Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Bedtime Stories


by Wicked_Lovely 2 reviews

Spencer and Jon have a fight, and Spencer finds a surprise when he wakes up.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-06-19 - Updated: 2011-06-20 - 1111 words - Complete

"I just want it to go back to the way it was." Spencer sobbed as he stared at the wall. It was silent, almost as if there wasn't another person in the bedroom, but he knew Jon was still there.
"It's just a rough patch, we'll be able to get over it." Jon said as he watched the same clock he had been staring at for the past 48 minutes. Make that 49.
"That's the thing Jon, most people don't have 'rough patches.' They don't fight every day. I'm so incredibly terrified, that we'll end up like Brendon and Ryan." Spencer turned away from the wall, looking at Jon as he sat on the bed, his legs crossed. "I don't want a fallout with you." He whispered. Jon stayed still, and Spencer couldn't tell if he was still mad or not. Slowly he turned around, looking at Spencer. His look of anger that he had had for the past hour was gone and replaced with something that resembled hurt and remorse.
"We're not going to end up like them." He said as he looked at his lover. "What they had was different from what we have. And you know that." Spencer nodded.
"It always starts out this way though." He broke down into sobs once more, his head falling in his hands as he whole body shook from the force of his crying. Jon pulled the younger male into his chest, Spencer resting his head on his shoulder as his hands crumpled the fabric of his shirt. Spencer started to calm down when Jon rubbed his back like a mother would a child. When Spencer was fully calmed he pulled out of the tight embrace he found himself in with his lover, staring into his deep brown eyes.
"Can you promise me something?" Jon nodded, his hands resting lightly on Spencer's waist. "Promise me that you'll always love me." Spencer said. Jon hugged him, giving him butterfly kisses all over his face as he tried to talk between them.
"I loved you when we were kids. I love you know. And I promise that I will love you tomorrow, and every day after that." Jon said as he held Spencer tightly, both of them relaxing on the bed. Spencer held him close, he always loved the nights where they could just cuddle on the bed. "You wanna tell a bedtime story?" Jon asked as he watched Spencer breathe in and out slowly against his chest, his hair skewed everywhere while his eyes stayed close.
"Sure." Spencer said as he looked up at Jon, holding his hand as he laced their fingers together. "There once was a young mischievous prince. He had dark brown eyes, and dark brown locks. A handsome teen that was most known for wreaking havoc in the kingdom. One day he decided to do a prank that would top all others. He was going to crash his sister's royal weeding. When the day came the plan went out without a hitch. Unfortunately, the king soon found out that it was his doing, and banished the prince to an island for ten years.
"The days went by slowly, the only thing that the prince ever did during the day was wonder on the sand, waiting for his father to come and take him back. At night he would play whatever instrument he had in the house that he was given.
"One day a boy washed up to shore, he was about the same age as the young prince. He had a mop of light brown hair that was tangled on his head and looked deathly pale and starved. The prince carried him back to the house that his father had given him, allowing him to sleep in his bed. The prince stayed up all night, unable to sleep as he thought about his home.
About an hour before the sun rose that morning the young sailor woke. He was panicked to find that he was in a strange room and he slowly got out of bed, wandering around the house until he found the young prince in the kitchen with breakfast. The two ate in silence on the beach, watching as the sun slowly rose that morning. The young prince couldn't help but notice that the teen he had rescued had beautiful eyes. Like amber that had honey spread over it.
"The rescued teen stayed with the abandoned prince, the two quickly falling in love. One day, after four of the happiest years of the prince's life, his father came to take him home. He said his good byes to the rescued sailor, leaving him on the island to go back home. He promised that he would visit once a year, even though he never went back to the small island.
"The teen stayed there for the rest of his life, patiently waiting for his lover to come back. He died on the sand that he was saved on, feeling bitterly heartbroken and alone."
"What happened to the prince?" Jon asked.
"He was forced to marry a princess, and after a few years of taking over the thrown, he and his wife were beheaded."
"Why did he never go back to visit?" Spencer and Jon locked eyes, both knowing exactly who the story was based on.
"I don't know." Spencer said with a sad sigh.
"Will you promise to never leave me?" Jon asked. Spencer gave a small laugh, giving Jon a light kiss.
"I promise that I'll always be by your side." The two snuggled under the covers, both hoping that their promises would last.
That morning Spencer woke up in an empty bed.
Jon was not to be found in their apartment.


I realize that I said this would just be a bunch of one-shots, but then I started thinking and found a brilliant story to be found hidden within all of the mini-stories that were going on. So it's being turned into an actual story, and let me tell you that this one will NOT have a happy ending.

PartyPoison:It'll probably be the last cute one that I'll have anywhere for a while.

marissasorrentino:I hope you like the rest of the story as much as the cutesy chapters, but if not at least you liked the first two, right? :)

patdfan:I'm glad you think I'm a great writer, it honestly boosts my self esteem. And I try to put myself in the shoes of my characters for the most part, it makes it a lot easier to write when you submerse yourself in the role. Kind of like acting I guess.

-xoxo Pansy.
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