Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personal Stories:)

“He likes you?” Alice squealed “And what did you say?”
Triana had only told Alice what had happened a few seconds ago but already she regretted it. “I told him he didn’t know who he was falling in love with and I screamed at him to get out.”
“I wondered why you were yelling.” Alice chuckled “You clearly love him in return.”
“I clearly don’t.” Triana glared at her best friend “And besides, even if I did… And I’m not saying I do… But I’ve scared him off now. He’ll hate me forever.”
Alice smiled “Doesn’t look like he does. Look at him over there staring at you.”
The girls were eating breakfast and as usual, Gerard was supervising. But as usual, Gerard wasn’t actually supervising; he was just looking at Triana. Triana flushed a bright red “Alice, maybe I do love him. But then what? Suppose one day I accidentally kill him like I did my family. How would I ever forgive myself?”
“You gotta calm the hell down.” Alice replied “Have you killed anyone since the night you killed your family?”
“No because I’ve been here at the hospital.”
“Exactly. And whether or not you love him, you’re still at the hospital. So nobody’s gonna let you kill him.”
“But what if for some reason I choose to? And then he realises I’m a cold-hearted killer…” Triana’s eyes filled with tears “What would happen then? I’d have to see him every day knowing what I’d tried to do!”
“You’re not like the rest of us here.” Alice told her, getting all serious “When we killed or did we did, most of us knew what we were doing. And we liked it. And those who don’t remember what they did, still don’t regret their decisions. The others, they can just hear voices in their heads. But as for you… Although you don’t remember doing it, you instantly regretted it. If I were you, I’d just go for it with Gerard. It’s not very often that someone as cute as him walks into here. You’re lucky Triana and I’d make the most of it.”
For once, Triana looked at her friend Alice and felt the two of them had made a real connection. “Maybe I should talk to him.” Triana muttered “What do you think he’ll say?”
“He’ll probably be happy.” Alice re-assured her “Don’t worry Triana.”

At bedtime, Gerard was locking the cells like he was supposed to. When he got to Triana’s cell he went to lock but Triana said “Hey. Do you wanna come and talk again?” Gerard paused and just looked at Triana. She sighed “I won’t scream at you this time, I promise.”
“Okay, fine, but not for long.” Gerard muttered, continuing to lock up cells. Once he was done, he walked back to Triana’s cell but slowly and cautiously as if he didn’t particularly want to enter. After last night he was worried about what she’d say.
Silently, he stepped inside Triana’s cell. Triana patted the space on the bed next to her “Come and sit by me. I’m not gonna bite.”
Gerard obeyed. He went and sat next to her “What do you wanna talk about?”
“What you said last night.” Triana admitted. Immediately Gerard tensed and Triana noticed “No, I want to say… That I really like you too.”
“Honestly?” Gerard asked, his eyes widening “That… That’s awesome!”
“You think so?”
“Yes, of course I do!” Gerard grinned “I can’t stop thinking about you Triana. You’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met.”
Triana blushed. She thought ‘If he knew what I’d done, he’d hate me forever.’
Gerard took her hand “What is it? You’ve gone bright red.”
“Gerard…” Triana gulped “I love you. I really do. But this thing between us won’t work.”
“Why not?”
“Because I did something terrible!” Triana’s eyes welled with tears “You really don’t understand the reason why I’m here. Even I don’t fully understand.”
“I know that whatever it is, I won’t care either why.” Gerard cocked his head to one side and stared into her eyes “I love you Sugar, nothing could put me off.”
But in Triana’s mind, she knew that Gerard would hate her forever if he knew. So she leaned her head on his shoulder “I don’t wanna tell you what I did Gee. Can we just forget about it please?”
“Okay. For now we can forget about it.” Triana didn’t like the ‘for now’ but chose to just leave it instead of getting into an argument about it “I love you Triana.”
“I love you too Gerard.”
He kissed the top of her head and said “I’ve gotta lock you in now. I’ll see you in the morning.” He looked at Triana “Hey, is everything okay?”
Triana shook her head “I don’t like being alone in the dark.”
Gerard sighed heavily “Well I’m not allowed to leave the door open Sweetheart.”
“Please don’t leave me alone in here!”
Gerard took her hand “I’ll set my alarm for early in the morning okay? And then I can sneak you back in here. Tonight you can sleep in my room.”
Triana was about to reply but Gerard pulled her up and down the corridor before she knew what was happening. In moments they were standing in Gerard’s tiny bedroom “Oh my god!” Triana snorted “My cell is bigger than this!”
“Shush!” Gerard whispered angrily but he was smiling and said “Tell me about it. I was really irritated. But I need to keep this job. Which is why no one can find out I let you sleep in here. Or that we’re in a relationship. Okay?”
Triana nodded and didn’t say anything. She watched Gerard getting into his pyjamas and smiled. He smiled back at her and the two of them got into bed. Gerard flicked the light off, lay back down and wrapped his arms round Triana “Are you okay now?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.”
“No problem Sugar. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Triana smiled, falling asleep in Gerard’s arms.
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