Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Bedtime Stories


by Wicked_Lovely 3 reviews

A week later. Jon's hiding in Ryan's apartment, and Spencer is a crying wreck that Brendon has to take care of.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-06-21 - Updated: 2011-06-22 - 1263 words - Complete

Spencer spent hours calling Jon, trying to see where he went. He called everyone in The Young Veins, with the exception of Ryan. None of them knew where he was. So he called others, everyone that Jon knew. No one knew where he was. Spencer rushed to Brendon's house, and Brendon had to admit that he was surprised to see Spencer as the crying wreck he was. He said he would only stay there for a day, but one day quickly turned into three. Neither of them had any idea as to why Jon left. Though, they both new where he was.
Ryan had cut off all ties from his days in Panic!. The only person he stayed in touch with was Jon, and even then it was barely a friendship. And yet, Jon came to him in the middle of the night, looking confused and hurt. Ryan took him in, allowing him to sleep in his bed. Not that Jon could sleep without Spencer. The only thing that Ryan had done the first hour that Jon was in his small shitty apartment was bother the older male about what had happened. Jon and Spencer had been so happy together, and yet, they seemed to be broken. Jon didn't say anything, all he did was ask Ryan to take care of him as he tried to organize his thoughts.
And that's exactly what Ryan did for an entire week. He took care of Jon, bringing him drinks and food. He gave him his bed, forcing the younger to sleep on the couch. He talked to Jon, though every time Jon asked him about how he had been doing, he would change the subject. Jon was starting to get worried about Ryan. He avoided talking about his personal life, which really worried the older man. Eventually Ryan got sick of taking care of Jon, wanting him out of his apartment so he could be alone again.
Jon trudged through the small apartment, a blanket wrapped tightly around him. He sat down on the couch next to Ryan, who was staring at the TV with a blank expression on his face.
"I fuckin' hate this show." Jon mumbled. Ryan jumped, unaware that Jon had gotten out of bed. He looked at the older man with a frown. He had serious bed head, dark bags formed under his eyes, his hair was greasy, and his face was unshaven. Jon looked to the side table of the torn up couch, picking up a bottle of sleeping pills mixed with Zoloft. "What's this?" Jon asked as he looked at the younger man. Ryan got up, grabbing the bottle before he stormed off into the kitchen.
He made Jon a cup of green tea, taking it to him. Jon just looked at him like a scared small child.
"Take it, I'm going out. I'll be back in about an hour." Ryan said as he rubbed his face. Jon nodded, holding the warm mug. "The remotes on the couch, you can read any books, just please don't do anything stupid when I'm out." Jon nodded.
"Okay." He said as he looked up at the smaller, younger male. Ryan turned, grabbing his keys as he walked out the door. Jon was curious to know where he was off to. He had no idea that he was on a mission to get Jon's life back together. Instead, he sat on the couch in the quite apartment by himself. The place looked like it was falling apart at the seems, the little amount of furniture he had was torn up or broken. There was a lamp that had a giant hole on it, his TV had a giant crack starting at the left corner. There were no pictures on his walls, just chipping paint. Trash was plentiful in his apartment, dirty dishes littered the kitchen as dirt covered the floors. It scared Jon, the Ryan he knew would have kept the place clean. It just wasn't right. There was a large bookshelf, filled with old frayed books, and what looked like a photo album. Jon stood, walking over to pick up the photo album.
He sat back down on the dirty couch with the book in hand. He opened it, reading the cover page. It had four names on it. All of the old members of Panic!, back from the good old days. He turned the pages, looking at pictures of the four of them. All of the photos seemed to be organized by time, and Jon couldn't help but notice the way that Ryan's face slowly turned more and more unhappy with each photo. It was almost like a time-lap of his soul slowly being pulled from his body. And while Ryan and Brendon looked like they were getting farther and farther apart, he and Spencer seemed to only get closer. Jon put the book down, falling over on the couch. He rested his head on the uncomfortable cushions, closing his eyes.
"There was once a baby lamb, who got lost in the woods. He was alone and confused, the only thing he could think to do was follow the small stream that ran through the forest. He walked along it until he found a small cottage. He rested in the shade that the small house made, trying to get sleep as he felt slightly safe.
"A young girl lived in the small cottage. When she went out to get water from the well, she found the baby lamb looking weak and defenseless as it rested in the shade. The lamb woke from it's peaceful slumber, walking over to the girl. She took the lamb in, taking care of it the way a mother would a toddler. She fed it milk every morning and night, giving it water and allowing it to eat the grass from outside. She raised it until it was an adult.
"But she was running out of food, and she had no other options. She murdered the lamb, cooking it and eating it. It was the greatest feast the sweet young girl ever had." Jon sighed, opening his eyes as he stared at the ceiling. He felt sick. Jon sat up, drinking all of the tea that Ryan had made him before relaxing against the couch again, closing his eyes for a small nap.


Not much to say here. Kind of a short chapter, but that doesn't really matter, dose it?

PartyPoison: First off, thank you for still reading! That's an amazing thing, it truly is.
I've realized that the majority of my stories are the most depressing things ever, and that there are only a few that have happy endings. Maybe I should right more fluff and smut?
Do you know how amazing it is to read that you think I write well? It's kind of like having a secret skill that you once tried to show off but had everyone around you tell you it was crap, then a few years later you try it again and people change their minds.
Oh, wait. It's exactly like that for me.
I'm so excited that someone is willing to read just about EVERYTHING I write, whether it will have a happy ending or not. It just makes it worth going through and adding chapters for every story, and then posting a new one every once and a while.
And this story may not have a happy ending, but at least it will be different from most other stories I've written. And it will be pretty short.
-xoxo Pansy.
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