Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Surprise!

Troubles Afoot Part 1

by Chatty_Pants 2 reviews

Everyone is looking for Theresa inside the ruinded school building. This one centers one what's happening while Archie, Atlanta, Herry, and Neil are looking for her.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-06-06 - Updated: 2006-06-07 - 1623 words

Before you read this, READ CHAPTER 7!!!!! The actual chapter is up and if you don't read it, you probably have know clue hoe they got here and when they met Cronus. So read it! Your some what calm author, ChattyPants (Chatty_Pants)
Jay was running around the building frantic to find Theresa. He looked in all the rooms but he couldn't see nor hide or hair of her.
"Hey! Jay, wait up!" Neil gasped between breaths. "We're getting tired."
"We have to hurry up! Theresa's life is in our hands!" Jay yelled.
"Look. Jay we're worried about her too, but we're lost and you know it!" Herry complained.
"Fine then, you can rest for a while but I'll go ahead to try and find her," Jay told the others.
"Before you go Jay, turn on your PMR," Odie said to him. Jay, looking quite clueless, turned on his PMR.
"Now what?"
"Now look at the screen. As you can see there is a map of the building. The red lines signify where you have already been. The green dot, on the other hand, shows where you are right now. There are three floors to the building including the basement. So that means that each floor can have two people on it searching except one. The one floor will only have one person to search it though instead of two," Odie explained.
"Why only one? Why aren't there two people on each floor? I think the dust is causing your brain to malfunction Odie. There are six people, not five. And six divided by three is two. So that means that there should be two people on each floor," Neil told Odie slowly as not to confuse him. Odie rolled his eyes and eyed him with a look of annoyance.
"I know that Neil. I'm not stupid. The reason why is because I won't be here. I'll be outside making sure everyone is okay. Because of my claustrophobia I won't be in the building," Odie told him matter-of-factly.
"Okay then. I'll go alone. I'll be searching the top floor for any signs of her," Jay told the others as if he had been thinking about it for hours.
"Archie and I will be in the basement," Atlanta exclaimed. "So that leaves Herry and Neil to explore the main floor."
"Good. Now that we've got this all figured out, lets split up and we'll call each other on the PMR if we hear any news about Theresa," Jay ordered.
The group went their separate ways with Odie heading back outside. The dizzy feeling that overtook him once he entered had now disappeared. He may have been out but the others were still inside not knowing what may happen. He took out his sleek silver labtop and opened it. He was not going to those their signal this time. Not like last time when they all had to deal with the minotars.
Meanwhile Archie and Atlanta were searching the basement for Theresa. There were dead bugs, mice, and mouse turds all over the floor while a sickly color of green mold was growing on the rotting walls. There were also boxes everywhere and most of them were huge! Theresa could be hiding behind or even inside anyone of them. Archie found it strange that the boiler was still even running after those past few years. He stopped to look for Theresa behind a dirty refrigerator box. He heard something move inside. He was ready to call Atlanta over when the box fell over and tiny mouse came running out in fear. His hopes dashed, he sighed in disappointment and turned around to see Atlanta's flashlight lighting up her pale face.
"Ahh!" Archie shouted surprised.
"Aww. Did I scare the big baby man Archie?" Atlanta snickered.
"Ha ha very funny. Now what is it that you want to almost scare the crap out of me?" Archie said clearly annoyed.
"Sorry about that. Anyways, do you know why the boiler is still running? Isn't it supposed to be shut off for safety reasons?" Atlanta asked mystified.
"I think so, but I'm not sure for certain. I'll ask Odie about it,"
Archie took his light blue, now looking a very dark blue in the darkness, PMR out of his pocket. He called Odie and told him the problem.
"Yeah it is," Odie reported to them after a quick second of looking on the Internet. "If it's not shut off it could... Oh gods no! You've got to get out of there now!"
"What!? What's wrong? If the boilers still running it could what? Tell me!" Atlanta ordered.
"No time to explain! Just get out of there now!" Odie yelled paniced again.
"Fine! But what about the others?" Archie shouted through the speaker.
"I'll tell them after you hang up! Just go!" he exclaimed getting very frustrated.
"Ok then. Sheesh!" Atlanta growled. She grabbed Archie's wrist and dragged him out after making him hang up. Archie was still trying to figure out what just happened when it him like a brick in the face. He told Atlanta solemnly and she looked at him grim-faced.
"Well why didn't he just say so?" Atlanta muttered angrily under her breath.
"Because he didn't have time. He has to tell the others as quickly as possible!"
"You're right. I'm sorry." She exclaimed exasperated. "Anyways, now, to get the hell out of this place,"

While Archie and Atlanta were checking out the basement, Herry and Neil were exploring the main floor.
"Eww! There's dead things all over the grimy floor and it stinks like you after a hard day's workout," Neil whined. "I have an idea. Let's just say that we didn't find Theresa. Please, come on, this is really bad for my complexion. The dirt will get all over in my hair and it will take hours to wash out."
"Shut up Neil! We're looking for Theresa whether you like it or not. What if she was in one of these rooms and we didn't find her because we left to early. How would you feel?" Herry told him sharply.
"Well, maybe she's not in one of these rooms and even if she was, Jay wouldn't really care. He'd be kinda happy at the fact that he was the one to find her,"
"Ah-h," Herry stuttered for a second. Neil did have a point though. Theresa probably wasn't even on this floor. And even if she was... "No," Herry thought quickly, "I will not even start to believe him."
"Well? What's the answer?" Neil smirked.
"Neil, just-just shut up," Herry finally answered. Neil smiled in victory and kept walking, though he kept looking at the floor just to make sure that he wasn't stepping in anything gross, which was just about everything in his opinion.
They looked everywhere on the floor for Theresa, but they couldn't see hide nor hair of her. They were about to call Jay and tell him the news when Odie phoned. Herry's PMR rang for not even two seconds before he answered. He was about to tell Odie what they found, or more technically, didn't find, when the floor gave a small rumble and he dropped it. He heard it shatter on the ground and cringed at the noise.
"Man Herry, you must be hungry for your stomach to do this," Neil joked.
"Cut the lame jokes Neil. I think something's wrong down there. I hope Archie and Atlanta are okay," Herry exclaimed worriedly. "Phone Odie and ask him what he wanted."
"I don't have to,"
"Because he's calling us right now," Neil said. Sure enough, they could here a ringing sound echoing through the hall.
"Well then answer it!"
"Hey! Where were you guys you didn't answer the first time. Never mind, that's not important right now. Jay called and said that you have to meet him on the east side of the building," Odie instructed.
"Why do I have to meet him there?" Herry asked dumbfounded.
"He didn't say, but you have to go and meet him right now!" Odie yelled quickly before hanging up.
"Come on Neil! We have to go to the east side of the building to see Jay," Herry exclaimed as he ran off. He stopped and looked back puzzled. "Do you know which way is south?"
"Yeah, of course I do. It's over to the right and past the untrimmed hedges,"
"How do you know that?"
"I have ways," Neil answered mysteriously. Herry glared at him. "Okay, okay. I just know because the sun comes up through the east window of my room. I arranged the bed so that when the sun rises, one of the first things it sees is the rays shining on my gorgeous face every morning."
Herry stared at him weirdly for one last time before shaking his head and running off to the east side of the building. He was still wondering what Jay wanted him for as he rounded the last corner and into the dying yard where Jay was waiting to meet him.

So what did you guys think of this one? This and chapter nine were originally one chapter, but it was too long so I cut it in half. I hope you don't mind, but if I didn't, then this chapter wouldn't be up yet. Oh, and Pheonee, if you don't like it because I split it in half and you send your auntie's Doberman after me to friendly me until I fix it, tell the dog that I said bring it on. I am a yellow belt in karate (okay, so it's nothing to be proud about) and I could probably kick its butt. Lol. Kidding, but anyways please r&r.
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