Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Almost

(28) Alone

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 3 reviews

It's no fun being alone.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-09-02 - Updated: 2011-09-02 - 1626 words - Complete

Brendon entered the bedroom but I didn't even look at him. I felt so angry that he didn't feel the need to let me in on plans that concerned me. I felt the bed sink a little as he sat down next to me and then his soft hand trailed lightly down my leg, up to the hem of my shorts. "Please don't be mad at me." Brendon pleaded.

"How should I feel Brendon?" I asked, still not looking at him. "Tell me because if anger is out then I don't know. Confused? Sad? Disappointed?"

Brendon sighed, "I didn't want to put the stress of leaving on you when you just got out of the hospital."

"That would make sense if you hadn't already told my mother that we were leaving. I want to have the choice to say no. This is my life Brendon, I need to be let in on big plans involving myself."

"So, you're not going to come with me?" Brendon asked, sounding broken.

I shook my head and stared straight ahead at the wall. "I don't know Brendon. I never got asked. I was just told. I don't like that."

I could hear him sighing again and then we sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again. "I'm terrified of being without you." He was so sweet. It wasn't fair. It was extremely hard to be mad at someone like him.

I closed my eyes and had to fight the urge to tell him it would be okay, I would go. I didn't want to give in that easily because I wanted him to understand that he couldn't just make decisions for me. "I need some time alone." I whispered.

"Time alone?" Brendon asked, sounding horrified. "Are you breaking up with me?"

"No." I replied, "I think I'll just go somewhere tonight. I just need to clear my head and I can't do that when I'm with you. I can't just give in Brendon. Stuff like this can't happen again or else I will break up with you. I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions so you're going to have to live with the fact that I'm not completely under your control."

"I didn't mean to come off as controlling Kacy. I'll never do something this stupid again. Just please stay with me tonight. I don't want to be without you." Brendon begged.

"Brendon..." I started to whisper, not wanting to upset him. I needed to stand my ground with him though, he couldn't just treat me like an invalid when it came to anything important. "I don't know what to do right now." I finished.

"How about I leave for a bit?" Brendon asked, "You can call me when it's okay for me to come home."

"I don't want to kick you out of your home." I said.

"Well I don't want you to feel that you have to leave yours either. And it will just be for awhile. I'm hoping it won't take you too long to call me." Brendon stated, sounding a little sad still.

"Okay." I whispered, having no other ideas. If I did leave I didn't know where I'd go. If I went to my mom's or Lisa's they would both ask me questions that I wouldn't want to answer so at least here I could be comfortable.

Brendon got off the bed and I could hear him grabbing a few things, including his keys so finally I looked at him. He had been watching me as he got ready to leave. "I'm really sorry Kacy." He said, staring at me with his beautiful big brown eyes.

"Thank you." I replied. It felt good to hear an apology. It made me feel like I wasn't being outrageous for asking for time alone. But the look on his face made me feel like the worst girlfriend in the world.

Brendon nodded and came over to the bed to kiss me on my forehead. His lips felt warm against my cold skin. "I hope you can eventually forgive me." Just seeing him look so broken made me want to forgive him. Instead I held my mouth closed, not wanting to say anything stupid and all I could allow myself to do was nod.

Without any other words Brendon left me alone in our bedroom. I jumped when I heard the door shut. When he wasn't with me I felt so alone. The idea of him leaving wasn't helping at all, it actually hurt a little to let him go. Was I becoming clingy?


I ended up doing dishes to pass the time. It had only been twenty minutes and I was finishing up, having drawn out washing the dirty dishes. We didn't have many so it was kind of hard to fill a lot of time scrubbing something that was now clean.

I kept checking my phone but Brendon hadn't even tried to bug me. It was making me a little annoyed. I was the one that had asked him for alone time yet I wanted so badly to get a message from him or hear him walk through the door. I didn't want to just forgive him though. It didn't make sense and I was starting to get less angry with Brendon and more upset with myself for being so ridiculous.

After staring at the dish I was washing for an obscene amount of time I finally decided that enough time had passed. I picked up my phone and called Brendon. It only took about four rings before he picked up, "Hey." He said, still sounding slightly bummed.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Just picking a few things up from the store. Would you like anything?" Brendon asked.

I paused, wanting to record his voice so that I would never go without hearing it. How creepy did that sound? It was true though. "No, but thank you." I said, quietly.

"Is everything okay?" Brendon asked, catching the sad tone in my voice.

"I don't like it here without you." I answered, "Can you come home now please?" I asked, not wanting to play tough anymore. I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want Brendon to be alone. I couldn't hold a grudge forever when he made a mistake.

I could practically hear the smile in Brendon's voice, "I'll be there in about ten minutes. I'm about to check out." He said. "And Kacy?" He asked.

"Yes?" I asked, softly.

"I don't like it here without you either." He said.

"So... ten minutes?" I asked, breathing a little harder. "I'm holding you to that."

"Is the timer set?" Brendon asked, jokingly.

"It will be as soon as I hang up." I replied.

Brendon laughed as we said our goodbyes and once I set my phone down I closed my eyes and sank to the kitchen floor. I think I'm in love. It didn't take long. Was I a fool? Can you really fall this fast? I think given the circumstance it was entirely possible.


When Brendon walked through the door I was still sitting on the kitchen floor pondering my feelings. "Kacy?" He asked, I could hear him set down a bag on the living room table.

"I'm in here." I called out, not feeling like getting up just yet. My bottom had gone numb from the hard floor but other than that I was quite comfortable. Plus I didn't really want to try and attempt to stand.

Brendon walked in and shot me a quick look of confusion before rushing to me, "Did you fall?" He asked, concern lacing his words.

I shook my head, laughing at him. "No, I sat down." I replied.

"Oh." Brendon said, still kind of confused sounding as he lowered himself to sit down next to me.

"I didn't mean to make you leave." I told him, not knowing what else to say in this situation.

"I understand that you need alone time sometimes. It's understandable. I don't mean to be controlling though. I honestly just didn't want to stress you by bringing up the tour. I also really don't want to leave without you either though." Brendon stated, brushing the hair away from my face so that he could see me.

Everywhere he touched tingled and I stared at him, wanting to know how he could be so perfect. It was unreal. "Do you know you're awesome?" Didn't come out quite as meaningful as i had meant it in my head.

Brendon laughed, "I'm only awesome when I'm with you." He joked. "Around everyone else I suck."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, right. Sucking isn't really an option for you."

"You're right. That's more something left up to you." Brendon teased.

I blushed red at the comment which made Brendon laugh harder. "I'm sorry... Inappropriate." He said, standing. "Are you going to stay in here for a little bit?"

"I think so." I said, realizing how strange it was to hang out on the kitchen floor. I just wanted to though. It was a nice place, my thoughts were flowing, what more could I want?

Brendon nodded, "Alright, I'll be right back." He said, leaving me. I heard him going through the bag in the living room and then our bedroom door shut.

I wonder what touring is like. I have a strong feeling I'll find out though. I couldn't last 30 minutes with Brendon gone, I couldn't imagine being here while he was wherever he was touring for however long he planned on being gone.


(I have an idea for another story. Please message me here or at my email if you'd like to help me decide whether or not I should do it? Thanks!)
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