Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Bulletproof Heart

Chapter 2

by Xxparamorexx 0 reviews

I saw bright white, metal, glass shards, red...blood! A white body went flying...huh? Then a huge weight on my body

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-26 - Updated: 2011-08-27 - 489 words

Sorry if there are mistakes.! Im on my Ipod. Im trying to make this really easy to read too. And i would love it if I got reviews.! They make me feel good.!

I looked at Ghouls smiling face. I felt awful at what I was gonna say. But like I said before, all that you get from being in a group is death. Im not taking my chances.

"I'm sorry guys but, its just that I've been on my own for so long I've come to prefer it." I said.

Ghouls face filled with disapointment as did Partys.

"I'm sure Kobra and Jet would love to have you with us though! Guys get out here!" yelled Party into the kitchen.

Kobra and Jet came out stacking cans of food in their arms.

"Whats up?" asked Jet.

"Don't you think Radio Love should join us?" asked Party

"Definatly!" said Jet smiling and Kobra nodding in agreement. They all turned to me waiting for a answer. I sighed.

"Guys I really don't want to get involved with a group. I'm sorry. But I'll catch you guys around in the zones, yeah?" I asked sympathetically. Thruthfully I wanted them the hell out of my house. Hopefully they live nowhere near me. A different zone would be nice. Don't get me wrong these guys were nice, but I like to be unknown. You know so word doesn't get out about me. BLI has no information on me and I'd like it to stay that way.

"Well okay. We actually live just ten minutes away so if you need anything you know where we are" Party said as he excited. 'Well thats just dandy' I thought as Kobra and Jet left waving. Ghoul gave me a smile and I returned his half-heartedly. He then followed the others and they drove off.

I watched them drive away into the distance. I could obviously tell that Party Poison was the leader. Just the way he presented himself. Kobra Kid was quiet but seemed kind. Jet Star seemed down to earth but relaxed. Then Fun Ghoul with his hazel eyes, inviting smile and-Oh god what the hell are you thinking?! Just met them and you get...feelings? He was really cute though and-Shit I can't be thinking this way! I just had to clear my head.

Even though I had just got back I decided on another ride in my runner. I hopped in and backed out. Then unconsiously I relized I was driving in the direction of their hideout. I quick relized this and went to turn around in the opposite direction when

I saw bright white, metal, glass shards, red...blood! A white body went flying...huh? Then a huge weight on my body. A sharp pain on my cheek a stabbing pain in my chest a searing pain in my arm. Then I saw a whole lot of black...followed by nothingness.
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