Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Motions Of Life?

Broken Walls

by OverRated 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-11-21 - Updated: 2011-11-22 - 594 words - Complete

Chapter Six

I found myself getting up, placing my untoched drink on the nearest table.
" Excuse me " I muttered. I felt all eyes on me as I made my way across the room. All eyes were on me.
Mikey and Gerard were still standing in the doorway, expressionless.
I brushed past them, my hand toching Gerards. I picked up my pace and found myself in the hallway. More pictures lined the walls, more eyes looking back at me.

I quickly found the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I splashed water on my face, not wanting to look in the mirror.
Ive always hated looking at myself in the mirror. It was like I could see everything that I try so hard to hide.
I slowly looked up, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Hes real I thought. I didnt imagine him. But could it be that Ive found someone that understood me ? I scolded myself for thinking such a thing. I have tried so hard to convince myself that Im just another misunderstood soul roaming around. Could that be coming undone ?
I dried my face, ran a hand through my hair, unlocked the door slowly and suddenly found myself staring at Gerard.

Niether of us spoke. He took hold of my hand, sparks burning through my body and led me through the hallway. We stood before a door that had steps that lead to the basement. What could possibly be down there ?

We walked down the stairs in utter silence. I realised he still had my handin his. We were met by darkness.
He let go of my hand and was left standing in the middle of a room. His room.

I looked around, taking everything in. A single bed in the middle, a desk in tbe corner with comics and papers draped over it. Clothes and pencils were strewn all over the floor. My eyes gazed at his walls in awe.
Drawings and posters hung on the walls, overlaying eachother. His drawings were amazing. I could almost feel jealousy rising.

I turned around and saw that Gerard had taken a seat on his unmade bed, those hazel eyes stalking me.
I suddenly felt stupid and sat in a chair piled with clothes.
Our eyes were locked and I looked away.
" Dawn " He said quietly.
I couldnt bring myself to look up, instead I focused on something on tbe carpet.
" Iam not going to ask if your okay, cause I know your not " He continued.

As soon as those words left his mouth, my brain went into over load.
I had finally managed to build walls around me, that allowed my true feelings to stay locked up. Those walls allowed me to hide. But being with Gerard, its like those walls tumbled down, were broken leaving my feelings and thoughts exposed and bare. With him I was weak.

I finally looked up at him. Even through my blurry eyes he was beautiful.
I wanted to lie and tell him hes mistaken and that theres nothing wrong with me. But I couldnt. I felt compelled to tell him the truth.
" I know, I know Im not okay " I replied
In saying so I let my face drop, my tears sliding of my cheeks.
His arms were suddenly around me, pulling me into an embrace.

Sorry for taking so long to update. I have been busy with my work experience. Thank you to those who are actually reading this and a special thank you to those that reviewd it. Keep on hanging in there.
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