Categories > Original > Drama > The Midnight Beast fanfic

Telling Ash.

by JamieFIZZY_TMB 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-11-20 - Updated: 2011-11-20 - 239 words

“What are you gonna do?” Martha asked. Katie was in tears. She shrugged.
“I have to tell Ashley… and my mum, and organise scans. I’m such an idiot…” Katie was whispering and shaking. Emily got her phone out.
“I’ll text Ash. Do you want Dru and Stef over too?” Katie nodded in reply. There was a light knock on her bedroom door. It was her mum.
“Hunny, what’s…? Oh my God, what’s up?” Katie pulled the pregnancy test out from the bathroom, and handed it to her mum.
“Katie…” She started.
“I’m keeping it. I’m raising it. Adoption and abortion are not an option.” Katie seemed sure of this. There was a loud knock on the front door.
“That’s Ash.” Emily said. Katie’s mum had walked out, leaving the three girls alone. Martha walked over to the window, opened it, and shouted down to the boys,
“Come on up, guys,” Within a few moments, Dru, Stef and Ashley were stood in Katie’s room.
“You’re going to be a dad,” Katie said. She wasn’t in the mood to beat around the bush. Ashley’s expression was blank. The next few seconds seemed to last hours.
“You’re pregnant?” He finally asked. Katie nodded. Ashley almost ran across the room to hug her.
“I’m supporting every decision you make. I’m here for you, Katie, we can do this.”
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