Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Untie The Knot

Drunk with the thought of sharing these blankets

by amy 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-19 - Updated: 2012-01-19 - 1169 words

[Gerard's POV]

The walk back to Frank's was fun, to say the least. We were all pretty wrecked, and told each other stories about our night, although Ari and I left out the part where we kissed.

Frank had apparently caught sight of Zacky and was running up behind him when he was facing the other way and thrusting behind him, dancing suggestively and pretending to lick up and down him. He almost got caught and had to run away very fast, falling in front of
everyone in the process.

Mikey had successfully chatted up a girl and got her number. Her name was Megan, and she was in his grade. He actually refrained from doing anything stupid in his drunken stupor, surprisingly.

Ray and Bob had done too many shots with some guys in our grade and they all ended up parading around topless and pretending to come on to girls with terrible chat up lines. A selection of their favourites were " Can I touch your belly button... from the inside?", "My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in" and "Nice shoes, let's fuck."

When we got to Frank's house, it was around midnight, and we had to be quiet as his mum was most likely sleeping. Frank crept upstairs, grabbing our bags from his room and bringing them down to us. We settled ourselves down in the living room with blankets and pillows, either on the two couches or on the floor. None of us were going to sleep just yet, but it was good to have everything sorted for when some of us inevitably passed out.

We all got changed out of our clothes, putting on pyjamas and comfortable clothes. I looked over at Ari, in her pink and white pyjama bottoms that were way too big for her and her black vest. She was definitely still drunk, swaying as she tried to put on fluffy black socks.
Once everyone was sorted, we got drinks and went to sit in the garden, even though it was freezing. Ari sat cross legged on the bench beside Frank, sharing a cigarette and sipping on their drinks.

I was sat on the ledge of the patio door with a cigarette and a beer, Mikey, Ray, and Bob on the lawn chairs opposite me. We were all still discussing the party, when Frank brought up something I really didn't want to talk about.

"Hey, Gerard, I didn't see you with Eliza much of the time. What's going on with you guys?" He asked.

I exhaled the smoke and rubbed my face, "Yeah... I dunno. I think I might break up with her. "

Everyone's eyes widened a little at this, although Ariana's eyes had a glint of happiness in them.

"Why? What happened?" Mikey questioned.

"Nothing happened... I just don't really feel the same anymore. She's kinda clingy too... but I think I might wait like a week until I talk to her about it... don't wanna break her heart or anything," I grinned at them.

"Oh well," Bob said, "I'm just glad you're going to get rid of her. That girl is a pain in the ass."

"Yeah, definitely," Ray agreed.

"She's a fucking bitch!" Ariana piped up, and we all chuckled in agreement. "She hates me, I haven't done anything to her..."

But we had. I knew that she knew that, as she trailed off and looked me right in the eyes and visibly gulped.

If Eliza ever found out that Ari and I kissed, she would never, ever forget it.


After sitting out in the garden for at least an hour, we moved into the living room and settled into our makeshift beds, not planning on going to sleep anytime soon. We must have stayed up talking and still drinking until around 4am.

Everyone was getting sleepy, apart from me. I felt wide awake with all of the thoughts running through my mind. I didn't see myself getting any sleep anytime soon.

The sounds of Frank's quiet off key singing were interrupted by Ari groaning, pulling the covers off her and standing up from the couch, running to the downstairs bathroom.

We looked around at each other, not knowing what to do, but knowing she was about to be sick.

"I'll go," I sighed, standing up and making my way to the bathroom. I knocked on the door with no intention of waiting for her to answer me, and pushed it open to find Ari kneeling on the floor with her head over the toilet.

As soon as I knelt down behind her and pulled her hair back, she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet, sobbing as she did so. She hated being sick. I rubbed her back with one hand, holding her long hair in the other.

I sat with her until she stopped puking and sat back on her knees, flushing the toilet. I let her hair down as she stood up and then rinsed her mouth out with mouthwash.

"I feel horrible," she mumbled, small tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"C'mon, let's go back in there and lie down," I said quietly, putting an arm round her shoulders and guiding her back into the living room.

In the twenty minutes we'd been in the bathroom, the guys had all passed out. Frank lying across the small sofa, and Ray, Bob and Mikey were sprawled on the floor, with blankets half covering them. The big sofa was the only free space, so I guessed Ari and I would be sleeping there. Not that I minded, of course.

I sat myself down at one end of the couch, my legs spread, and patted inbetween them. Ariana laid down there, her head on my chest. I pulled the blankets right over our heads and she looked up at me questioningly.

"I don't want any of the guys to wake up and see me when I do this..." I leaned down and kissed her lips softly. As I pulled away, her eyes were wide in innocence and her lips were slightly pouted. "When you look as adorable as you do now, I don't know if I'll be able to refrain from doing that again."

"Gerard... are you really going to break up with Eliza soon?" She asked quietly, laying her head back down on my chest.

"Yeah, I am... I didn't really like her much to begin with anyway, I just wanted to give it a shot. It isn't working out though. I just really want to be with you." I sighed.

"Yeah? I want to be with you too, Gerard... but you need to break up with Eliza first. I don't want to be the girl you cheat on your girlfriend with. Even though I kinda already am..."

"I didn't think so. I'll make this work, sugar." I said with confidence.

"You promise?" She questioned, holding up her pinky.

"I promise," I said as I locked our pinkies together.
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