Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All We Know is Falling...


by Thank_MCR 2 reviews

Figuring things out and punching pretty-boys.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-02-12 - Updated: 2012-02-13 - 763 words

“What did you just call her?” Asks a blonde man from the doorway bravely. Ray stands behind him slightly, looking startled at the yelling Rain had done moments before, Gerard, Mikey and Frank looking shocked behind them.
“Wha…. I didn’t…” Rain tries to explain, though his drunken stupor has him talking in circles, “I didn’t call her anything… she’s a whore. Whore, whore, whore, whore. A shitty, bitchy one.” He sings. Half a beat later, a tattooed fist connected with Rain’s chin.
“Don’t call her that.” Rain runs out of the room and a door slams in the distance.
“Frank!” I yell, while in the background noise, I hear Gerard and Ray make sounds of victory. “Why in the hell would you do that?”
“I don’t want him to call you that. That’s all.” He says with a shrug.
“I was handling it!”
“What if he hit you?” He asks, now sounding extremely concerned.
“I would have slept on the couch like the LAST two times he’s gotten drunk and hit me!” I yell back at him, then quickly realize I said that out loud and cover my mouth.
“Rain’s hit you?” Ray asks.
“No.” I lie.
“You just said he did.” Ray says, stepping out from behind Bob, “Why… why didn’t you tell me? Or mom? Or left him?”
“I… I did tell mom the first time it happened… I ran to her house.” I mumble, “I couldn’t tell you… Couldn’t disappoint you because I know you liked Rain… and I couldn’t leave him…”
“I don’t think you’ll have to deal with him again.” Frank says roughly, but steps forward and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I only realize now that I’m crying and quickly bury my face into Frank’s shoulder. “Sh. You’ll be okay…” He whispers quietly.
“I just… I don’t know what to do now! He pays for the apartment! I can’t afford one on my own and you guys are leaving the day after tomorrow, and I can’t deal with him alone anymore. What am I gonna do?” Frank rubs circles on my back.
“It’s okay… We’ll figure this out.” He whispers. I feel another set of arms wrap around me from behind me and I turn to bury my face in Ray’s chest.
“You’ll come with us.” Ray says.
“What? No, I couldn’t do that…” I say, looking up to him.
“Yes, you can. The bus is big and there’s an extra bunk.” Ray smiles.
“No there’s not…” Mikey says, confused.
“Oh please, Bob sleeps in mine.” Ray says, “That means she has the bunk.”
“It’s your tour, guys… You can’t have me along with you because I’ll ruin it… No. You can’t. I’ll figure something out on my own.”
“Rox. You are my little sister and I want you to come along for the ride. You’re coming on tour with us.” He says.
“My job…”
“You work at a Mickey D’s… No way you are staying here, honey. You’re coming with us.” Mikey adds. I look to Gerard for help, he just nods, same with Bob when I turn his way.
“Okay… I guess I’m going on tour with MCR.” I say sadly.
“Listen…” Frank says, as he takes me in his arms again, “You are going to leave this place and every bad memory of it will disappear and we’ll just have fun for the rest of the tour and we’ll figure the rest out later.” God. Frank, why do you have to be so perfect?
“I know, I know… Can I go to sleep now? I’m really exhausted…” I say.
“Not in this room, hell to the no.” Frank says and leads me and the rest of the group back to the living room, where they had fallen asleep the night before.
“Extra pillows and blankets are in the hall closet.” I mumble, taking the couch before anyone can argue against it. Bob goes to get things to sleep with for everyone while they settle down. No one has pyjamas except for me, again, so they don’t even bother with changing. I don’t feel like changing, so I end up falling asleep in my skinny jeans.
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