Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Beautifully Disfigured


by Broken_Feathers 1 review

12/25/11 Merry Christmas

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-12-25 - Updated: 2011-12-26 - 964 words

September 24, 2012

"Remember Dad that tonight is the game, so you better come. It might be the most important game of my high school career." I told him through the phone.

"I know son, you been reminding me since the beginning of the month." he sighed

"Yea but I need to tell you so you won't make plans to stay late at work like you've been doing." I stated

"Ahhh....It's only on occasions but I'll be there tonight 'cause I heard that there might be a scout there." he said

"I know." I turn to see Lindsey waiting for me by the car "Dad I need to go but promise that you'll be there tonight."

"Promise, I'll see you there bye" he said

After I said bye, I shut my phone and walked towards Lindsey.

"Hey babe." I said as I kissed her.

"Hey Gerard." she said words laced with annoyance

"What's wrong babe? Did Mikey say something to you again cause the guys and me can go teach him a lesson."

"No it's you. Why didn't you answer my phone calls last night?"

"Sorry, I came home late from practice and I passed out as soon as I got home." I said

"Lies! I see how you and Eliza give each other looks. I wouldn't be surprise if you're fucking that whore since you wouldn't even sleep with me." she shouted

"No babe, I'm not sleeping with her. I only have eyes for you and why would I sleep with a freak who cuts herself." I assured her.

"Ok." she huffed

"Come on lets get to school Miss Head Cheerleader." I said as I offer her my arm

"You're such a gentleman Mister Head Quarterback." she said.

~_~_~TIME LAPSE~_~_~

"Okay guys, if we win this game we'll go to states. So Jon and Spencer make sure you slam the other guys into the ground and Pete remember get a really good grip on the ball." Coach Morgan said

"Oh I almost forgot, there's a scout here today so Gerard, Bert, Quinn, Jared, Jon and Spencer you'll have a better chance to get picked since you're seniors. Now lets get out there and win!" He said

The whole team got up and ran out of the locker room to the field.

~_~_~TIME LAPSE~_~_~ (Once again I don't know anything about football XD)

"Gerard, before you go I need you to meet someone." Coach Morgan said

As he walked away from me, I tried to catch up to him but there were to many people in my way. I finally came face to face with Coach Morgan and a man.

"Hello Gerard, congrats on winning the game. I was watching you play tonight and let me say, I'm impress." The man said

"Thank you Mr....?"

"Oh sorry, Mr. Smith, I'm a scout for Fairleigh Dickinson University* and I think an athlete like you would be excellent in our team if you accept our scholarship." Mr. Smith said

"Really?" I asked

"Yes, I'd love to explain more but it's getting late. So here's my card and make sure your parents call me so we can get together to talk more." he said as he gave me his card and walked away.

"I told you that you'd go far." Coach Morgan said as he walked off

I can't believe all my hard work paid off just wait until dad hears about this. I ran around the stands to find him, but the only person I found was my mom Donna, the last person I wanted to see.

"Donna, where's dad?" I asked

"Congrats on winning the game sweetie. That was an exciting game." she said as she tried to give me a hug, but I back away.

"Don't come any closer. Just tell me where he is?" I demanded

Her face fell when I told her this, I guess it hurts her when I talk to her like that. Like I care if she's hurting.

"Umm...he's in the office a meeting came up." she said

"What!? He promised me that he'd be here tonight." I shouted

"I know he did and he wanted me to tell you that he's sor---" she said

"I don't want his fucking apologizes!" I screamed, cutting her off

"Gerard honey, clam down. I know you're upse---" she started to say, but I turn around and ran away from her. He promised, he fucking promised! I thought as I continued to run, but someone stopped me.

"Hey dude, are you ok?" Brendon asked

"Yes." I snapped

"Whoa, chill man ok. The team is going to Ryan's house to celebrate since his folks are out of town. Are you gonna come?" he asked

I couldn't even think straight, Deep breathes Gerard, I can go home and confront dad or go to the party and drink all of this anger away. Confrontation or alcohol. Mmm...I'll go with the alcohol, 'cause I can go throw up on his new carpet in the study. Yeah, I know not a great idea but whatever.

"Sure" I said

First off, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! or if you don't celebrate Christmas, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

*Fairleigh Dickinson University is a real university in NJ

Hey guys we're so so sorry that we didn't update sooner our internet was out :/ but now it's back, yes! We want to say thank you for the comments we've received!

Title Credit- Dickhead by Kate Nash (Pansy: Has nothing to do with this but I just like the word)


~GhØst and Pansy XØ

P.S. Pansy here, based on the people who commented, the age that was closest to mine was 13 and that's still 1 year older than me... Yes I'm 12. Damn, still need to find someone my age, poor me, ;D love ya guys!
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