Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > hold my hand


by BoomBoxStuff 3 reviews

okay so yeah wrote this really quick, hope you enjoy.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-11-27 - Updated: 2011-11-27 - 1088 words

Franks POV.

Focus Frank. Don’t think about the drop dread amazing guy who has his thighs just a few inches away form yours. Don’t think about those beautiful hazel eyes that you know are watching you in this second. And do not, in any way fuck this up!

Frank was new in town, he just moved here with his mother after his father left them. He didn’t want to move here, he wanted to stay at his old place instead but the economy gave them no choice.
Well, he didn’t actually like the old place it’s just that he knew that everything would just get worse if he moved. He was bullied constantly at his old place and he had the scars to prove it. The only friend he remember having was Alice, they were best friends up to the age of seven, and then she got hit by a truck and died. Ironic huh?

Anyways, he is now 15years old, new in town with a heartbroken mother and zero friends.

He thought that this school would be just like the old one all over again, everybody was going to hate him and he would be all alone without any friends. But then he saw him.
Franks new teacher Claire told him to sit next to the guy with makeup – she said his name was Gerard.
Frank hadn’t ever seen anyone like Gerard, his skin was pale like those sexy vampires but it still looked so soft and he had to fight the urge to touch it, his eyes where big, beautiful and knowing. His messy hair was black and ended at the same height as his chin. But the best part was the lips. They looked so pink, soft and kissable and Frank could only dream about how it would feel having those lips pressed against his.

The movie just ended and they would have a break in a few minutes, none of the had said a word so far.
Frank jumped as he heard that single word coming out from those beautiful lips. He talked, to him. It was obvious that he was talking to Frank because his eyes were focused on him. Why would he talk to him?! No one talks to him, he doesn’t exist. And if anyone would talk to him then it wouldn’t be such a beautiful person as Gerard. But it was obvious that it was Frank that he was talking to and he realized that he should say something because he had been quiet for a while now.
He managed to squeeze out a pathetic “hi” before his cheeks turned red.

“I’m Gerard, and you’re Frank. Nice to meet you”

Frank saw the hand and realized that he was supposed to shake it so he did.

“yeah” he grinned as he felt the heat from Gerards hand.

“I see you like Misfits, great band, one of my absolute favorites”

That’s when Frank noticed Gerards hoodie and all his shyness went away.

“oh god yes, they are my absolute favorite band, I’ve seen them live once and it was epic! And I see that you like Green Day, they are so awesome!”

No. shut up Frank, you said to much! He obviously didn’t want to talk with you he was just being polite, why do you have to be so fucking stupid all the time?

“Oh god can I just marry your music taste? I’ve never seen Misfits live, wish I had, but I have seen Green Day though” Gerard said with a big smile all over his face.

Frank was just about to answer when the teacher said that the lesson is over. He was just about to leave when Gerard grabbed his hand.

“hey, what lesson do you have now?”

“uhm science” Frank mumbled and noticed the big grin on Gerards face.

“me too!”

Frank couldn’t help but to smile a bigger smile then he had smiled in a long time.

“That’s awesome”

They went out of the classroom but it didn’t take long before a big muscular guy with brown hair yelled after them.

“hey you, faggot! Seems like you’ve got a new little lover boy, how much did he cost?”

Gerard took Franks hand and made him walk faster as he mumbled “just ignore him”

“hey you emo little faggot I’m talking to you, listen to me when I talk to you!”

The brown haired guy was following them now and Gerard started walking faster and faster and before they new it they knew it they were in an empty corridor and the brown haired guy and his friends were right after them.
The brown haired one, who obviously was the leader, grabbed Gerards shoulder and pushed him away from me.
He pressed Gerard up against the wall and stared into his eyes and said.

“This is what happens when you ignore me”

And then everything went red. He started beating Gerards beautiful face over and over again.
Frank screamed out and tried to push him away from Gerard but before he knew it the others holding him. They pushed him on the ground and started kicking him.

After what seemed like forever the kicking stopped and the guys left without a word.


He could hear a quiet groan and when he managed to get up on his feats he saw Gerard sitting in a slop of blood staring out in nowhere.

“Shit, okay I’m gonna fix you but I need to get you too the toilets, can you walk there?”

“no, please, don’t let them see me” he mumbled.

“okay, listen, I’ll get you to my place it’s not far and my mum isn’t home, we can take the backdoor out from the school, is that okay”

He got a nod from Gerard and helped him up on his feet.
He almost carried Gerard home and when they got to his house he put him on the couch.

“okay wait here, I’m gonna fix you!” he said desperately as he walked to the bathroom to grabbed some paper, water and alcohol.

He got back and fixed Gerards face in silence.
Even though the horrible situation Frank couldn’t help but to think ‘ I’m touching him’.
When he was done Frank asked Gerard if he wanted to borrow the shower and Gerard managed to smile and say

“yes please” .

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