edge of the trunk.

"This book! It is called Defence and Offence but it is by wow... I can't believe it there is a whole selection by him."

"Who? Harry?"

"No! Godric Gryffindor!"

"Sirius, what is the other language?" Dumbledore asked, walking over to the trunk.

"Wha-? Oh right, I have no idea. It could be Russian or something but I have never seen if before." He said, slowly climbing back up the ladder. He passed a book over to Dumbledore and then closed the lid and tried the keys to the third lock.

By the time he had opened it he looked inside and then back to Dumbledore.

"So? Have you figured out what language it is in yet?" he asked. Dumbledore raised his head and chuckled.

"Well if you were impressed by the books Godric Gryffindor wrote, prepare to be astounded."


"Well if I'm correct then I think these are written in parseltongue. Does this book look familiar to either of you?"

"No. Oh! It's what our Standard Book of Spells grade seven looked like." Remus exclaimed, holding the book that Dumbledore held for him.

"Ok, but that's by whojamahick Gos-something, not a Hogwarts founder." How is that supposed to astound us?"

"It will astound you, Mr Black, because no one else besides Salazar Slytherin himself could read or write parseltongue, in fact I don't even think that Voldemort can. So either Slytherin wrote it or Mr Potter did, which then brings us to the next question."

"What's that?"

"Well it would seem he can read English at the least so maybe we could question him by letting him write the answers. What is in that compartment by the way?"

"Huh? Oh it's a very advanced duelling room. It has those dummy things, you know, the ones where a number appears above its head to tell you how strong your curse or whatever was. They are amazing! I wanted to get one for this year, but they were too expensive. I wonder where he got them from." He muttered to himself.

"Well why don't you close the trunk and we can go to question Harry. We can finish looking at the last two rooms later." Dumbledore said. Sirius nodded and closed the lid, not before looking longingly at the dummies one last time. He then stood up and followed the other two into Harry's room.


Dumbledore and the other two walked into the room, Sirius and Remus were talking or bickering about the dummies which they no doubt found in his trunk. He couldn't help but wonder if they had managed to look in the fifth compartment, though he doubted it. He looked up from staring at the forest and raised his eyebrows when they conjured several chairs nd sat on them facing him.

"We have found out that you can read English, and French and German it would seem, so can you write?"


SS/They can't understand you./SS Persephone scolded him. Harry chuckled.

SS/I know. It's funny. Anyway if they can't understand me then why have they bought me here?/SS

"Perhaps if you nodded or shook your head." Remus said, noticing that Harry had the same glint in his eyes that his father, James had whenever he was planning a prank.

"I will ask again. Can you write?" Harry nodded and Dumbledore smiled then pulled out a piece of parchment and a self-inking quill then handed then to Harry, who looked at them in confusion.

"I wonder if, when we ask you questions, you can write the answers down." Harry nodded again and then sighed resignedly.

"Right, well I will begin. What is your name?"

Harry James Salazar Potter. M family call me Salazar


because I am his one true heir

"WHAT! I thought Voldemort was." Sirius said, jumping forward in his chair.

No, Tom is not the heir, he is the great grandson of Salazar's youngest son. I am the great-great grandson of the eldest son, Shea.

"How do you know Voldemort's name?"

I know his name because he told me

"He told you? You've met him?"

We have met

"Are you going to join him?" Dumbledore asked, fearing the answer that was about to come.

No he does not like me. He wants revenge

"Revenge? Revenge for what?"


"Who is Nagini?" Sirius aked, whilst Dumbledore frowned.

"What did you do to Nagini?"

I recruited her. She is in my trunk.

"You stole Voldemort's bonded?" Dumbledore asked incredulously, causing Sirius to burst into laughter and Harry to smirk.

Not stole, befriend. However, old Tommy boy wasn't very impressed, so now he wants revenge

"Does Voldemort know of you inheritance?"

No, only my family and now you.

"I wonder why James never told us. Strange though, I always thought he would be Gryffindors heir." Remus murmured.

He was. It was not the Potter side but the Evans

"What? How? She is Muggleborn."

She was adopted. I believe that the headmaster here knew that. You left her on the doorstep of the Evans' in much the same way you left me on the doorstep of the Dursley's. I, however, found my real family.

"So you are the heir to Slytherin. Did you say that James was the heir to Gryffindor?" Dumbledore asked, ignoring the latter part of what Harry had just written.

Yes. That caused great joy and amusement when we found that out

"You keep mentioning your family. Who are they?"

I cannot say. Only that they will be looking for me, and they will not be happy.

"If you cannot tell us who brought you up, can you at least tell us where?"

Various places, though mainly the Byrne Forest in Surrey and the forest surrounding Strasburg, which then joined onto the Black Forest in Germany.

"All forest, all dark as well. How did you survive? How old were you when you were found by your family?"

I found them in a way. I was ten...

Harry stumbled over a tree root, ignoring the pain he felt when he collided with the ground. He sat up, rubbing his elbow and leaned against the tree. He had been in this particular forest for almost a month now, and he was finally beginning to now his way around. Though now he would have to leave. They were getting closer to finding him and he didn't wan to go back to the Dursley's. Not that they would take him back. But that doesn't matter, here he is leaning against a tree in a forest hiding from an Auror, it actually made him chuckle that these people were supposed to be the cream of the magical crop and yet they had been spending the last four years searching for him and he still managed to stay away from them, and he was only a ten year old boy, no wonder most of the death eaters are still at large.

Now he decided that it was time to move on and he knew exactly where he was going to go. Something was calling him to te north and so that was where he was going. The North. To a forest in Carlyle.


When he finally got to the forest he felt something wash over him. he felt at home! He didn't know how long he would be able to stay here before they caught his trail again, but he wanted to stay forever. For the time being however, he was going to learn his way around and get to know all of the creatures of this forest. Especially the snakes.

He had now been in this forest for almost a fortnight and he had only managed to know his way around a quarter of it, it was that large. The snakes of this part of the forest especially liked him and when he got lost or hungry they always helped him. now however he found himself in part of the forest that had no snakes and also a strange abundance of any other creature, magical or not, and the further he walked into the forest the more he felt at home.

He walked deeper and deeper into the forest until he felt a strange feeling wash over him and he suddenly passed out.

When he woke up he wasn't on the forest floor. He was lying in a bed of leaves which seemed to be in a tree. To the right of his makeshift bed was a medium sized stone basin, next to which was a small beaker made of the same stone as the basin. He sat up in his bed and then swung his legs over the side and walked over to the basin. When he saw his reflection in the water he gasped. His hair was still messy and maybe a bit longer than the last time he had saw it, but now, as well as being jet-black he had silver and green streaks and at the front, just in front of his face was a dark red streak which kept falling into his eyes. He filled his cup with the water from the basin and was about to take a drink from it when he heard voices coming from the ground below his tree. Human voices.

*end flashback*

That was when I met them

"Are they your blood family?"

No. They adopted me as their own

"How did you survive? Weren't there any werewolves?" Remus asked him, ignoring the looks that Sirius was shooting him.

Most werewolves are like you, Remus. Tell me can you climb trees on a full moon?

"Me? How do you-?"

The infamous Remus J. Lupin, AKA Moony? Every Werewolf/Vampire/dark creature knows who and what you are. And you never answered my question.

"Well no I can't, but if only dark creatures know about me, how do you?"

Wouldn't you like to know. You know, not every dark creature is evil, you should know that Remus, being what you are.

"Whose side are you on exactly?" Sirius asked after reading what he just wrote.

Not Voldemort's if that is what you want to know.

"So you are on ours? On the side of the light?" Dumbledore asked, suddenly feeling ten times happier. Maybe there was a way to use the child; he may be able to use his weapon after all.

No old man. I will not join your group of merry men. I am on my own side. The grey side, not light, dark but not evil. I will kill Voldemort if and only if he tries to kill me or anyone that deserves my protection, which by the way, none of you qualify for. However I would like to attend meetings, see if I can distinguish what he is planning and maybe where he is.

"We'll see. In the mean time, do you have any other friends?" Dumbledore slowly felt his plans coming crashing down around him and his only hope was that he becomes friendly with the right students in this school.

In all the forests in England and Wales, most in Scotland, about five in France and the whole of the Black Forest in Germany, all of the snakes and most of the dark creatures are my 'friends' as you put it

"How about human friends? Do you know anyone your own age?"

Not alive

"How long have you known about the magical world?"

I was eight when I first went to Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley. One of my 'friends' was meeting me there in a pub.

"What is your knowledge of your past?"

Boy-Who-Lived, what is it with you people and hyphenating everyone's name?, anyway, my parents died protecting me, I first defeated good old Tom when I was a year old, I am the saviour of the wizarding world, scourge o the underworld, sent to the Dursley's for protection that didn't exist... did I miss anything out? Oh yeah, boy who prophecies adore, yadda, yadda, yadda. Is that enough? I think I know more about my past than you do.

"Hmm, yes well, anyway. When did you get your wand?"

I got my first wand, holly, phoenix feather, pretty cool actually because the man who sold it me said that it was a black phoenix, which I prefer to those namby-pamby 'good' phoenixes. The shop was in Knockturn Alley and I got it on my first visit there, the man I went to visit recommended him to me and took me there, he bought it me for my birthday. He was a pretty cool man, shame he died. Where was I? oh yeah, my second wand I made myself.

"You made it yourself? How?" Remus asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

I had an abundance of wood, living in forests and all. Plus I had several magical creatures offering their hair/claws/feathers. Then I took several of the samples and tested which one felt most right with my magic. It is made out of wood from a whomping willow, which makes if really flexible by the way, and has a centre of er... ooh a Werewolf hair, Johnno was incredibly proud of that and the fang of a Vampire. Some wanker killed Antonio and I took his fang before he, well faded. It is a quite funky, strong wand though really temperamental.

"I thought Vampires turned to dust when they were killed, in any way." Sirius asked, feeling rather foolish for having to ask the question in the first place.

He was an elder. They only fade until they are reborn in another. I always hoped it would be me, but alas it is not meant to be.

"What school year are you in magically?" Dumbledore asked, ignoring what he had just wrote.

I would say that in charms, DADA, potions and Transfiguration that I am more skilled than most of your Aurors, not that it is hard mind, but in all of the other subjects except Divination and Care of Magical Creatures I would say I am in seventh year.

"What about Divination and Magical creatures?"

Well magical creatures is obvious seeing as I was brought up by them. And divination? Well I am no seer but I was taught by the best. Malcuchio from a clan of centaurs was appointed my teacher, much to his disdain. He eventually got me through my NEWTs and I surprisingly got an O.

"NEWTs? How did you take your NEWTs?"

I have my ways

"Yes well, how long have you been an elemental?"

Since I was born, though I only discovered my element when I was ten, with a little tutorage I was in full control in no time.

"Have you got control over any other element?"

What do you mean? I only have control of water.

"Water? I thought your element was fire." Sirius asked, remembering the incident at the ministry all too clearly.

Fire? Oh that. Fire is not my element. I pyrokinetic though, which means I can control fire with my mind.

"In that case, where did you get all your books?"

Here and there. The ones from Godric Gryffindor are mine by right anyway. I got them from my vault. Griphook was most friendly.

"What about the ones by Slytherin?"

Slytherin? Oh you mean the ones in parseltongue? Slytherin didn't write them. I did. I'll have you know that it took me forever to copy them, though it didn't take so long once I created a spell that translated English into parseltongue. That was a godsend I can tell you. I had to borrow the English books of course, but I don't have them now. It is quite good though as I don't have to share them. Harry grinned when he passed the note over.

"Right, well have you always lived in forests? I mean have you ever lived in a village or town or something?"

No, I have always lived in forests since I ran away, though I have stayed in several settlements, whether they be Werewolf, Vampire or centaur. And once acromantula, though never again. Bloody spiders. I would take werewolves any day.

"Well have you ever lived in the Forbidden Forest?"

Nope. That is one of the few forests in this country that I have never lived in and one forest that calls to me the most. I hear that you have quite a selection of dark and magical creatures residing in that there forest. Even a herd of thestrals! Now those I want to see.

"You will be able to see them?"

Of course I will be able to see them. You don't camp with werewolves and vampires without seeing death at least once.

"Ah. Well how do you feel now, knowing that you will be living here, with people your own age." Sirius asked, hoping to sway the conversation in their favour.


"Okaaay. Er... what is in the sixth compartment of your trunk?"

I wondered when you would ask that. In there I have a selection of creatures in there and of course, Nagini. Sirius, you are welcome to borrow them for your lessons if they will allow it. It is up to them of course.

"Ok, well do you have any questions that you would like to ask us?"

I suppose it would be futile to ask if I can leave, or at the least live in the forest.

"No, that would be out of the question. Well if that is it I will go and look in the other compartments of your trunk. Remus, Sirius, you can stay here and ask more private questions if you wish." And with that he left the room.


"Er... Harry may I ask... why is it that you both fear and hate me? if you have lived with werewolves it can't be prejudice. I can't understand."

I don't know you. I have met many bad werewolves in my life and of course you helped to lock me up in this god forsaken place. Why should I trust you? Either of you?

"Good point. Well you can trust me, but I will obviously have to earn your trust, but if you ever need anything then you can come to the both of us." Remus said, indicating to both himself and Sirius.

"Harry. Can you speak English?"


"How did you communicate with the other creatures you met?"

You never asked if I could speak any other language besides English. You only asked about English.


We will now leave Harry with Sirius and Remus. Although he seems to be beginning to trust Sirius and Remus, he is not so trusting of Albus Dumbledore and for good reason. He has been brought up by several different magical beings and so he is quite safe from Voldemort as he is part of a large and very unusual family, however there is no one to protect him from the cunning, sly and deceitful Albus Dumbledore and the only people who can protect him are blind to what the real danger is.

A/N - Oooh! Evil Dumbledore! Well I would just like to take a moment to explain what the quote at the beginning is about and how it ties in with this chapter. Basically the narrator of the poem (the chimney-sweeper) is explaining that when he was happy and carefree his parents came and forced him to clean chimneys. The child is saying that when he was happy his parents forced him to be unhappy. My explanation makes no sense I know, but well Blake was quite the crazy person. Anyway, in relation to this chapter, Dumbledore takes Harry away from what truly makes him happy and basically cages him. If you cage a wild animal for too long it will die. Harry is in all respect a wild animal that has been caged. Anyways! Please review and tell me what you think.
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