Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The World's Unfair

Meeting People

by drpeterick 0 reviews

they kiss - twice and davy and craig are introduced

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-08-06 - Updated: 2011-08-06 - 1425 words


The rest of the day went pretty seamlessly, nothing eventful happened. The school day was set out so that you had two lessons, then break, then one more lesson, then one last one before home time. the lessons lasted a little longer than an hour though. I tried timing one and it came up an hour and 23 minutes. I was confused and asked Jake. He explained that the most important lessons for example, math, science, english are earlier in the day, and slightly less important subjects [in the school's opinion] he stressed very strongly were later in the day and lasted a little less time. I asked what they'd count
as and he said art and music can stuff.
'They aren't less important!' I almost yelled.
'I know it sucks! I love music...'
'Me too'
'Do you play anything?'
'Yeah I play guitar and I can sing kind of but I'm way too embarrassed to ever do it in front of anyone!'
'How will I know you can really sing then?' he said playfully.
'You won't' I said simply with a grin.

At lunch, we got some disgusting cafeteria fries and some rancid milkshake, and plopped ourself down at Jake's usual table. I as sat next to him on a slippy, cold steel bench. My last school had chairs I thought wistfully. But then I saw Jake and was instantly grateful I came here. We were shoulder to shoulder because it was kind of cramped but I don't think any of us minded.
'Thanks for hanging out with me.'
Uh oh.
Jake looks surprised. Why did I say that?
'Well I know I wouldn't have had any friends if I hadn't been lucky enough to meet you.' Oh bare it all then you hopeless fool...
'Mikey are you kidding? The only friends I have - which is only two by the way - are on completely the other side of the year so I don't see them apart from lunch and break. I'm happy you're hanging out with me because I know you could do better.'
I looked into his sweet brown eyes and wondered how he could possibly think that he wasn't the most special thing on this earth. Just then a bunch of cunts walked by and made a fat joke. Then I remembered.
'Jakey don't you ever think you're anything less than perfect because you're not. I know these fuck-wits don't see it but I do.'
I was very close to his face now.
'I never thought I'd meet anyone I shared as much in common with, or laughed so hard with, or generally felt this comfortable around.'
I was an inch away from finally tasting his lips...
He was staring at my lips and I was gazing into his eyes. All the background fuss melted away when our lips met. I was so disappointed when he quickly jerked away.
'I-I can hear my friends voices' he stammered. A smile made it's way across my face.
'Y-you called me Jakey'
The smile stayed.
Then one appeared on his lips too.

Suddenly, two guys our age sat down opposite us and grinned widely revealing paper fangs stuck to their teeth. Jake smiled and looked down at his lap.
'You usually laugh at that!'One of the guys chuckled.
'Yeah who died!' chimed in the other one.
'Uh guys th-this is Mikey.' Jake said kind of high pitched and still looking downwards.
The two guys greeted me warmly. I think I like these guys! Then the other guy curtseyed and I knew I liked them!
The guy opposite me, Davy, was wearing a t-shirt that read: BLOW ME. I laughed and asked if he got in trouble.
'NOPE!' then burst into laughter before Craig helped out with
'One teacher thought it was literal!'
All four of us choked back tears.

After we'd all eaten, complained how bad it was, then went back for more, Craig asked me why I moved here. Jake tried to ask me that earlier, but it was kind of personal and I really didn't want to talk about my horrific home life so I just said that my dad got a new job over here.
'Oh that's cool. What does he work as?'
I panicked.
'Uhm he's designs stuff i'm not really sure ha ha'
'Heh fair enough I don't even know what my dad does either!'
'I do. Gives 99 cent bjs down the strip joint!' Davy laughed making me and Jake laugh too.
'Hey shut up cock-face! Why would anyone want a bj from my fat ugly dad?'
'That's what glory holes were made for, mate!' Again, the three of us were nearly at the point of tears.

Art was really fun because Craig and Davy were in it too. Apparently it was the only lesson they ever had together. It's such a shame - they're really awesome!
We had to paint a portrait of our partner so of course I got Jake and did an absolutely shit job.
'Dude it looks like you swallowed the paint then crapped it out on the paper'
'Ha ha.' I said sarcastically.
'I think it looks great Mike' Jakey said blushing.
Chrsit I wanted to just lick him all over right then and there...
'WWooooOOOOoooOOOOOoooOOoo!' This noise came from both Craig and Davy who where pretending to hold up handbags. Me and Jakey just rolled our eyes at them and laughed.

The bell rang and the school halls were fucking packed with kids running to get home after a very hot and tiring Monday. Luckily, Craig could drive so he offered to drop us back since he was feeling especially generous. Me and Jakey were sat in the back with the AC on full blast singing along to bohemian rhapsody all the way home. When we got to his house, I was thrilled with how close it was to mine.
'Where's yours then?' asked a very excited Jakey.
'Literally a street away! In fact don't worry about me Craig I'll walk - thanks for the lift! See ya Davy!' I yelled back after I got out the car. I slammed the door and went up the the fully open passenger window which Davy's skinny frame was now half out of trying to get me into a hug.
'See ya broski!' He said a little too close to my ear.

I was really happy we lived so close to each other, this would make it so easy if we wanted to see each other... if he wanted to see me - oh crap I have to ask him about it now! Shit why does my brain fail me at most important moments?

'Hey Mikey...?'
'Uhm... at lunch... what happe-'
I cut him off by pushing my lips to his. I had my hands on each side of his face. We were both pretty sweaty which only made me want him more. I moved my lips against his. We were in perfect rhythm with each other - I never wanted to let him go. I moved my tongue to his lips. He parted them and I ran one hand through his hair and the other down to his chest. His hands were already on my lower chest under my abs and were growing really warm against my skin.

We stood there for a while, I'm not sure how long it was but it felt like hours we were stood there. We pulled apart when a door slammed and Jake jumped, probably thinking it was his. Luckily it was a car door over the road. We looked into each other's eyes and smiled. His cheeks were almost crimson he was blushing so much.
'Baby, I know I only met you a matter of hours ago... but I like you more than anyone ever. I want to be with you. I don't care that we're two boys. Please give me a chance to be with you.'
'O-Of c-course!'
I kissed his lips once more. Only lightly, but it was full of love. He must have felt that because he shook a little. I put my arms round him and whispered, 'You're perfect'
A single tear slid down his smooth cheek. I kissed it away then kissed his forehead.
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