Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Old Greek Coffee and a Room

The Early Bird always Catches the Pancakes

by OverRated 0 reviews

Violet meets Frank and Mikey

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-01-05 - Updated: 2012-01-06 - 878 words

Chapter Four : The Early Bird always Catches the Pancakes

Ive always loved waking up early, especially on Saturdays. Waking up before any sane person on a weekend after long hours of working during the week, listening to the silence of the nieghbourhood, knowing I can do all the nitty gritty things like painting my nails or catching up on a book I never have time to read.
I pulled out a towel from the closet and made my way down the hallway to take a shower. Gerards room is opposite the bathroom, the door closed. He must be still asleep as silence was the only thing to be heard in the apartment. I entered the shower, letting the hot water drench my body. Washing away the smell of coffee that lingered as a result of last nights shift. I turned off the stream of water and wrapped the towel around me, my hair dripping wet. Opening the bathroom door, I glanced down the hallway. The coast clear as I made a dash towards my room.

I sat on my bed staring at the clothes sitting in the closet. I dont own anything spectacular or designer for that matter. I just never understood the whole purpose of owning something with a label. Was it an attention seeking thing ? My clothes are casual and I dress for comfort, with the odd dress and skirts. I pulled out my light blue jeans and found my long yellow and cream striped jumper. I put them on and tugged at my plain white converse. I took my time getting dressed, thinking of what I can do today. Not bothering with my hair, I left it to dry naturally, forming slight curls. My eyes darted to the eyeliner on the dresser. Taking the cap off, I applied it lightly, rimming my eyes. I peeked out the window. The sky looked cold and the trees shaking. This was the perfect weather for hot pancakes and a warm cup of tea.

I naturally found everything I needed in its place in the kitchen. I made a batch of pancakes and then decided on another for Gerard. I had to return him the favour of sharing his pizza. I bought my plate of pancakes and tea to the table and sat. As soon as I popped a bite in my mouth, the door rang. I didnt know anyone who would come knocking in the morning. I opened the door and stepped aside.
" Dude, you finally answered. Ive been calling you all morning like some overly obsessed girlfriend, we had to come up all this way here by stairs, may I add for you to finally hint that your still alive and tha- " , the short guys rambling was cut off.
" Frank, thats not Gerard " said the taller one with glasses.
" Hmm, now that you say that, I can see your point. " He continued " I always knew your brother was a crossdresser, but damn never did I picture him this good looking " Frank said with a huge smirk on his face. Who were these people ? " Oh, I know " Frank said jumping up and down. " You must be his girlfriend. The one his hiding from us "

The two stood in the livingroom, looking at me with huge eyes. I opened my mouth to say that I wasnt anyones girlfriend, but was beaten by Gerard who came out of nowhere in his boxers and singlet.
" Violet isnt my girlfriend, she happens to be my new flatmate " he said, rubbing at his neck.
" Oh I knew it was to good to be true " Frank joked.
" Shut up " Gerard glared. They were like two little kids. Gerard turned to me.
" Thats Mikey, my brother " , pointing to the one whose been quiet this whole time. " And this littlr midget here is Frank ".
" Hey, Im not a midget, simply fun size " I stiffled a laugh and caught Gerard smirking.
" Nice to meet you Violet, now is that pancakes I smell ? " " Yeah ". He was already in the kitchen before it even left my mouth. Mikey offered me his hand, " Nice to meet you to Violet " and retreated after Frank.
I was left with Gerard who was looking at me. I broke his gaze with a smile.
" Id better get changed and come see what damage Frank has caused, oh, how did you sleep ? "
" I slept like a baby " He flashed me a smile and disappered down the hallway.

In the kitchen, I found Frank digging into the plate of pancakes. Mikey had a mug of coffee .
" What do you do ? I mean do you study ? " , Mikey spoke.
" Nothing really, I have a job at the coffee shop, other than that, Im free "
Franks mouth was stuffed but managed to choke out " Do you have work today ? "
" Nah, its my day off ". " Good, your coming with us "
" Where ? " Me and another voice said in unison. That voice belonged to Gerard who now seems to have a habit of appearing unoticed.
" You' ll see " Frank said getting up and slapping his hands on his jeans. A smile crept up on his face.

Dear readers, for the next chapter Im thinking of sending them to a carnival. What do you think? Please dont forget to RATE and REVIEW. Enjoy
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