Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Slip Into The Tragedy


by Burnie 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Mikey Way,Gerard Way,Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-08-12 - Updated: 2011-08-12 - 1153 words

It was scorching hot, yet Gerard still didn’t seem to notice. He was reacting completely opposite as me. I was sweating; I could feel it on my face, the condensation just stuck to my skin. I knew I must have looked revolting. But Gerard didn’t break a single sweat; he seemed to be repelling every one of the sun’s rays. It wasn’t normal, like how I was reacting. Yet, I apparently, was also showing abnormal signs.
According to Gerard, my eyes were now purple. I didn’t have purple eyes last time I checked. My eye colour is one of the few things I remember about my past, besides who I am of course. But I don’t remember what I like, who my parents were, or any of my family besides Gerard. I’m surprised I remember my age, well, last time I checked, I was seventeen.
I had no idea how long we had been walking, but I felt ready to pass out. I was determined to keep up with Gerard, who must have become some sort of robot, unable to feel a thing. I wish I knew how he wasn’t reacting.
For Route Guano being the only road in what seemed to be a ten mile radius, there weren’t many cars around, maybe because this is the desert, but, they still get used as short cuts. I was so thankful when Gerard stopped walking, and turned to face a small area of the road surrounded by bushes.
“It’s getting late,” He said, not facing me, “we should stop for the night.” He walked into the clearing, and sat down, still not showing the exhaustion I was.
“How are we going to survive out here? We don’t have food or water, we’ll die!” I realized this when the words left my mouth. I suddenly felt scared, but this different Gerard just smirked, as if he didn’t care. “I think we’ll be alright, Michael. I have a good feeling.” He was really starting to scare me. He looked the same, but acted so different.
The sky had turned an orange-pink colour, and it was starting to get cold. I could feel the temperature dropping, and I looked over at Gerard, who again, seemed immune to everything. He started to lie down, as if about to go to sleep, but he looked wide awake, and by his facial expression, he almost looked scared.
I regained enough of my breath to begin to think about our situation. What I know so far is that we are in a desert, by a road called Route Guano, in a small clearing, and we don’t know how we got here. But for now, the biggest issue on my mind was how we were going to survive. I stood up, mumbled to Gerard about finding some sort of resource for food and began walking out of the clearing.
My arm was grabbed and I was roughly pulled back into the clearing by Gerard. “I’ll go, you stay here.” He said almost angrily. I didn’t object, but Gerard was too protective sometimes. I wouldn’t be going so far that he couldn’t see me, and if he was worried about snakes or something, he knows I would keep an eye out for them too.
Gerard walked into an area that was surrounded by tall bushes. I lost all sight of him accept for his shadow. It was really quiet now, not that it wasn’t before. But nothing made a sound anymore, not even the little desert birds that flew around or any sound to show insects were around. It was an eerie quiet, and it was very uncomfortable. I walked in circles a little in the clearing to create my own noise, and then went through some of the bushes in case there would be any food resource, as a chance.
I then let out a very girly shriek and ran to the other side of the clearing. There was someone in that bush. I didn’t have to get a careful look to notice it. It was human shaped. I stared at the spot where I saw it, expecting to see someone walk out of it, possibly going to attack me. I waited for another couple of minutes, and then decided to go back over, to thoroughly check what I saw.
It was a human, but by the looks, it was long dead. I let out a small sigh of relief, but the knowledge that I have to sleep next to a dead guy was not going to sit with me well. I turned around to find Gerard inches away from me, looking in to see what I had found when he was gone.
“You found more than me,” He said sadly. He must have felt like he let both of us down, by not being able to find anything. By now, the sun was almost completely gone, and Gerard put his hands under his head and lied on the ground, resting for today. He still looked awake, maybe he was trying to get me to follow his lead, I did, lying down as well, away from the skeleton.
When I finally settled down I then realized I was completely exhausted. I tried to get all the drama from today out of my mind as I let sleep take over me.
I woke up to the loud engine of a car driving by. When I first heard it, I was still groggy. After I realized that was probably the only way to get us out of here, I snapped up from the ground and ran towards the road, trying to see the car. I could see it drive off in the distance, its lights visible through the darkness.
I didn’t know where I was. I couldn’t see the clearing from this far away. I tried to let my eyes adjust to the darkness, and then walked towards the direction I thought I came from. I couldn’t see a thing, it was weird, I never knew what it felt like to be… blind. I couldn’t see a foot in front of my face, which was proved when I crashed into something that felt human and fell to the ground.
It was human, a huge, huge man. He was so tall, that he resembled a skyscraper from my position on the ground. This was definitely not my brother. I didn’t know what to do; he was just staring at me. I tried to keep my breathing at a normal pace, and muttered a small ‘sorry’. He then moved his hand from his hip to in front of my face, but he didn’t do as I expected, he didn’t help me up.
He put me at gun point.
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