Categories > Original > Drama > Growing Up Together

7 Years Later

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

school days... oh joy

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-11-16 - Updated: 2011-11-17 - 304 words - Complete

"So Stefan..." Amy was best friends with Stefan since the day she could talk. " Yeah Aims?" " I was wond'ring if you could help me with my maths..." "Of course Amy!!! so... what is it you're stuck on?" "Well I d'nt really understand multiplications... but jus' my 6's and 7's." Stefan helped Amy with her work and then moved on to games. "What you wanna play, Amy?" "Anythin' with guns!!!" Amy had always had a thing for games with guns... "So Black Ops?" Stefan still couldn't get over how much she liked violent video games. "Yes please." After a couple hours of Black Ops, Amy had fallen asleep on the floor. Stefan stood up and went downstairs to get Amanda, (Amy's mum). "Amanda? Amy's fallen asleep on the floor..." "Oh okay Stefan I'll be just a moment..."

Amy and Ella's point of view...

"Amy?" Ella was always asking questions. " What is it Ell?" "Well you know Ashley? Stefan's mate?" Ella had always had a British accent... Amy... not so much. "Of course I know 'em!" "Well... I kinda, sorta maybe.... fancy him?" Amy dramatically dropped her grape juice and oreo..."Really?" "Aims... would I lie to you?" Amy thought about that for a second..." Well it depends on how you look atit..." Ella just frowned. "When have I EVER LIED TO MY OWN TWIN SISTER?" Oh boy... "Weeeeeeeelllllllllllllll that one time I couldn't find my jumper and said you hadn't seen it but you actually hid it in the shower.... and that other time when yo-" Ella had heard enough. "That wasn't een my fault! It was stuck on my jammies!!!" "Oh yeah... sorry!" "But anyway why did you act so surprised when I said I fancied 'em?" Amy tried to hide her cheeky, devilish smile. " I just wasn't expectin' that's all!"

End Of chapter 2
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