Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abandoned Souls and Buildings


by Apocalyto 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-08 - Updated: 2012-05-08 - 830 words

I groaned in pain. My head was throbbing and the back of my eyes were stinging. I went to move my hand to the back of my head which seemed to be the point of my pain when a hand caught my wrist and restrained it from moving.
"Don't touch it. Frankie hit you too hard and you may have concussion." A soft voice explained before releasing my wrist again which fell back to the carpeted floor. Concussion? Aw crap.
"I-it's fine. But can you help me up please?" I croaked out. My throat was so dry. How long was I knocked out?

Equally soft hands went around me and under my arms to help prop me up into a sitting position, still with my eyes closed. The hands held onto me for a few seconds until they were sure I had stopped swaying. I slowly opened my eyes and was grateful for the lighting being dim. I blinked a few times and my eyes then focused on a guy. A hot guy. He had messy, nearly shoulder length, black hair which made his skin seem so much more pale and he wore a complete black suit with a red tie. But what really made me swoon, even if it's completely cliche, was his eyes. His eyes were hazel, big and sparkly and enhanced even more by smudged black eyeliner.

I smiled sheepishly at him which he returned with a grin. He held out his hand.
"The name's Gerard." He told me.
"Frank." I replied in a croaky voice while shaking his hand. His grin widened as he pulled back. He cracked open a can of Mountain Dew and passed it to me. I gratefully took it and sipped it, loving the fizz as it trickled down my dry throat. Gerard's grin then turned into a grimace and he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"I'm guessing you're wondering why you had to knocked out to be taken here?" Gerard asked which I answered with a raised eyebrow, still sipping at my drink. He chuckled and sighed.
"We have to knock out newcomers because of precaution. If a dodgy guy came in here, knowing the exact area of where we are, we'd be in a lot of trouble. So doing this protects us from people knowing that we're here and it's much easier. For us at least." He blushed at his last comment, ashamed of having to hurt people for the sake of their protection.

I shook my head, instantly regretting it when my head started to spin again.
"It's cool. I understand you're situation. I just need a place to stay and when I heard you on the radio, I started to plan how I was going to leave my mom." I explained. I saw a flash of a emotion I couldn't catch in his eyes for a split second until a smile was plastered on his face.
"Well you came to the right place."

Gerard slowly helped me up, making sure I didn't pass out. Once I was sure I could stand on two feet by myself again, I followed Gerard as he showed me down some spiralling stairs. We passed one floor before being on the ground floor again and I realized both were abandoned and that it was the top of the church's tower I had awoken in.

I started to have my doubts when Gerard brought me over behind the church altar. He then tossed aside the carpet which lay behind the altar and revealed a wooden trap door with a lock on it. Gerard took a key that hung on his neck from under his shirt (making my blush greatly), unlocking and lifting the trap door. It was big enough for two people to climb down at the same time, and Gerard motioned for me to go first. I looked down warily and started to descend down the ladder of the tunnel. From above, Gerard tossed the carpet over the trap door before shutting it and locking the door from the inside with yet another lock and key, and carried on down the steps in darkness with me.

After about a minute, I felt my feet touch the solid ground again. I moved out of the way of Gerard and he started to lead me down the tunnel only with a lighter to light the way in the dark.

We only walked for another minute before hearing loud music being played and were standing in front of bolted, metal door. Gerard knocked on the door three times before a little cell window shutter was pulled back and a boy's hazel eyes, shrouded by a pair of glasses, appeared and locked onto Gerard. He turned away from them.
"Hey guys! Gerard's back!" The boy yelled and people cheered. The boy pulled back the metal door and let us in. As soon as the door was shut behind me, I gaped at what I saw.
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