Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hair Tied Back

Same Old Bitches

by GerardAllTheWay 0 reviews

At la bus stop and on le bus.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-03-15 - Updated: 2012-04-09 - 256 words

Mikey's Perspective

"Jeez, it's fucking cold." Sam complains, wrapping her trench coat round her.
"Mm." Gerard agreed, chewing on his lip thoughtfully.
"Yeah. We should grab co-" I don't get to finish my sentence before the bus arrived. It drives through a large puddle and spatters me in muddy water.
"Shit, Mikey, you okay?" Sam asks, suppressing a giggle.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply, laughing and smiling.
We get on the bus, and we all flip off the bus driver who doesn't seem to notice.
"Where're we gonna sit?" Gee asks, looking at all the rows of seats.
"Since none of these fucktards are gonna let us sit with them-" Sam starts.
"As usual." I interject quietly.
"We'll have to go THREE-WAY!!" Gerard yells happily and the three of us cram into the double seat. Good thing we're all relatively skinny.
"Ow, Gee, your hip is dangerous!!" I complain as Gee's hip pokes into my side.
"Not my fault that you and Sam are shit cooks and make food that I wouldn't even give to a dying dog." Gee laughs.
"Like, can you guys just shut up for like, a minute? Jenny's just telling me how, like, Brent dumped her and she went to go get, like, a coffee." A blonde Barbie stuck her head over the back of the seat.
"Maybe you should, like, fuck off and never talk to us again." Sam and Gee chorused.
I high fived them then flipped off the blonde who death-glared at me.
Same old bitches, same old school.
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