Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save Yourself....

Chapter 7: Wanted

by TheatreGeek 0 reviews

When something terrible happens, The Killjoys step on it to make it right, no matter how dangerous it could be.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-21 - Updated: 2011-08-21 - 255 words - Complete

Frank woke again the next morning, the sun streming through the broken blinds, leaving black stripes across the floor. He sat up, desperately in need of coffee. He banged his shoulder on the edge of the table. " Aagh, shit!" He rubbed his shoulder and turned to wake up Sonic Nightmare.
" Oh my god..." He went to where Gerard was sprawled across an identical seat, " Gerard, she's gone! Tasha's gone..." Gerard sat up quickly, shaking awake his brother, while Frank woke Ray. The wanted poster that lay on the seat where Sonic Nightmare had been sleeping told them exactly where she was. Within minutes, they were on the road, heading straight for BL/ind headquarters.
" This time, stay in your room Natasha. We are very unhappy with you." The young woman sat in the back of the black car looked Tasha straight in the face. Her eyes were cold, it was obvious she'd been taking her medication. Tasha looked away, desperately trying to keep the tears back. They'd found her and taken her away from the happiest time she'd had in five years. She'd found people who were like her, and now she'd never see them again. One hot tear rolled down her dirt smudged cheek. " Oh come on now," The woman said, wiping away the tear, " We'll get you your medication as soon as we get there. We can't have you being sad can we?" She smiled at her, but Tasha just looked away. She couldn't bear to think about what lay ahead of her.
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