Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Window to the Soul


by Magical_Me 0 reviews

well after that minor cliffhanger from the last chapter, lets read and see what is wrong with Harry shall we....

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-05-24 - Updated: 2006-05-24 - 2749 words

Disclaimer - if I owned Harry Potter I wouldn't be sitting here typing up fanfiction now would i? nope, didn't think so.

Sorry it took so long. I have been overloaded with exams! Six hours in one day! I nearly died! Anyway, I have a small gap in the timetable and what better way to procrastinate than with a nice chapter for my readers! Which may I add over three hundred! I feel loved. : )

Chapter Four - Malfoy

I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath - my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe;
I told it not - my wrath did grow.

The Poison Tree - William Blake (Songs of Experience)

When we last left Harry, he was about to tell Sirius and Remus about the full moon. We shall now go and see what he has to tell them, and will soon discover that life in dark forests isn't so great after all, and a life of danger and mystery is no a way for a six year old to live.

I will need to tell you what happened on the night that I ran away, that night it was a full moon...

Harry huddled against the tree and shivered. He knew that if he was to go home then Uncle Vernon would beat him again, it was too late anyway and the door would be locked. However, he couldn't stay here, even if his family did say that the stories were nonsense and if he were heard to repeat them again that he would spend the rest of his natural born life locked in his cupboard, and how many times has he been told to not ask questions!, he still believed the stories to be true and he would be foolish not to believe them. Now, however, he was stuck in the notorious Byrne Forest, with no where to go and no one to help him.

He felt a tear run down his cheek again and quickly wiped it away, not wanting to let anyone know he was crying. He suddenly stopped and stiffened. He felt the presence of someone or something standing behind him. he slowly stood up and turned around. Standing directly behind him was the largest wolf he had ever seen (not that he had seen a wolf, well on the telly he had, but...).

Harry stepped cautiously and slowly away from the wolf, never making eye contact with as he had heard that that was his best chance of survival (Yep, that damned television show again.), he held his breath, hoping that maybe the wolf hadn't seen him, but clearly today wasn't Harry's day. The walf walked towards him and stopped just in front of him. Now that he was closer, Harry could see just how big it was, in fact it was at least a head taller than Harry. (He is only six remember)

Harry closed his eyes and could feel the warm breath on his face as the wolf took another step towards him. He stifled a whimper as the wolf became so close that Harry could feel the wolf's whiskers tickling his forehead. He waited for the wolf to eat him, but it never came. Instead the wolf licked his face and then sniffed his hair. The wolf then licked Harry again and nipped him gently to get him to follow. (No he never pierced the skin so Harry is not a Werewolf!)

Harry opened his eyes again and followed the wolf, still unsure as to whether or not the wolf was going to eat him and therefore not wanting to anger the wolf and feeling that it would be in his best interest to follow the wolf actually, thank you very much, yes that is exactly what he was doing. Trying not to get eaten. Besides, he would never be able to out run a wolf.

After walking for almost half an hour they suddenly reached a small run down old cottage that was almost in the middle of the forest. The wolf looked back at Harry and then nudged the door open with his nose and walked in. Harry frowned and then quickly made the choice to follow the wolf inside, deciding against running away, as the wolf would surely have eaten him by now if that was his plan. Plus, Harry's raw curiosity got the better of him.

When Harry walked in he found it was furnished with what looked like badly mauled furniture, which the wolf had clearly bitten and clawed at. He looked around him and then walked over to the wolf who was sitting next to a tatty bed in the corner of the room. He pushed Harry gently toward the bed and hen lay down on the floor, next to the bed. Harry smiled weakly at him and then let sleep take him.


When I woke up the next day he introduced himself to me as Johnno, I lived with him for six months until it happened.

"Wow! A Werewolf taking in a child- wait! What happened? Did he bite you?" Remus asked suddenly, an unnatural growl surfacing in his throat which was clearly a side effect of the impending full moon and making both Harry and Sirius jump at this display of aggression.

six months later, it was almost Christmas I think, at any rate it was winter anyway. It was a full moon, only this time there was something else. The moon was blue. It was a blue moon. Well anyhow something happened to me, though Johnno never said what, but ever since then on full moons I have transformed into a pure white wolf. I'm not a Werewolf either, I now know the differences between a wolf and a Werewolf and I am no Werewolf. Just a pure white wolf. Because of this though, I am no danger to those whom I deem trustworthy in my animal state, however, I am not myself. I cannot be alone, or else the wolf part of me will try to kill the human side of my mind. if I am in human or Werewolf company then I will be safe. Which is where you two come in. I sort of trust you and well... Persephone says that you will be able to help me in any case. Will you help me?

"Of course we will. Remus had taken his Wolfbane potion and so he will be safe and I will be able to be in human form, then in time, you can get used to my animagus form and we will- wait a minute. The full moon isn't until Monday. Not tomorrow. Why will you need us tomorrow?"

I change on the day before and after the full moon as well. The moon is almost full and so I change. All of the Werewolf colonies that I stayed with each month could never understand why though.

"So that is why you stayed with werewolves so much. Well, never mind. you can stay with us." Sirius said, jovially wondering why his godson was so different.

"Harry? May I ask. Why did Johnno take you in instead of well... killing you?" Remus asked tentatively.

no one knows. Johnno just said that when he found me the wolf inside of him cowered and allowed his human side to think and act. He called me his own natural, cheap and easy to acquire Wolfbane.

"Is Johnno the family that you spoke of?"

No, and angry Werewolf is nothing compared to what me 'family' will be like. But no, as I said, I only stayed with Johnno until a month after that night, then I had to leave.


The wizards, by this time, were searching everywhere for me and two wizards happened to visit Johnno's house whilst I was out hunting. I had to leave or they would have found me.

"So, did you ever see Johnno again?"

Yes I did. I frequently visited him. At first members of families clan kept trying to kill him, but then I was taught a ritual which would save him. Which reminds me. You two will need to do this ritual if you want to be safe when my family finds me. And believe me, they will come to get me.

"Oookaaay. What do we have to do?" Remus asked nervously. Harry smiled at him warmly and then pulled out his own, home made wand. He then carefully traced three rues in the air with it and chanted something in parseltongue. Soon after Remus and Sirius felt their bodies warm and saw that they were glowing a strange emerald green colour, which slowly faded into another colour, which was different with both of them. It stopped soon after and they looked at Harry thinking he had finished. He looked pale and tired but he pulled out one of the emerald encrusted daggers and pricked his thumb. He knelt down in front of Sirius and then Remus and drew another rune on their foreheads with the blood. The runes glowed the same colour that they had each glowed with before for a second and then disappeared into their skin with a blinding white flash. Harry then slumped on the floor and collapsed in exhaustion.

Sirius and Remus both quickly jumped up and rushed over to where Harry was lying, but before either could reach him, Persephone slithered out of his robes and hissed threateningly to each of them. They both backed away quickly and in silent agreement went to their rooms for the night, leaving Harry alone on the floor to sleep.

When Harry woke the next day he still felt slightly tired but didn't want to sleep in. he sat up and looked around him in confusion. Why was he on the living room floor again? Oh yeah! Last night. He sat up and looked down at Persephone, who had grown wuite a bit in the last couple of weeks. She was now almost two foot in length and at that moment was wrapped around his left leg. He carefully unwrapped her, hissing gently to her and then wrapped her around his right arm and stood up just as Sirius was walking in from his own room, looking slightly dishevelled.

"Hey, me and Remus thought that today you might like to mingle with the other students. We thought you could sit at their table; write to them, you know normal things. Though choose the Gryffindor table, the Slytherins are a bit eugh. Oh that's right, heh!" he said, noting the look on his godsons face. "Well, you look a bit rough, are you feeling ok?"

"It's the full moon tomorrow, and if Harry is affected like me then I would think he is feeling like crap." Remus said, walking into the room and sitting down on the sofa. Harry sniggered as Sirius blushed furiously.

"Yes well. We should really be going down to breakfast. Come on moony, Harry. You know we should really come up with a nickname for you. And make you a marauder."

What's a marauder?

"Oh! We are the last of the marauders. You father, Prongs, was one. I think he would be proud if his son became one. We, the marauders, were the greatest pranksters Hogwarts as ever seen."

"Ooh! Slinky!"

"Slinky? Dear lord. See moony this is why you never came up with the names. I believe you wanted to call me snuffles, James Bambi and yourself Moonshine. Oh what a bunch of oh so not cool people we would have made. Snuffles, Bambi and Moonshine! And now you want to name my godson Slinky!"

"Now Sirius, lets not get hysterical."

"Hysterical? Who's hysterical? Slinky?"

"Fine you come up with something then!"

"Okay, I will. Umm... how about... Sly?... no, too Slytherin-y, not that that's a bad thing. I mean... anyway...names! Something snake-like, I think, coz I mean we already have a wolf, so we will go with the snake thing. Any suggestions?"

"Well it doesn't help that Prongs was the one to come up with the names. Maybe we will get some ideas though the day."

How about Chaos? I mean it doesn't sound serpent-y but it is. Tiamet, a Babylonian god was a snake and she was hell bent on bringing the world into disruption, hence being re-named Chaos. I know she was female, but I couldn't think of anything else.

"Hey hey! Prongs' son come through! Chaos! I like it, very maraudery. It's perfect. I hereby name you Chaos! May you help live up to you name and bring Hogwarts into such and help the remaining marauders, namely Moony, on the full moon, night time strollings! Not that you have any problems there of course."

"Sirius. As much as we all love these ramblings of yours, but we do have to be somewhere. Namely breakfast. Come on. Harry can you change magically?"

Harry nodded in response and then picked up his wand and waved it over his body. Soon he was wearing a black robe with arge hood, though Remus wouldn't let his wear it up, saying that it would cause panic amoungst the students and Persephone was wrapped around his right arm still. He then hissed something to her, nodded and looked up.

"Shall we go then? Come on Chaos! Moony!"

Harry walked into the great hall next to a, again, bickering Padfoot and Moony, as they insisted he call them and then smiled briefly at them and sat down at the Gryffindor table next to a boy his age with shocking red hair.

"Hey! I'm Ron! Ron Weasley! You might know my father, he will soon be the Minister of Magic! Well he hopefully will be. So you're Harry Potter!"

Harry nodded and then pulled the bacon onto his plate, making Ron and his friends gasp and back away.

"You-You-You have a snake! What are you? Slytherin? Get away from me!" Harry frowned at them in confusion then looked at Persephone.

"So Weasel! You're trying to make friends with Potty! I heard he can't even speak. Do you think befriending him will increase your daddies chance of winning the election? I doubt it." A boy with white-blond hair was standing behind Harry. "Well, can you talk?" he asked with a sneer. Harry had just about enough of this boy. In fact he had had just about enough of this whole school. He stood up quickly and then faced the boy behind him.

SS/I've had enough of this damned school and its stupid bigotry! Why don't you all stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours! Now if you'll excuse me, I want to finish my breakfast./SS he hissed menacingly at Malfoy, not realising that the poor oy couldn't understand him and quite honestly, not caring. They got the message however and Draco fled back to the Slytherin table. Harry sat back down at the table and continued to eat his breakfast, and listened in on Ron's conversation with his friends.

"So Ron. You were saying last night?"

"Oh yeah. The marauders (at this Harry stopped even pretending to be ignoring them and listened intently). They're a myth, everyone knows that they didn't exist." He said pompously and then looked down at the note that Harry had just passed to him.

"What's it say?"

"He just says 'I know the Marauders personally. They are as real as the acromantulas in the forest.' You know the marauders? Yeah right, and I'm the king of England. Go back to where you came from."

Harry scowled at him and then stood up, throwing a note onto Ron's plate before leaving the Great Hall, robes whipping behind him with the teachers on the head table watching him leave.

Ron looked down at the note and paled, this was not supposed to be happening.

I would, but I'm not allowed. Your stupid Dumbledore made sure of that. You can tell him, by the way, that I will not be your friend, so you had better give up on the whole spying ordeal. Tell Dumbledore that his band of merrymen will not prevail and that he had better be prepared for when my family arrives.

A/N - Well! That's the next chapter all done and dusted. Tell me what you think. The next chapter will be short, but also quite funny hopefully. It will be Harry's first week of school and of course the full moon. Thank You!!!
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