Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > hold my hand

I stand before you

by BoomBoxStuff 0 reviews

hey, here's another one hope you like it :'3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-11-28 - Updated: 2011-11-28 - 577 words

Gerards POV
Shit. What the fuck are you doing? You’re in his shower. How did you get here?
Hey, he has been naked in this room… Shut up mind and stop being so fucking dirty!
Gerards whole body aced as he let the hot water drown him completely. Even though he just got beaten so much, that was the last thing his mind was focused on.
What was it focused on? Frank.
They had just met and Gerard was already so into him. After knowing each other for only like half an hour, Frank had seen him bloody and beaten.

FUCK! Frank! Gerard had been to busy with his own pain to think about the fact that they hurt Frank to.
He ran out of the shower but naked screaming “FRANK?!”

“Yeah, are you okay, is everything fine?! “ he heard Frank screaming from the living room.

Gerard ran to the living room screaming “Frank did they hurt you?!”

Frank was just about to answer when he noticed the fact that Gerard was completely naked, he blushed and talked to his feet. “No Gerard, I’m fine they got you worse. And uhm.. You’re kind of naked…” he mumbled.

“What?” Gerard asked and then he too realized that he forgot to put on his clothes and quickly put his hands over his ‘special area’ .

“Fuck, uhm I’ll be right back…” he said embarrassed as he walked towards the bathroom and his pile of clothes.

Fuck. You, Mr. Way, are a dumbass. You forgot to put on your clothes, seriously who forgets to put on his clothes? He probably thinks you’re completely mental now, running around naked in Franks house screaming.
Gerards embarrassed thoughts were in a big blur as he pulled on his clothes and walked to the livingroom.

“yeah… sorry bout that” he grinned to Frank as he placed himself next to him on the couch.

“hah no it’s cool, I didn’t mind…” Frank mumbled as an answer.

“huh, sorry I didn’t catch that, what did you say?”

“oh, eh nothing…”

“okay” Gerard said smiling before he once again remembered the fact that Frank was hurt too.

His heart sank as he saw Franks blue skin. There was no blood, but his body was filled with bruises.
He couldn’t help himself but to almost attack him while touching his destroyed body.

“Frank, they hurt you so much and it’s my fault! I’m so sorry!” he screamed out as tears began to fall down his pale face.

“Gee, its fine, it’s nothing compared to yours really” Frank mumbled while Gerard was touching every inch of his body. It so felt right in some sick way.

“no, let me see you”

Before Frank got time to react, his sleeves were rolled up and Gerard was starring at his scarred arms with wide open eyes.
Frank quickly rolled them back down and looked shyly on Gerard.

“No… Frank please, don’t do that to yourself… You’re so beautiful, don’t hurt yourself” Gerard cried while searching for Franks eye contact.

“Please, Gee, don’t.”

“Frank, listen to me. You’re perfect, you don’t need to do that shit to yourself. And don’t hide your arms from me.” Gerard said while gently starting to roll up Franks sleeves once again.



“thank you”

“for what?”

“for being my only friend” Frank said before kissing Gerards cheek.
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