Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > So what's your favourite colour of punk?

Chapter 2

by mcrluver 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-08-27 - Updated: 2011-08-27 - 990 words

YAY! A rate I'm so happy! So I was thinking, how can I spice this up and I've came up with something really good so I hope you like it.

Mia's P.O.V

"Mia, come here we need to talk." I heard my dad shout from the living area. We all know when parents need to talk it's a bad idea. My stomach started to crunch and my palms became sweaty.
"Take a seat." Oh dear, not taking a seat that means I'm going to be here longer than I want to be.
"Ok, I just want your view on something me and the boys are considering." I coughed awkwardly before nodding my head.
"So we were thinking about leaving New Jersey and moving to L.A and possibly make it big time?" My mouth dropped, my world came to a halt and heart thumped harder and harder.
"Ehh dad, what, what about mom? What will happen?"
"What do you mean? She's dead Mia. Dead." Anger began to build up inside me, she was still my mom, dead or not.
"It's not her fault the car crashed, I don't want to leave her and all the mermories I have. Dad please?" He stood up.
"Just like your mother, never thinks of anyone else. You know what Mia? I'm going to tell you now...."
"Tell me what, dad what's wrong?" Tears began to form in my eyes. I've never feared my dad before but now I feel so small and weak compared to him. "GOD DAMIT MIA! That bitch you call your mother, she didn't die in a carcrash. She died of a drugs over dose. We are better off without her and her mermories Mia, she's a selfish bastard." And he went for the door and slammed it as hard as he could.
I burst into tears and curled up into my bed. 10 years, 10 years ago and I always believed she died in a car crash and now I feel betrayed not just by my dad but by my whole family.
I ran my finger over the scares left on my wrists. I can't go back to that, cutting myself everytime something went wrong.
"Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts." I whispered over and over again until I grabbed my phone and phoned Frank.

"Hello sugar." He laughed down the phone.
"F-frank." I stuttered out through the tears.
"Mia, what's wrong?"
"I-I Can you come over please?" I begged him.
"Ofcourse, are you ok?" he sounded genuinly concerened.
"Just hurry." I hung up the phone and collapsed into another fit of tears.

The door knocked a few minutes later. "Mia." An out of breath Frank panted. "Tell me everything." I told him the whole story.
"Drugs Frank, drugs. I don't care though I'm not leaving her no matter what. I visit her grave every week, I go talk to her when I'm upset or hurt. She's still my mom, no matter how she died. My dad how could he? He said we are better off without her. There's not a day I go without wishing my mom was here. I miss her Frank but I feel so betrayed.
"He pulled me into another hug. "It's ok, I'm here and I'll protect you. Please angel don't you cry."

Frank is the only real friend I have ever had. Through the short time I have known him he's been perfect. Frank held me for hours until I calmed down. I love him and no matter how long I've known him it's a fact.

"Frankie thankyou." I spoke now I'd stopped crying.
"If you ever feel upset I'm always here for you no matter what." Then he pecked me on the lips got up and left. I took the kiss as his goodbye.

"Mia? Where are you?" I heard my dad's voice shout over the tour bus.
"I should have never had said some of those things, I'm sorry. You should have known the truth? Mia where are you?" I peeked my head out the curtain that seperated the beds. "I'm here." I answered bluntly. My dad sat down at the bottom of the bed and handed me a teddy bear, card and chocolate.
"What's this?" I asked him.
"It's just something I felt I could make it up to you with." He smiled gently. "You think this will make up the fact that 10 years after my mom 'died' in a carcrash when infact you took and over dose really is enough. I don't want to move away and leave everything I have ever known." I pulled out my wrist and showed my scares, even though he already new. "This is a permantent reminder, of things that have happened. I'll never go back to this but moving to L.A won't make everything better again. I'm not selfish I just can't bear more moving around in life. Why can't I stay grounded for once in my life."
A single tear drop fell from my eye. I looked at my dad he began to cry. I had never seen him cry before, not since mom's funeral.
"It's my fault, I'm sorry Mia. I failed your mother and failed you. We sorted it out, Frank and his band are moving to Jersey so we can set up a recording studio for the year then tour the summer. Frank's mom bought a place in Jersey so he doesn't have to move up and down the coutry. I'm sorry Mia you should have known about your mom, I just didn't want to hurt you at a young age." He shook his head in dissapointment with himself.
"Dad, it's ok you did what you thought was right. I know now, atleast she'll always be with us in our hearts." We hugged and he kissed me on the head. Things were going to slowly get better I could feel it.

Depressing yet happy chapter? Thanks for reading :D
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