Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stray Thought Frenzy


by CherryBOMB96 3 reviews

Meeting My Chemical Romance

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-04-03 - Updated: 2012-04-04 - 323 words

The next morning we went to the studio address. It's weird because no one is scared. We just are pretty used to this right now. And we do this kind of stuff all the time plus our new song kicked ass!
When we went inside this "studio" was really a theater and there was no one there...
"Hello is anybody hooommmmme??!!" Nick yelled.
"Damn this place is huge!" Shay said.
They both laughed from their echoes. I swear sometimes I swear they are little 5 year olds in disguise.
"Hello? Crap is this the right place Sarah?" I said.
"Ya there suppose to be here.."Sarah answered.
The theater was dark and it had a feeling of uncertainty. I was the first to start to walk down the aisle. Everyone else followed behind. When we got to the stage i said,"Hellooo? We are here for the auditions!! Is anyone here!?" I yelled.
Then someone comes in from the stage wings. It was a slender middle aged man with brown hair wearing sunglasses. The man says,"Yes, yes I'm really sorry for your wait. Oh i see that there isn't any other bands.. A shame.. I guess you'll be our only ones, But you are still going to have to play for use."
There was silents for a few seconds and then he said,"Oh! I'm Howard Blake MCR's manager. Guys? Why don't you 4 take it from here?"
Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way and Ray Toro all came out and smiled at everyone. Gerard walked up to me and said, "Hey, well, um, we are MCR....Oh there's only one group?...Oh well ok that doesn't matter! Well lets see what you got! Show emotion, have fun, anything to sing your heart's stories. Well, that's A and remember to be yourself, never take anyone's shit and never let them take you alive!" Frank came up and said, "Yeah! Let's DO this thing!"
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