Categories > Original > Drama > Magnolia


by HollyNHorne 0 reviews

It's about time! Oh - forewarning - this chapter gets a bit... um... yeah.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-12-27 - Updated: 2012-04-19 - 638 words


I didn't know how long we'd been walking, but my legs were cramping up. Hell. Night was approaching. I didn't know the exact danger that would put us in, but I knew it couldn't have been good. I didn't know where we were, and God knew what lurked in the shadows of these woods. I caught Stefan looking at me. "Shouldn't we stop for the night?" I could see the desperation and pleas for help in his eyes. He trusted me. He needed me. "Yeah but what if-" "Please, Ashley. It might get worse if we keep going." I followed Stefan's gaze to another clearing. "I suppose."

An hour after we settled, we arranged night shifts. One guy would sleep an hour and the other would stay awake to watch for -ahem- creatures. Or perhaps rescue. Midnight came. The Midnight Beast. I snorted. Then Stefan woke. "Your turn, mate." I grunted. "Nah, I'm not tired." "Pfft, yes you are." He scooted next to me. "Ashley. I... think I should show you something." "What?" "A new experience. Something you've never felt before." "Wha-" My voice shot up like a rocket. Stefan laid a hand upon my cheek. "Come here you cheeky little bugger." He laughed and shoved my face toward his. He puckered his lips and whispered "You're ready.". He pressed his lips on mine. I jolted away. "What the hell are you doing?!" "Ashley, please. Just one night. One night, that's all it'll take. To show you a whole new world. Mine." My hands trembled. Stefan moved closer. "I won't hurt you, Ashley. I promise. I won't. I love you." Sweat poured down my face like rain. "But-" He cut me off. His voice was angelic, pure. "Let me show you." "After everything that's happened, you're going to-" He clamped a hand over my mouth. "No more conversation. Just actions." I pushed it away, and I tried to move, but he held me back. Before I could speak, he hand creeped over my legs and cupped the bulge pushing against my jeans. I moaned softly. He rubbed. "Do you like that?" He mused. I couldn't answer. I couldn't choke out any words. Without warning he leaned over and kissed me again. This time, he drilled his tongue between my teeth and lapped up my saliva like a dog. I wanted to bite his tongue. I wanted to murder him for this, but I couldn't even find the strength to resist. He smirked and pushed me to the ground. I tried to scream, to yell. He drove his tongue back into my mouth, then pulled it out and down my neck. He twisted his tongue in circles. He tried to burrow his way up my shirt, but to my horror, he was removing it. I couldn't take it. "Stefan, stop!" I lashed out, kicking him in the stomach. He retracted, then spat at me "I was trying to show you something new!" He hissed. "Feels good, doesn't it? What, if it's a girl touching your crotch, then it's alright? Come on, Ashley!" I scowl. "It's obviously not the same. You violated me." "It wasn't a violation, it was happiness!" He retorted. I broke our gaze and took a breath. But I couldn't stop Stefan before he climbed back over me and tore my shirt off. I shuddered when his tongue slid across my chest. He began to unzip my trousers, but I kicked him in the temple. I stood up and took out a torch, flashing it back and forth, as if fending off a rabid animal. By the light, Stefan looked completely deranged, blood dripping down his chin and breathing rapidly. I readied myself to defend, but something stopped me. I lowered the torch. His expression dropped and he whispered "I'm sorry." "So am I." I replied.
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