Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Deep Secrets Aren't Always Kept


by StevenAndJoe 3 reviews

Okay, so a lot of drama in this one.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-07-01 - Updated: 2011-07-01 - 703 words - Complete

Hey, so I am updating a second time in the past hour!!! YAY!!!! So please rate an review, I have gotten absolutely no ratings....But I do love them and reviews!!!! I am getting addicted to writing this story hehe. I am guilty as charged for being an addict of writing....well that and coffee according to my brother XD By the way he says hello to everyone and says that he might start writing on here as well.....I love you guys!!!! Please enjoy this chapter and tell me exactly what you think!!! You don't have to lie :P
Gee (yes that is really my name haha)


Frank was beginning to worry me, it had been a while and he still hadn't come out....Everything was silent....It scared me.


I ran to the door knocking on it, tears streaming down my face.

"Frank! Frank?! Are you okay?" I said as I knocked on the door....No answer.

I tried to open the door but he had locked it. I had to get into the bathroom and help my lover, I couldn't let anything happen to him.

I took what I remembered from my karate and kicked the door as hard as I could, and it opened....But what was behind it horrified me.

There lie Frank, he was pale and unmoving. This scared the crap out of me.

"Frank! Frank!!! Wake up!!! HELP SOMEONE!!" I screamed.

Nurses rushed in and saw Frank, they immeadeatly picked him up and took him away, it wasn't too much longer before I blacked out.

I had to help him, I couldn't loose him too...If I lost him, I don't know what I would do.

The next day I woke up in a hospital bed. How did I get here?

"What happened Mikes?" I asked when I saw my brother sitting next to me.

"Gerard, you fell and hit your head really hard, you almost died. I thought you weren't going to wake up." Mikey said as tears escaped his eyes.

"Mikes, don't cry....What do you mean you thought I wasn't going to wake up? Where is Frank? What happened to Frank?" I asked as tears streamed down my face.

"You hit your head, you were in a coma for 6 months." Mikey said.

"Where is Frank? What happened to Frank?" I asked.

"Gee, Frank got out of the hospital and left." Mikey said.

"Well hasn't he been back to vist? Hasn't he at least wanted to see me?" I asked, tears falling down my cheeks like a waterfall

Mikey was crying now too, all he could do was shake his head.

Right then and there my world seemed to crash and burn, my heart was shattered into a million pieces and put in a meat grinder.

"He gave me his number though....Do you wanna call him?" Mikey asked when he got control of himself.

"Yes." I said.

Mikey handed me his phone and I went to his contacts and found Frank's number, I took a deep breath and hit call.

"Hello?" Frank answered.

"Frankie....How could you leave me?" I sobbed.

"Gee? Is it really you?" Frank asked.

"Yes....Why didn't you come and visit? Why did you leave me here?" I sobbed.

"Because, I couldn't stand to see you laying in a hospital bed, broken. I didn't want that to be my last memory of you if you died. I'm sorry." Frank said.

"Well you didn't even want to know how I was doing." I sobbed.

Then out of no where Frank hung up.


"Where is he? I have to see Gee!" Frank said as he came into the room.

"Frankie." I sobbed, as Frank pulled me into his arms and held me close.

"Shhh, I'm sorry...It's all okay now. I'm here, I'm never leaving you again. I love you so much Gerard." Frank said as he stroked my hair.

"I love you too Frank. Don't leave me again." I sobbed.

"I'm here to stay." Frank said as he wiped my tears away.

That's when it happened.

My eyes met Frank's, our head's inclined and we kissed, I felt whole and safe again.
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