Categories > Original > Drama > Growing Up Together

Ok... That's Impossible...

by CarsynTMB 0 reviews

Well... this is a pleasant surprise...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-11-26 - Updated: 2011-11-27 - 444 words - Complete

Amy was sitting in the hospital room, waiting with Stefan for the doctor to see her. He walked in. "Sorry I took so long. Now what seems to be the problem?" "Well... I have a high fever and I feel sick all of a sudden." The doctor nodded, and typed the info into his computer. "Let's check your heartbeat and get some blood-work done yeah?" Amy nodded and went pale. Blood-work meant needles... and blood. Amy shook a little and the doctor smiled. "Umm... can we get you an ultrasound scan? Seems... necessary." Amy looked shocked. "Um I'm sorry, what?!?!" "An ultrasound." "Ultrasounds are for pregnant people. I can't get pregnant. I have a condition that makes it impossible for me to be pregnant." The doctor's smile widened. "Then I guess it's your lucky day, Mrs. Abingdon." Stefan fainted, and collapsed on the floor. Amy smiled. "Well I guess we need someone to wake him up." Amy nodded. She knelt down by him, and punched his arm. He jolted up. "What? Huh?" "Common Stef." He nodded and followed her and the doctor. They walked into a room with posters of pregnancy stages that covered the tan walls. "I'll go and get a mid-wife." Amy nodded and turned to look at Stefan. They were both scared. A mid-wife came in and smiled at them. "Hello... Amy? Stefan?" It was Janet. Amy smiled. "Janet? I'm so glad to see you!!!" Janet nodded and carried on with what she needed to do. "Now Amy, I need you to lift up your t-shirt up to your bra line, and pull your pants down a little bit yeah?" Amy did as she was told and Janet glopped on a pile of clear, blue gel onto her tummy. "It's warm." Amy was shaking. Could she be pregnant? Janet pulled out a little stick thing and moved it around Amy's stomach. "Can you hear that? That's a heartbeat. I'm happy to tell you you're pregnant." Amy felt a tear going down her cheek. Everything was so perfect now. Stefan held her hand. "Whoa... that's a baby? It looks like a blob!!! And it's... it's real... I'm going to be a daddy..." Stefan was crying too. He never thought that this would be able to happen. Amy smiled up at him, and kissed him. After Amy wiped off the terrible glop off her stomach, they walked out to the lobby, were they saw Dru. He looked up and smiled. "You alive? You look... glowy..." Amy smiled. "Yeah... I'm better than alive..." She looked at Stefan and he nodded. "It's because I'm pregnant." Dru flew from his chair and hugged her. She smiled.
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