Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Surprise!

In the Cave

by Chatty_Pants 3 reviews

I had no idea what to call this chapter so I just called it that. If I write a summery I will give away the whole chapter.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-06-30 - Updated: 2006-06-30 - 1607 words

Jay was soaring past all sorts of colors as he flew through the portal. Reds, yellows, greens, oranges, blue, white, black, grays, purples, golds, silvers, and other vibrant colors encircled him. He suddenly had the feeling that he was going to be violently sick. Jay swallowed hard trying to get his lunch to stay put.
"How does Cronus do this all the time?" he wondered. Jay then saw a bright light at the end of the "tunnel", and it was getting closer to him very quickly. He realized that that was the exit, but he had no idea how he was supposed to leave. Just then, as an answer to his question, Jay came flying out of the magical doorway with is arms and legs flapping wildly. Jay landed on the ground with a load and very painful thud, but not before his head hit a large rock in front of him. Hard. He became unconscious just as the gateway closed up behind him.
Jay woke up later in the exact same spot where he had landed earlier. Jay stood up shaking as he tried to recall where he was.
"Oh yeah," Jay remembered painfully. "Cronus had sent his gigantic and hideously ugly giants to the hospital so that they could get Theresa's body. They ran towards one of Cronus's portals and had obviously disappeared to here. Wherever here is? I dived through it just before it closed. Now, to go and save Theresa."
Jay's eyes filled with tears at the mention of her name. He briskly brushed them away before setting off. Still somewhat groggy; he checked his watch to see what time it was. The luminous dial told him that it was 3:00 pm. That meant that he had been knocked out for almost six hours!
Jay staggered down the gloomy hallway with his hand on the dry, crumbly wall for support. He groaned in pain as his other scratched and numb hand went up to hold his aching head. He felt a large goose egg there and when he looked at his hand it had a small amount of blood on it. He was about to sit down and rest when he heard something down the hall. It was getting closer so Jay quickly ducked into the darkness of the shadows so that he would hopefully not be seen. He saw three-no, two giants walking down the dusty hall toward him. Those two terrifying giants were none other than atrocious Agnon and the terrible Two Heads, and by the looks of it they were having a fairly heated argument.
Jay started to seethe inside at the look of them. With his face hot he followed them down the corridor. It took almost all of Jay's strength to stay in the shadows and not just to run out and kill them both. Silently following them, he began to wonder where the heck they were heading. After what seemed like hours of stalking, but was only about half an hour, he came to a large room. His eyes widened in horror as his brain took in all that was around him. The rooms had pillars, lanterns, stairs, and other forms of equipment filled the cavern. Even if it probably was in the middle of nowhere, Jay had to admit; Cronus knew how to make an already spooky enough room even spookier. His head first turned to his right where he saw a large, messy pile of scythes.
"So that's where they keep coming from," Jay thought incredulously. Next he shifted his eyes to the left of him. There he saw six figures taking a nap, but one was smaller than the others and was sleeping on comfy bed while the others slept on piles of straw. The smaller one was Cronus and the others were the giants Agnon, Two heads, a red one, the one with a polar bear upper body, and the exact opposite of the last one, one with a polar bear lower body. Jay automatically knew that he was going to have to be quiet or risk waking everyone up. Jay's eyes then settled on the last one, humongous pool of swirling green water. And leading to the creepy pool was a long narrow boardwalk. Even from where Jay was standing he could still see a picture moving around. The picture was from when the giants had infiltrated the hospital building and had stolen Ther-no, her body. It hurt Jay too much to say her name. But of all the things that had been shown, it was what was at the far side of the room that had caught his gaze. It was her body!
Jay snuck through the shadows creeping his way to Theresa's body. It took everything in him not to just burst from his hiding place and to where her lifeless body lay. Once he had gotten there, which had felt like an eternity to him, Jay had fallen to his knees beside her. Her slim, pale body lay on a filthy bed with her golden orange hair strewn about on it. Her cold, blue lips just sat there on her white face unmoving. Her normally soft, warm fingers were stiff and freezing to the touch. Even from the crying he had done earlier he still had a couple left. The rolled down his red cheeks and on to her brilliant white gown. The type of gown used for sacrifices. Jay knelt over and gave her a small kiss on her hard lips. He rose slowly and angrily marched foreword to where Cronus lay sleeping.
"This time," Jay thought furiously. "Cronus is going to pay!"
Fists clenched tightly, he advanced to the left side of the room. He didn't even bother being quiet this time. The load snores coming from the giants were load enough to block out the sound of an electric guitar on full blast. But Jay couldn't even hear it as he stormed his way there. Right then and there, the only thing that mattered was hurting Cronus as much as possible. Standing over Cronus's sleeping body, Jay threw a punch that Herry would have been proud of. His tightly clenched fist collided with Cronus's jaw and sent him sprawling on the hard ground three feet away from where he was sleeping. Cronus's quickly got up and rubbed his broken jaw. He flinched as he touched the red, black, blue, and purple bruise. He then noticed Jay just as he was healing his painful jaw. He saw that saw was shaking with fury and his warm brown eyes had suddenly turned black. In them he saw a fire blazing with hatred for what Cronus had done. There was also in the blaze a small spark, which was his love for Theresa. He looked around clueless and said to the furious boy, "How-how-how did you get in here? The only way in is through my... portal. Of course, you must have snuck through it."
Cronus then turned to his cowering giants and barked, "I thought I told you imbeciles to make sure that no one followed!"
"Well, now that I am here, why don't you tell me what you want with Theresa's body."
"How about I don't. After all, that would ruin the surprise," Cronus replied with an evil gleam in his eye. (Hee hee, I almost rhymed there)
He snapped his fingers and in both hand appeared a scythe appeared in each hand. Jay noticed out of the corner of his eye, two scythes disappeared of the top of the pile. He began to wonder how Cronus did that when he remembered that that wasn't important. Bringing Theresa back was.
Cronus lurched foreword to attack with his scythes in the air ready to strike. He gave a wide smile of victory, which showed every one of his vile, yellow teeth. He brought one scythe foreword to hit Jay, but not before he blocked it with his xiophus (sp?). Jay then attacked Cronus with his sword. Sadly, Cronus blocked it as well with both of his scythes crossed so the xiophus landed in the middle and froze. For what felt like hours, this fight went with neither sidde getting any success. Jay was going in for another attac when he heard a small and barely hearable mumble.
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. Cronus saw an opportunity and since he's one who doesn't ingnore an opportunity, he ordered the red giant to attack Jay. Red picked him up and threw him to the other side of the room. He roughly landed on a pile of scythes and got up painfully. Luckily, he didn't break any bones, but he still had quite a few cuts and bruises. Panting heavily, he walked over to where Cronus was. Watching him the whole time to make sure he didn't attack without Jay knowing. As he walked past Theresa, he noticed something that caused him to stop once again. He turned his head toward her with his eyes opened wide in shock. He looked down at her hand. It was still lifeless but he was quite sure that he saw her finger twitch when he walked by. She was dead. So her finger couldn't move. She was dead, he was quite sure of it. Wasn't he?

Ohh! Ha ha ha. I may of brought her back to life. This one author note is going to be shorter... I think. The next chapter is either my last or my second last. Any way I won't be able to update for two weeks! Also, also has my sequel too. Bye!
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