Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Family Reunion

The Battle I

by texaswookie 0 reviews

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-06-14 - Updated: 2012-06-14 - 14592 words - Complete

Disclaimer at end of part II.

"Yeah. Earth. It’s a tough neighborhood." (Jake) Animorphs #6

The group nearly made it to the large rebuilt school when a large series of bangs exploded all over causing the group to stop and look as a heavy smoke screen began appearing. Storm raised her hands and made a gesture summoning a wind, and the thick smoke became light and they could all see that around 200 or 300 ninja were now standing between them and the school grounds. Wolverine got off the horse and handed it over to Charlie Weasley who held onto the reins of the creature. “Looks like this is where I part company with all of ya.” Wolverine said, as he extended his claws.

“Not alone though lad.” Conner said, as he Duncan and Methos joined the feral mutant. The three immortals shrugged off their trench coats, and stood alongside the mutant, their swords raised in anticipation as the others made their way on by the various Hand ninjas.

“Go on.” Duncan ordered Ritchie, who looked like he wanted to object to leaving his friend behind. The young man nodded to his mentor though, and followed after the others as the ninja opened up to let them all past. Two of the Hand ninja moved though and blocked Faith from going any farther.

“You don’t want to do that.” Faith warned the two demon ninjas in front of her.

“Honor demands that we destroy you.” One of them said to her in perfect English.

“Let her past Genin!” A voice commanded, and a man in a white suit that appeared to be in his thirties dropped to the ground and looked at the two Hand members. “This is a war for the First not for ourselves, besides this gaijin slayer walks toward her doom as it is.” The two Hand warriors nodded and fell back allowing the dark haired slayer to walk past them and the rest of their clan.

“So, yer the new Jounin?” Wolverine asked as he looked at the man who stood proudly before them.

“Not quite gaijin, I have been a Jounin for some time, but I have been busy elsewhere, but when word reached us that another Jounin had fallen they sent for me. I am one of the few Jounin that has survived any encounters with you. Although I can’t exactly say much on that, since you’ve been slicing bits of me away for years now.” The man said as he flexed his hand angrily.

"Eh, you probably deserved it." Methos said with a smirk.

"Aye, you talk a good game lad but let’s see how ya do against us shall we?" Conner asked the Jounin as he trained his eyes on the figure.

"And who are you?" The jounin asked with a sneer at the long haired man in front of him.

“I am Conner McLeod of Clan McLeod and I stand against ye.”

“I am Duncan McLeod of Clan McLeod and I stand against you.”

“And I am Methos, former member of the four horsemen, you may have known me as Death, and I’m here to fight you and your demon ninja as well. I must apologize for these two, they’re a bit melodramatic at times when it comes to challenges and what not.” Methos added with a smirk.

“Is this forever to be your way then Duncan?” A figure asked the youngest of the three Immortals, sighing in disappointment as it walked through the assembled ranks of the demon ninja.

“No,” Duncan whispered hoarsely, as he saw an old friend before him.

“Hello Duncan.” Darius’ image said as he pulled back the hood of his monk’s robes. “It has been quiet a long time since we last saw each other hasn’t it?”

Duncan’s calm exterior shattered and he glared with fury at the First. “How dare you use Darius’ image like that!” The Highlander said with a cold fury that would freeze many a normal person in their tracks.

The First merely smirked at the Highlander though with a familiar all-knowing grin. “Just stand aside now Duncan, and let my Hand ninjas deal with the wild man that you seem so eager to fight alongside of.”

“Stop using Darius to spread your darkness monster.”

“Yes Duncan I am a monster, but remember you never met Darius until after he had gone through his infamous Light Quickening. Before that he was one of my greatest servants, a monster in his own right with many skills toward darkness. Angelus and the Darius of old might have gotten along extremely well if they didn’t try and kill each other first of course. Instead they each went against people that they shouldn’t have, and I lost some of my best warriors in the worst of ways to the Light. The only good thing about Darius’ Light quickening is that he didn’t set out to make amends like Angel did. If that had happened, a number of the more vile Immortals would have been killed, most likely destroying even more of my troops before the final battle was at hand and I would have been unable to use any Immortals on the final battle. True this fight here is not the final battle, it is still a good training ground for the upcoming and rising talent.”

“I know very well what kind of person Darius was back then he held very little back when it came to his past, but I shall not allow you to destroy the memory of what it is that he became.” Duncan spat at the First.

“Duncan, control yerself.” Conner ordered his kinsman in annoyance. “I need ye to be calm and in control of your thoughts and actions for the fight that is coming not acting like some untrained barbarian warrior that has no idea what it is that you are doing.”

“I’ll do my best.” Duncan said still glaring at the First.

“And what of you Death? Are you truly going to stand against my armies and me? Or will you stand within my armies and reap the benefits of the battle for Sunnydale?” Darius asked curiously of the oldest of the Immortals. “You are a survivor Methos the best at saving your own head, and yet here you are preparing to do something that will ensure that you don’t survive very long. You know that as well as I do that this battle is merely a technicality, a formality if you will. Eventually I will get the seal opened back up once more, and then I shall flood this world with my real vampires, and after this town I shall take over the world one little piece at a time, and then I shall take the Stargate and reawaken the Wraith and return control to the System Lords and they shall go forth in my name. None shall stand against me either Death. Think about it you could have anyone or anything that you ever wanted and all you would have to do is to serve me. Serving me is what a true survivor would do if he truly cared for his hide as much as you claim to care about yours.”

Methos smiled a bit at this. “True, but you see, since I’ve gotten to know the Highlanders I’ve learned something, or maybe it’s that I’ve relearned something.”

“And what might that be?”

Methos smirked at the First. “It’s not something that you’ll understand, no matter what body it is that you wear you’ll never understand. With them I’ve learned that sometimes you simply have to do what’s right. Unfortunately the right thing sometimes puts you up against odds that you don’t want to face, but we’ll have to see who lives and who dies. Shall we?”

“That we shall Methos.” The First returned before it turned away from the small group of assembled warriors and turned to look at its warriors. “Hand warriors destroy them!” The Hand Clan members charged, ready to bring death to their enemies.

“Bout time.” Wolverine said, as he swiped the air with his claws knocking back four arrows. “I thought it was all gonna be over by the time we finally got to it.”

“It bought them some time against the First though didn’t it?” Methos asked smugly, as he twirled his sword slicing through three more arrows.

Wolverine’s reply was silenced as an animalistic roar came from his throat and he leaped toward the horde of incoming ninja ignoring the dangerous hail of arrows that was now coming toward him. The immortals all shared a look before they joined the feral mutant in his Light Brigade like charge. The four hit the center of the group, and hacking and slashing ensued from the various blades that were being used.

Conner slashed the stomach of one ninja, then spun to catch the arm of another ninja with a wicked looking dagger, while he skewered another ninja that was next to him, he then elbow slammed another in the face. He grimaced as he felt three different blades hit him, if his clothes had not been charmed earlier, he was sure that he would have been skewered a half dozen times, the only question he had currently was how long could this invincibility last.

Duncan was a swirling mass of anger as he fought through the forces that opposed him and his friends. He would make the First pay for the insult it had given to Darius memory on this day. These Hand warriors would pay for what their master had done on this day. He parried with a stolen katana, and sliced with his own, taking an arm off of an opponent, the hilt of a weapon struck him in the face staggering him back, allowing another to take a slice at his face blinding him in one eye, twirling he managed to force them back enough so that he could slice the heads off two ninja that were charging at him, he raised his sword to open another ninja up, when a chain came flying from the air and wrapped itself around his arm and pulled his arm and the sword in it away from another maiming strike. Swearing in German and Celtic, Duncan brought his sword down and broke the chain that had held him a moment ago, he was then treated to a pair of kicks that sent him flying back. The Immortal shook his head as his sight now returned to him as his injuries healed and waded back, in stabbing a ninja in the leg, releasing his hold on his borrowed sword, he snatched another weapon from his wounded adversary’s hand. Ending up with a sai he threw the weapon, he hit another ninja in the face. ‘Yes he would make them pay.’ He thought, as he slashed at another.

Methos wondered if it wasn’t too late to change his mind about what he wanted to do, it wouldn’t take much, just step back and let the Hand have easy access to the others. He could say it was a bit of proof that he was his own being and that he Death would work with the First but not for it. ‘If he was lucky he might not be killed for that type of action.’ He thought, as he slit the throat of one of the ninja, it was tempting, but he was stronger than the darkness that was threatening to overtake him, he didn’t understand it but he would not let his new darker urges rule him here. ‘He was Methos and would help his friends or die trying.’ He slashed a couple more opponents before he looked up a new fire in his eyes. ‘Methos was gone, and he was Death! And Death bowed before no one!’ He swiped his blade opening two warriors snatching up a spear he threw it into the crowd not even bothering to see if he had even hit anyone or anything. ‘It was time to show these weaklings why he was Death. He had killed entire city’s with more effort he was sure.’ He threw a handful of creatures back, not even noticing the energy that he was now releasing as he fought against his opponents. He picked up a fallen sword and looked up as the Hand warriors he had been facing regroup and came back at him, he let out a deadly smirk that would give most beings nightmares. ‘He was going to enjoy this.’ He thought, as the cold smirk became a savage smile as he rushed to meet the Hand.

Wolverine was lost in a red haze, there was no right, there was no wrong there was just the enemy and the need to stop them. He was the most feared creature for a reason, and these beings wished to challenge that, he would gladly accept their challenge and if he failed he would be happy knowing that somewhere someone would probably say a prayer for him even if he would prefer that they raise a glass in his name at a bar like he had done for so many others before him. He was the fighting Wolverine, and there was nothing more fearsome than the Wolverine, after all the Wolverine had more than once bitten the Hand that tried to dominate it. A spin kick here, a jab there, an uppercut with clawed fists went through another skull. He shredded ninja after ninja, adamantium laced bones punched through marrow before they moved onto another target, blades flashed as he tore through ancient ninja blades against his claws. He did a palm strike sending another Genin to his ancestors. A knee to the face of another broke the nose of another who while blind was impaled by thrown spear. Wolverine stopped his fighting to flash the watching Jounin a smile. “This all you got bub? Come on, I’m the best there is at what I do and what I do ain’t pretty.”

“Genin destroy him.” The Jounin said with anger. “Destroy the Wolverine! Destroy his allies, and then when we are done we will destroy those inside that he has come to view as family the ghost child and the energy vampire shall die now as well.”

“Shouldn’t of said that bub.” Wolverine said as he rushed forward again, if anything even more intent on cutting them all to bits. He wondered how many of these guys he would be able to take down before they forced him down.

The others all heard the sounds of combat but did nothing as there was little that they could do for their friends at this time the only way they could help them was to stop the First in time. “All right, everyone take your positions!” Jack ordered everyone. “I want all the ways in and out covered! We don’t want any of those bloodsuckers getting out! If you are a part of the throat team head down there and await for confirmation of lighting and blocking teams. If you’re a part of the empowerment team find a room and get cracking on the voodoo that you do already for crying out loud! As for everybody else secure the area.”

“You heard the big bad soldier.” Xander said, as he ordered the young potentials to their own posts. “If you need to use the bathroom I suggest doing so now, if you don’t think about what we’re going to be facing and go again.”

“Sound advice.” Jack said nodding in agreement.

“That’s Xander for you, crazy yet sound advice.” Buffy said, as she watched people pull out the skylights and set C4 charges along the walls Faith and Charlie Weasley were helping Harry’s death horse down toward the basement it was almost time for them to begin.

“Think you can handle being the rearguard?” She asked her great uncle curiously. She knew that she would hate being in charge of the third level of defense, but also knew that the man before her was probably one of the best people to command it as well.

“I’d rather be up on the front lines, but most of my people don’t have the kind of training to deal with these things. As much as I hate to admit it, some of those little girls are better trained to deal with this stuff than we are.”

“Yeah kind of depressing isn’t it? You bring forth all of these manly soldiers, and in the end it has to be these little girls who should be out shopping at the mall or talking on the phone about the latest fashion who have to be the first line.” The Slayer questioned her great uncle, as they watched people prepare themselves.

“Yeah it does, look there’s nothing I can do about joining you down there until it’s too late, but all of us who are related to you did come up with this just a few moments ago.” Jack said as a soldier stepped forward and produced a jar filled with blood. “I know that it may not work, but we’d rather you not go in there without all of your blood.”

“Who donated?”

“Your family did. Everyone that received a letter gave a bit of blood for you, we figured it was the best way to do this. Of course relatives connected through them also donated but here ya go kid I hope it works.”

Buffy nodded. “Dawn come here.”

“Yeah what’s up?” The tall brunette asked her older sister hesitantly.

Buffy smiled as she looked at the jar. “Dawn this is a jar of Summer’s, McLeod, Duke, Halliwell, Kent, and Granger blood, but its missing two parts of its Summer’s blood.”

Dawn grinned and nodded as she pulled out a dagger from her hip sheath and drew it along her hand, hissing slightly as she felt the cut into her skin, she then held it over the opened jar while Buffy repeated the move letting several drops of blood fall in. Buffy then repeated it, and everyone covered his or her eyes as the jar of blood glowed for a moment.

“Okay that was a bit unexpected.” Jack said. “Why did I push my shades up when I did?” He questioned, earning a couple of chuckles from various people.

“You do realize that is probably the most powerful combination of mystical and scientific blood seen in over a 500 years.” Flitwick said, as he looked with interest at the container that held all of the blood in it. “Why it’s probably more potent than Phoenix tears when it comes to healing or more deadly than Basilisk venom.”

“Huh, who’d of thunk it,” the Slayer said as she looked at the blood container, “and all we plan on doing with it is using it to open the seal with.”

“Yeah, well everyone better get into position. It’s time to get this business taken care of. I am so tired of this bitch and just want to get it over with.”

Everyone nodded and began to split up soon everyone was working preparing things leaving the core Scoobies alone with each other for the moment. The group looked at each other for a minute before they began deciding what it was that they wanted to do tomorrow. Giles listened as his students began talking about shoe shopping potential. “The world is doomed.” Giles moaned with a sigh remembering a similar time nearly eight years ago when he had said the same thing as this trio of people had finally come together as a team for the first time.

Before anything else could be said a soldier cried out as he was flung across the room from a spell. They all turned to see who had cast the spell, and they all tightened their grips on their weapons as they saw the crimson eyes of Voldemort glowing from a shadowy corner. “Greetings Slayer.” Voldemort said, as the Dark Wizard stepped out from the shadowed hallway the little light that there was reflected off of the scales of his skin.

“You must be the Lord of the Snakes the wizards have been telling us all about.” The Slayer said in greeting to the wizard as she looked the thing in front of her up and down.

“That I am Slayer, it is almost a pity that I must kill you and your allies, some of you would have been extremely useful to me had you not decided not to join forces against the First. As it is though, I must now destroy you all.”

“Uh huh.” Buffy said looking unworried at Voldemort. “Have you ever considered using moisturizing cream? It would give your face a much more younger look, and what’s the point of coming back from the dead if you’re going to look like that?”

Several people snorted at this, as they kept their weapons steady on the wizard who glared at her angrily.

“Perhaps the world will not be at a loss if rabble like you are gone.” Voldemort said with annoyance. “Bring me Potter and the rest of you shall go free.”

“So not happening scale face.” Prue said as she backed her cousin up.

“You really ought to see a Doctor about that red eye of yours you know?” Jack mocked, as he prepared to fill the wizard full of metal.

“Back off muggle.” Voldemort said, waving his wand, and sent the Colonel flying into a wall of lockers.

“Ow.” O’Neill said from the floor clutching his knee. “That hurts.” The man said hissing in pain.

“Enough. We haven’t the time for this. Perhaps you would like to challenge me to a little fight while the others are busy here?” Storm said, as she looked toward the snake-faced man. “You are indeed powerful, but are you as powerful as one who can command the very weather itself?”

“Your challenge interest me,” Voldemort said, as he stroked his wand and listened to the dark skinned woman with interest. “I have a proposal if you are interested.”

“Inform me.” Storm said coolly, not bothering to look or listen to the other various people, as she was already mentally preparing herself to battle this poor being that could only lash out at others.

Voldemort smiled coldly as he looked the woman over. “When I win our battle you serve me in whatever way I so desire for a year, if by some miracle you manage to win I take what is left of my forces and leave.

“Hardly a fair trade if I you think about it.” Storm returned to the Dark Lord. “You withdraw from a fight, yet I must submit myself and become your slave for a year if I fail to stop you. I think you may have to sweeten the pot somewhat.”

“Those are my terms white hair take them or leave them, and if you leave them I shall simply summon all of my remaining Death Eaters here, though weakened I can still summon a number of Death Eaters if I have to.” Voldemort threatened the mutant woman.

“Very well, I shall agree to your terms, but I would prefer if this fight happened elsewhere. Perhaps outside?” Storm said not wanting anyone to be hurt if she had to cut loose against the dark wizard.

“How about the roof then?” Voldemort nodded in agreement, but for totally different reasons. While he didn’t particularly care if he killed some of the other people in the hallways while they fought in their battle, he didn’t want the light sided warriors to interfere in this battle either.

“Deal. I shall be there in moments.” Storm informed him.

“I await you with pleasure my dear.” Voldemort said, before popping away.

“You don’t have to take him on alone.” Kingsley Shacklebolt said as he prepared to side along the two of them to the roof. “The only persons to ever battle him all alone and survive the fight have been Dumbledore and Harry, and the kid got real lucky the last time he fought with him.”

“Thank you for your concern but I believe it is something that I should do though.” Storm told the Auror who grudgingly nodded. “Take us to the roof, but prepare yourself for a trap and leave as soon as you can.” Kingsley looked like he wanted to object, but nodded in agreement as they disappeared.

Kingsley rolled out of the way upon their arrival, barely missing the blood-boiling hex aimed at him. Voldemort sneered at the Auror lackey of Dumbledore as the man disappeared with another large crack leaving just the two of them and the crashing sound of metal on metal and of fighting going on down below them. “So you are here.” Voldemort said with a cruel grin.

“Did you doubt that I would come? Storm asked, as Voldemort adopted a dueler’s stance.

“One never knows, let us see how you fight shall we? Bombarda!” He shouted, shooting a bludgeoning spell at her and knocking her off of the roof. The mutant woman summoned an updraft that pulled her back up into the air leaving her hovering a few feet above the ground she then shot back into the air and returned to facing Voldemort. “A most interesting display of your abilities, though I must admit that I have seen much more impressive displays than what you have shown me this day.”

Voldemort chuckled at the attempt of an insult the woman made at him, as he watched her hovering above him. "So you wish to take our battle to the skies do you? I believe I can meet you in your wishes." Voldemort then rose silently in the air till he was level with Storm, he then sent a much more lethal spell at the mutant who shot up into the air and away from the angry looking purple bolt of magic that had come flying toward her she twirled in the air and saw Voldemort giving chase to her and sent a small lightning bolt from her hand toward the dark wizard and he agilely dodged the bolt before returning fire with a deadly crucio red curse that Storm whipped her head to the side barely missing being shot. Voldemort’s hand shot and grabbed a falling lock of her hair. “I shall enjoy this white hair.” The Dark Lord said as he shot into the air after the mutant the two climbed higher till they were a couple hundred feet above the school and there would be no interference from anyone else. The two flew in a tight circle watching each other as they tried to decide what would be the best way to stop their opponent. Voldemort sent the occasional curse toward the mutant who either dodged it or used a lightning bolt to counter the curse.

Storm’s eyes practically glowed white as she manipulated the winds to carry her around dodging the various curses that her lightning bolts could not stop. Holding her hand up the woman sent a small burst of hail at the wizard, the hail was granted speed by a large gust of wind, and she watched emotionlessly as small pinpricks appeared on his arms where the ice shards had struck him.

Voldemort scowled, first blood had gone to the wind-rider, and while his scaly hide had reflected a part of the hail, a number of the ice shards had still slammed through his arm as if his body wasn’t even armored with scales. He sent a cutting curse at the blasted woman and smiled as he saw a deep gash appear on the shoulder of her uniform and he thought he saw some blood as well. Smirking the dark lord pressed his attack with a couple of more spells, pain inducing spells to distract her, and memory charms to place her under his thrall. He growled in anger as she had a wind blast her far to the right. He sent a bone-breaking curse next though, and grinned savagely as it connected with her side. He zoomed in closer to now finish her off while she was hurt.

Storm bit her lip to hold back her scream as she felt the ribs on her right break Voldemort was closing in, it seemed as if he was done playing and was now intent on destroying her. She sent another hail blast at the dark wizard, but he merely laughed as he met it head on a silver shield with a snake on it appeared in front of him and blocked the attack. Shaking her head with a mixture of pain and disbelief Storm sent a large lightning bolt that hit Voldemort head on, she watched with relief as the stunned Dark Lord began to plummet to the ground. She then watched with horror as the Dark Wizard began to rise from his fall. There were truly few beings that could stand up to one of her lightning bolts and continue fighting, this fight had just gotten worse it seemed. She hoped that the others would accomplish their goal, because she was quickly running out of ideas on how to stop the wizard.

Voldemort shook his head now angry, his robes billowed around him now slightly burnt because of the wind-rider. He was going to show her who it was that she was dealing with, waving his wand a swarm of ravens appeared out of the air and rushed toward the woman with the intent on bringing her down from her beloved skies. “Let us see how you deal with those born to the skies Wind-Rider!” He roared over a howling wind, as his birds began flying toward the mutant.

Storm’s eyes widened as she saw the group of birds and began fleeing from the creatures, since she had no wish to do harm to the creatures but she was not going to allow them to hurt her either. She went through a handful of maneuvers that quickly left the birds trailing behind her. The mutant took the momentary breather to summon more clouds for cover, so that she could check her injuries from the fight. So far she had her broken ribs on one side and a cut on her shoulder that was bleeding heavily. She summoned an arctic blast that froze the wound over, mentally thanking the Bright Lady that her powers left her immune to the changes in the weather. She would have done more but that was all she had time for as several boulders flew through her cloud cover. Voldemort had found her, and was attacking once again by conjuring large boulders and sending them flying toward her like giant cannonballs. She dived to the ground and came up under Voldemort who was conjuring more weapons to throw at the mutant.

Voldemort growled as he created nets with barbs on them and flung them at the wind rider, he hadn’t been pushed against an opponent like this since his brief duel against Dumbledore, although Amelia Bones had admittedly given him some trouble at the time of her death. Of course perhaps that was the difference, he wanted this particular woman alive with the power to control her at his hands he would then be able to force small outposts of resistance to their knees by merely ordering her to send her weather abilities against them. Voldemort’s thoughts were interrupted as one of his nets came back at him even faster than he had sent it and wrapped around him for a moment before it burned away from him.

Storm sighed as she dodged two more boulders and a couple of spells as she sent another heavy lightning bolt that caught Voldemort unawares. The bolt knocked Voldemort back again, the Wizard had obviously not been prepared for the bolt this time either as he fell another fifty feet before he punched back into the air. The wizard’s red eyes were practically glowing as he moved faster than the mutant had suspected him to be able to and came up around behind her, he then shot a purple colored spell that hit her this time and several large cuts appeared on the back of her uniform also destroying her cape.

Storm made a new updraft that barely saved her from connecting with the building after a heavy fall. The mutant stumbled for a moment as she landed on what was probably the tallest building in Sunnydale. She looked up into the sky and saw a small black speck in the sky that could only be Voldemort waiting for her to return to the fight. She removed the now ruined cape and jacket that she saw no point in wearing, she looked herself up and down and saw that a number of slices now were on her pants as well. At the rate this was going she would soon be without any uniform at all she thought grimly, she then rocketed back into the air to fight against the dark wizard.

Voldemort laughed as he watched the woman heading for him once again. He had to admit the woman had resolve, he thought as he sent a couple of imperios but was unsurprised when she deftly dodged them from the distance that they were at. She shot by him doing a corkscrew maneuver, her electrical charged fists slammed into Voldemort stunning him with their power as she moved past him climbing and gaining speed.

Storm spun around and saw that Voldemort was once again preparing to attack her. She kept herself in as straight a line as she dared, dodging the spells, occasionally returning fire with her lightning bolts, which crashed against the spells. She thought that he was far enough away that she wouldn’t be to affected by what she was going to try next. She dove and began making circles around where Voldemort was, the Dark Lord hovered where he was laughing and taking potshots at the mutant woman. One of the cutting curses caught on one of the straps of her shirt, but she continued ignoring the pain from the new cut she had just received. Storms eyes narrowed she had to remain focused on what she was doing, since she was distracted from her pain it required careful attention or she could lose control of what she was about to do and kill everyone in Sunnydale. A tornado finally began forming with Voldemort in the middle, the Dark Lord finally realized what he had been tricked into doing, since the tornado began flinging him around and around. Storm sighed with relief as she watched as the tornado flung the Dark Lord Voldemort around as if he was nothing, the trees and cars that had been picked up along with everything else were battering his form. She finally cancelled the small tornado and floated Voldemort toward her, she sighed with relief as the two of them landed, the fight had been hard and her tornado seemed to have been the only thing to have even stopped the Dark Wizard. She knelt down beside the wizard checking him for his wand when she saw a red beam come flying from the Dark Lords hand where he had been hiding his wand up his sleeve. The crucio spell hit, and the exhausted mutant screamed in agony as the spell went through her firing up all of her nerves at once. A moment later the spell stopped as Voldemort held Storm up by her throat cutting off her air, and all she could do was feebly try and pull the vice like grip off her throat.

Voldemort grinned as he now held the beaten, battered and helpless mutant in his hand. Bouncing charms had helped against the small tornado he had been subjected to, and a bubblehead charm had allowed him to continue to breathe while he had been caught within the tornado. “You have lost Wind-Rider.” Voldemort said with a grin, as he held the woman in victory with one hand while he cast the Dark Mark with his wand.

Buffy walked down the steps and finally entered the basement she picked up the jar and tossed it at the seal the jar shattered and blood ran out and covered the seal it shown for a moment and then opened. “Let’s go.” The Slayer said gesturing to her people Faith led the way while Buffy sent a knowing look at Angel who was standing there solemnly next to Bra’tac, Moody and Oz. “Stay up here, if we can’t stop them then you’ll have to stop them.” She told them.

“We’ll be ready to pinch hit for you.” Angel said nodding to her.

“Why do guys always have to use sports metaphors?” The Slayer asked scrunching her nose up in confusion.

Angel smiled slightly. “Would you prefer if I said that we would take them to the mattresses?”

“Godfather quotes I could live without as well.” Buffy said with a smile as she hugged him tightly. “Whatever happened to a good old be careful or good luck?” She teased him with a smile that actually reached her eyes.

“Would you prefer it if I did?” The vampire asked her, as he looked her in the eyes.

“No, I still kind of like the whole brooding vampire thing you got going.” She joked, before she turned serious. “Did Faith give you enough extra juice to work with when you two were fighting in L.A?”

“Yeah, even if it was tainted.” Angel said nodding as he remembered feeding off of her it was fortunate for all of them that she had acted when and how she had.

“Here you go then add a bit of Buffy in with that.” The Slayer said, as she offered a vial to the vampire. “And before you ask, yes Spike got one as well.” Angel looked at the vial for a moment uncertainly. “Do I have to force this bit of blood down your throat as well?” She queried, giving him a menacing glare.

Angel took the vial and drank, not wanting her to knock his head off just to get him to drink.

“See, that wasn’t so hard.” The Slayer said happily as if it was as simple as taking bad tasting medicine. Buffy traced his game face for a moment before she hugged him one more time then headed down into Hell-Throat.

“Be careful.” The ensouled vampire muttered so softly that only Oz was able to hear him. The werewolf patted the vampire on the shoulder before he took his position. The Winchester brothers joined them as they finished making their binding circle the time of the battle was now they guessed as they watched a handful of other people join the Slayers and Potentials.

Charles Xavier sighed as he concentrated with his powers, his job was to keep everyone mentally connected in their various fights and give them an edge. He could feel Storm on the very edge of his consciousness as he tracked all of the various minds, giving all of the many fighters a moment or two’s worth of warning as they moved amongst their enemies in their various dances of life and death. He looked from Metho’s sight and warned the McLeods of an attacking group of ninja that were about to drop on them. He switched views to the Hellmouth and advised Rogue to adjust her aim so that she would not be throwing her stalactites into the Veelas' field of fire. One on one he could do this sort of thing with an ease that was almost disturbing, but he was currently doing it to nearly a hundred people, and he was doing it without the aid of cerebro this time around. He had never affected so many people at one time on his own and the strain was nearly more than he could bear. It was a lot different than when he simply made everyone stand still at the food court that Bobby, Jonathan and Marie had snuck off to that one time. He had to be careful not only for himself but for all of the people he was connected to, he didn’t want the thoughts and actions of Wolverine to spill over to Clark Kent. He sent a mixed team of soldiers and wizards to assist Willow and the Charmed ones before he began flipping through the perspectives of the various other people that he was accessing again. He supposed that in a way that it was a lot like flipping through the channels of a TV or something similar as he viewed what people were experiencing. A part of him wished there were less people and that wish was granted as four people died and he had slightly more power to watch over his charges. Xavier focused harder, he had to make sure that something like that didn’t happen again if they were all to survive.

Buffy stood tall over her small army Spike and the Duke boys were in the back preparing a number of dynamite arrows, Nightcrawler from the X-Men was teleporting and wall crawling about two hundred feet below them setting up C4, the other X-Men were preparing themselves everyone else was getting into position or making some last moment joke before it was show time. Buffy frowned as she looked at the large army below them, even with their numbers there was no way that she could see that she was actually going to be able to lead them into any type of victory. ‘Unless it was considered as a victory to put a dent in their forces.’ She thought sadly.

“Say darlin, how long do you think that we’ll last?” Bo Duke asked the Slayer.

“I don’t know, but I sure hope we hurt them.” Buffy answered her cousin truthfully.

“Amen to that.” Luke Duke said. “I just wish we could have used the General down here, but there’s no way that fighting with her would be of any help.”

“Yeah, who knows though, we may use it yet though.” The Slayer said with a reassuring grin.

“Yeah.” They all stood silently. Rogue hovered in the air near the stalactites hanging from the ceiling, on a tiny ledge Clark Kent stood ready to begin blasting, Charlie Weasley circled nearby on the thestral nearby the Veela were preparing themselves, it was now a waiting game as they prepared themselves.

“Everybody stay near the ground until its time.” Cyclops ordered everyone. “They may not notice us if they can’t see us, and it might buy us the time that we need until the Wiccans can do their part.” The others all nodded and crouched down low waiting for the power to fill them.

“Crap.” The Slayer muttered, as the Vampires looked up and saw them and let out a roar.

“Here they come!” One of the soldiers said worriedly as they began charging up the slope at the force that was invading their turf.

“Laser guns first.” The blonde ordered, as a dozen soldiers lead by Teal’c and the two jaffa warriors aimed their staff weapons down into the pit.

“Warriors take your fire zones.” The soldiers adjusted their aim, not panicking as the horde of vampires made their way closer and closer. “Tau’ri fire! Jaffa Kree!” The big warrior ordered and the weapons began to spew their golden energy into the ranks heading their way.

“Get ready.” The Slayer shouted to a soldier over the rumble of the oncoming horde, as a few vampires lit on fire but the staff weapons couldn’t cause the kind of damage that the military had secretly been hoping for. “Now!”

“Fire in the hole.” The soldier said, as he pushed on a button in his hand and a series of explosions sent the vampire horde hurtling back amid several clouds of fire destroying around two-hundred vamps and wounding another hundred. A small cheer went up as the first assault was turned back without the loss of a single person yet.

The vampires regrouped though as if nothing had happened and made another charge at them. Buffy sighed as she looked at Cyclops and nodded. “All long distance fighters front and center!” The mutant called out, and was joined by a handful of wizards, his brother, Iceman, Clark Kent stood ready where he was and the Veela took to the air flying in a circle. “Blast them!” Cyclops ordered all of them.

Iceman struck first, freezing the ground that the Uber vampires were charging up, making the hard, hot rocky ground icy and slick. Charlie Weasley and the Veela went charging above the vampires making strafing runs that blasted the super vamps while the other wizards joined in by sending fire spells, cutting hexes and reducto spells into the ranks of the vampires. Molly Weasley and Minerva McGonagall conjured several gallons of grease and dropped it on the vampires who were quickly lit up like small torches, while Cyclops and Havoc joined in on the assault creating holes in the forces that were almost immediately filled with more vampires.

Clark Kent watched from his own position above everyone and activated his heat vision, while Rogue was busy tearing stalactites out and throwing them into the crowd of vampires impaling and crushing them with her earthen missiles. “There’s too many of em!” Rogue shouted over her shoulder to her support as he sent another heat wave into the vampire ranks. “How are we gonna stop all of em?”

“I don’t know!” Clark said, as he blasted another dozen, it seem that for every one of them that he incinerated though 20 more took their place, and they kept coming like something out of a bad horror movie where the monsters just kept coming no matter how many times that you shot into them.

Willow looked hesitantly at the Scythe that lay in her hands. “Are you sure that none of you want to do this?” The redhead asked the three sisters hopefully. “I mean you’re the Charmed Ones, you so got the power to do this, and we won’t have to worry about me going all veiny either.” She added as if just now realizing that as an added bonus.

Prue shook her head as she leaned against the teacher’s desk in the room. “We already discussed this Willow, wand magic might not work on this thing, and you have the most experience in Wicca styled magic, which is why we’ll be here to back you up in case you need our help.”


“Sorry girl, but you might as well accept that when Prue gets in these kinds of moods she’s not asking for your opinion really she’s just telling you how it’s going to be.” Phoebe said with a smirk ignoring the scowl that her sister was sending her.

“Yeah, but I don’t think I can do this. I mean powerful magic like this are a serious no, no for me you know. Complete with capital letters and exclamation points even, yeah exclamation points are there as well lots of them.” The redhead said nodding her head furiously as she told the three sisters her reasoning, hoping that they would listen to what she was saying.

“Sorry Willow, but this is your part, we’ll lend you some power if you need it, but you’re going to have to be the one to do the spell. You’re the one with the experience of handling powerful spells not us.” Piper patiently explained to the other witch. “That means that this has to be all your show, we can give you some power if you really need it, but otherwise you’re the one with the best chance of pulling this trick off.”

“Yippee.” Willow said uncertainly and unenthusiastically, as she sat down and placed the scythe in her hands so that she could begin her spell. “Ready to kill me if I get out of control?” She asked Kennedy who was sitting across from her with a large dagger in her lap.

“Fixing to.” The teen said uncomfortably as she twirled the dagger around in her hands. Willow smiled weakly at this before she began to work her spell.

Phoebe grunted as she had a vision as she brushed up against the door. “Do the spell work over there.” The youngest of the sisters said. “Where the door won’t hit you went it gets blown.”

The three sisters watched as the witch began muttering her spell but were distracted as a small tornado slipped into the room blowing the door off of its hinges. “Great. What do you think this is Phoebes?”

Before the seer could answer the tornado died and a pale skinned witch with black hair and eyes was standing where the tornado had been. “Do I still need to answer your question?” Phoebe asked as she eyed the dark witch cautiously.

“No I suppose not.”

Four people followed the witch into the room two of them were soldiers and two of them were wand wizards, the wizards shot a pair of red beams at Amy who merely conjured a pair of birds to intercept the deadly reducto beams of light. The soldiers knelt on their knees and fired at the witch with their P90’s. They all watched in shock as the bullets bounced off an invisible shield of some kind.

Amy scowled at the group and began muttering and one of the soldiers rose up in the air and started screaming as lightning bolts removed the man’s clothes and skin in a matter of moments leaving a burnt dead figure to collapse to the floor. The other three men shook their heads for a moment before they increased their rate of fire. The soldier that was left pulled out a shotgun and began firing into the shield, and the two wizards seemed to be using stronger and more deadly spells, they all merely bounced off the shield that Amy had set up. With another wave of her hand the dark witch sent an arctic blast at one of the wizards who froze and died of frostbite and being turned into ice in a matter of moments.

“Don’t you guys get the message yet?” Amy asked the soldier and wizard as they continued to fire at her. “You know what? I don’t have time for this.” She waved her hand a final time, and the two men seemingly disappeared leaving all of their clothes and equipment behind them. The sisters noticed that there was a rat crawling out of the sleeves of the wizard’s robes and another one out of the combat fatigues though.

“Now then, let me through.” Amy’s voice echoed throughout the room. “I don’t want you, I want Willow. Leave her to me and I might not kill you three. Get in my way though, well you’ve seen what happens to people that get in my way.” She said, as she threw a bolt of magic into the ice statue making it blow up.

“Yeah, well sorry about that, but I’m afraid that we’re going to have to take a pass on that one.” Phoebe said, “we kind of need her alive for the moment, and I guess that means we have to fight against you.”

“You would dare stand against me and all of my power?” Amy asked in angry surprise.

“Yes we would.” Prue said sternly crossing her arms as she faced off with the dark witch.

“Who do you think you are that you can dare stand against me? With the help from the First I’m one of the most powerful witches in History, and you wanna rumble with me?”

“Yeah we do.” Piper said, as she joined her sisters.

“Oh yeah, and as for who we are.” Phoebe said as she stared at the dark witch. “We’re the Charmed Ones and we stand against you, you B-witch. So let’s rumble shall we?” The youngest of the three sisters said giving a saucy smirk towards Amy.

“Let’s.” The witch growled she raised her hand and shot a lightning bolt at Phoebe the young woman watched as the spell raced toward her and stopped an inch away from her face frozen in time.

“Want to time that a little closer next time?” Phoebe asked sarcastically as she stepped to the side of the spell.

“Sorry,” Piper said wincing a bit as time restarted and the spell flew past Phoebe and slammed into the wall causing dust to rise. Using the dust as cover Phoebe made her move and pulled out a slowing down potion the potion struck Amy and her eyes widened in shock as her movements became sluggish.

“Let’s rock.” Phoebe said with a smile. Phoebe rushed forward and planted a punch combo on Amy before she was knocked back by a simple wave of Amy’s hand. Prue attacked next by sending a pair of student desks flying at the dark witch. Amy smirked at this and raised both her hands over her head and blasted the desks away with what looked like lightning bolts. The bits of burned wood and metal blasted back at Prue, only to freeze in midair as Piper froze the room. Thinking quickly, Prue summoned the teacher’s desk she had been sitting on earlier to rest between them and all of the flying desk pieces. Piper then reluctantly restarted time in the room again and winced as she heard everything slamming into the desk.

“Anyone else get the feeling that this isn’t working?” Piper asked her sisters.

“Doesn’t matter, we have to buy Willow the time that she needs to do the spell.” Prue said, as she sent a couple of chairs flying toward Amy who batted them aside effortlessly. Prue was forced on the defensive though, when Amy jerked a flagpole from where it was leaning against the wall and sent it flying at the oldest sister. Prue altered its course enough so that instead of impaling her it flew over her shoulder and impaled itself in the wall over Willow’s head.

“No offense and all Prue, but you saw what she did to those soldier boys.” Piper said motioning to the bloody remains of one soldier and the pile of clothes the other had left. “Do you really think that we can stop her?”

“How about we discuss the merits of fighting a super powered witch later huh?” Phoebe asked her sisters.

“Because that would require that we actually live through this!” Piper snapped scowling at her sister.

“You think you’re going to survive this?” Amy asked with a smirk aimed at Prue and Phoebe. “How stupid are you two anyways?”

“Not half as stupid as you look with that wannabe Goth look you got going.” Phoebe answered her.

Amy scowled and blasted the large desk Prue had been maneuvering around to block attacks with. The witch’s hair was now floating about, and energy crackled throughout her body as she connected with more and more magical energy.

Prue scowled at the huge display of power and waved her hand and Amy flew through the broken doorway as if a giant hand had swatted her. “Come on,” she said, “the farther away from Willow she is the better. Kennedy you know your job.”

“Yeah fine.” Kennedy said distractedly, as she watched her girlfriend with worry.

“Come on then.” Phoebe said, gesturing toward the door as she grabbed her bag filled with a handful of potions that they might need, and the metal legs from one of the desks.

“Oh and Phoebe.”

“Yeah Piper?”

“Don’t give out fashion advice to people that can kill you with a wave of their hands anymore please. I kind of like to believe that we might survive this mess.” Piper pleaded with her younger sister.

“I don’t know, it was kind of funny to see her reaction.” Prue said impishly. “Come on.”

“Uh huh funny.” Piper said in a tired voice as she followed after her sisters. “Why couldn’t I just have at least one sane sister?” She grumbled to herself. “No, that’s too much to ask for, instead I get two insane sisters instead.”

The three sisters ran out the door and were nearly blasted back into the room as a green bolt whizzed over their heads. The sisters looked at Amy who was scowling at them with contempt, a small trickle of blood came from a split lip.

Waving her hand Amy summoned the two rats from the other room to her, and muttered something at the two creatures. The two suddenly began to grow in a few moments the two rats were the size of Great Danes. With another wave of Amy’s hand the scared looking rats/men eyes began to glow red with some unknown power, they then changed to pitch black as Amy reprogrammed her two pets’ minds. “Sic em.” Amy told the giant rats with a smirk. “Leave the one in the lead for me though.” Amy said with a cruel cackle.

Phoebe used the legs from the desk to keep the giant rats away by swinging them at the rats, as they herded her and Piper away from Prue. “So, any ideas on how to charm these guys?” She asked as her rat snapped its dagger like teeth at her.

“You’re asking me?”

“Hey, you’re the one that dates Warlocks, I figured you might know a way to make them like you for a bit or is it the perfume you wear on dates maybe? I always thought it smelled rather strange myself.”

“Hey, my perfume smells just fine, and I don’t recall its smell stopping you when you decided to use it last month to go on a date.” Piper snapped.

“Oh yeah. You noticed that did you?”

“Yes I noticed that, also you do realize that Warlocks just want me dead and that I’m just desperate enough for a guy to fall for their tricks right?” The rats snarled at the two cutting off whatever remark that Phoebe might have made. “Besides, Leo likes it.” Phoebe tried to hit her rat, but the rat managed to catch the weapon in its mouth and jerk it away from her and then used its tail as a whip to make her squeal in fear.

“Okay, so not the way I thought that would work out.” Phoebe said.

“Hey I have an idea, how about we just make a run for it?” Piper asked hopefully.

“And leave Prue to fight with super witch?” Phoebe asked her older sister. “Come on, you know as well as I do that Prue won’t back down from her now not after all the insults and fighting they’ve already done.”

“Phoebe, she’s too strong for us to fight. Face it Phoebes we’re going to be lucky to survive our fight with her at this rate.”

“Yeah, well I can’t do that. No matter how big of a pain Prue can be I have to save her.” Phoebe answered. She reached into her bag and pulled out a potion and tossed it at the two giant rats. “Hey, it’s working!” She said excitedly, as she watched the two possessed rats/men return to normal rat size.

“And you couldn’t have done that earlier?”

“Hey, I forgot I had that one in there.”

“Well do you have a potion that will stop that witch?”

“I don’t think so, I mainly only have basic potions and she seems to burn through those pretty fast.”

“Well let’s hope that those will be enough, come on let’s go help Prue before something bad happens.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Phoebe said, grabbing the rats and placing them in her jacket pocket before they raced back down the hallway. The two ran around the corner and found the two witches in a battle of wills. Prue was covered with small nicks and cuts all over her arms and a couple on her face from where the Bringer Dagger that was hovering between the two of them had nearly hit her. The Dagger wobbled back and forth as the two witches pushed against the hold that the other one held on the dagger. The ground between the two of them was littered with melted locker doors and burn marks from Amy’s spell bolts that Prue had blocked or redirected.

“Well this can’t get any worse.” Piper griped as the two watched the knife move back and forth.

"You think so do you?" Amy asked raising her hand in the air. "You think that I’m not powerful enough to take you all on? Don’t make me laugh. You think that your parlor tricks are something? Please, I am Power!” The angry young woman said before she opened her hand. Phoebe tackled Piper to the ground as a stream of what looked like fire erupted from the dark witch’s hand.

"Nice one." Piper complimented.


“You may have saved your sister from the hellfire but can you save big sister as well?” Amy asked with interest as she caught the Bringer’s dagger up in her mind and gave a tremendous push.

The sisters watched as the dagger froze an inch a way from Prue’s eye making the witch jerk back at how close the blade had come.

Prue then summoned a metal pipe and held it up to block the dagger. “Go.” Prue ordered her sister, who nodded and restarted time and the other two sisters watched anxiously as Prue blocked the dagger and sent it flying out a window. Prue then took advantage of Amy’s surprise by sending the witch flying with a thrust of her hand and Phoebe did a round house kick as the dark witch came flying toward her knocking her back the way that she had been coming from and into the wall of lockers.

Amy staggered for a moment before she seemed to shake off the effects of the blows and she returned to her deadly beautiful self without a mark on her. “You know, as amusing as this is I do have other things to do than play with you so I think it’s actually time to finish you off.” The witch shot four small balls of lighting at the walls floor and ceiling one each connected with their area. The lighting balls then began to crackle with even more energy as they then shot bolts of lightning at each other connecting to each other. “You remember what I did to that one guy right?”

“Which one?” Piper asked nervously as she watched the lightning bolts.

“The one I burned and skinned of course. Fortunately for him he and his friends just annoyed me, but you three. Well let’s just say that I think I’m going to make your deaths a whole lot slower than his.”

“Thanks I think.” Phoebe said a bit disgruntled about how easily they had been captured by the witch who was now standing there with a smirk watching as they were about to be barbecued by her lightning bolts.

“Come on now my man, show me what you got!” Ritchie taunted, as he parried one of the blades that a Bringer was using and delivered a quick punch to its gut before it could pull back.

“Yes darling surely you can show us what you have.” Amanda said, as she skewered another one of the First’s worshipers and the backhanded another one of them. Joe Dawson and the Kents stood their ground with their guns and were unloading into the group of cultist that were pushing their little group back.

Ritchie ducked a slash from a Bringer and brought his elbow up into the face of the eyeless wonder He had to wonder if this is what it was like for Mac all of those years ago when he was fighting in the various wars throughout the last 400 odd years. He skewered another as the eye-patch guy and the sister were being teamed up on by three more of the crazies. Not even really hesitating, the young Immortal jumped into the group that was cornering them knocking one away with a good kick while he used the guard of his sword to bash another of them in the face while the mortals killed the third one and then moved onto the other two.

“So tell me.” Ritchie found himself asking between panting for breath. “How long does it take to get a little bit comfortable in this kind of mess?”

“Almost never.” Xander answered grimly as he kept the Dawnster on his blind side, trusting in the younger Summers sister to guard his back if something were to come at them from that side.

“I was afraid you were going to say that.” Ritchie said grimly before he rushed back into the fight. Xander nodded as he stayed where he was hoping that they would all live long enough to see this war through.

Wolverine was looking for the others he had entered this fight with, but he couldn’t see anyone and he was currently too busy to spend more than a moment to look. Despite his best efforts he was slowly being pushed back into a corner, soon he wouldn’t even have the room to move and then the archers that were standing silent vigil across the street would probably use him as target practice. Snarling, Wolverine plunged a claw into the gut of another Ninja and backhanded another with his claws extended ripping through the guy’s head.

Conner panted, he was guarding the stairway into the school alongside his Clansman none would pass them as long as they stood here. They were ripping any who came too close to them to shreds, sometimes landing normal killing blows, or sometimes they would remove the head or limbs Methos had long since disappeared from view but deep in the shadows he heard the clash of steel and the angry roars of the old man as he sliced through as many members of the Hand as he could. He blocked one sword coming at him and kicked out knocking the Ninja back before he used his other sword to skewer another ninja in the eye socket killing the ninja who disappeared in a cloud of smoke and dust. “How much longer do you think that you can last?”

“Not much more Duncan, not much more.” Conner said grimly, as he struggled to stay standing as he battered a couple of swords away from him. He watched with a sense of failure as he saw a troop of Bringers make their way into the school through some of the side doors his moment of distraction gave the Hand ninja the opening that they needed to bring the older Highlander to his knees. “Move Duncan.” He ordered, turning to see that four or five members of the Hand were holding his clansman. He groaned weakly as he felt a steel blade puncture his heart. He realized then that he had failed in not only protecting the descendants of his godchild, but he had also failed the world.

“Iceman down!” Shadowcat said tackling the ice mutant as a spear sail through their shoulders.

Bobby coughed for a moment having lost his focus on the ground below them. “Starting to get closer aren’t they?” He asked her fearfully.

“Yeah.” The mutant ninja teen said as she picked up her dropped staff.

Bobby got up and iced his hands up, he looked over the lip of the ledge his ice ground had already melted under the heat besides, he wasn’t sure if it was safe to keep doing that if they were going to take pot shots at him while he was too focused to do anything else. He began to use his ice blasts to freeze the legs of the lead vampires in ice and to cast his ice blasts at the flying weapons weighing them down so that they fell down to the ground. He stopped for a moment and looked up into the air and met Rogues eyes. Rogue gave him a strained smile and blew him a kiss. Bobby smiled grimly and made a misty heart appear for a moment before the two returned to their duties.

Cyclops stood watch the tactical training that he had over the years was coming in handy as small ideas and plans were being sent to Buffy via the psychic link that they all had going at the moment thanks to the professor. Cyclops and having raked the area with their energy blasts slicing into the approaching arm despite all of that though they didn’t seem to be making any real damage to the forces arrayed against them despite the fact that he was pretty sure that they had destroyed something close to 2000 vampires they still kept coming like they were not even bothered by the losses. Unfortunately the groups were going to be coming into contact with each other soon if they didn’t find a way to push them back again. ‘Pyro would have been a great help at this part of the fight.’ He thought to himself bitterly.

“Archers fire!” Buffy yelled, and a number of the potentials pulled out crossbows from behind their backs and began to fire into the vampires taking a few more out. Scott was startled, as he actually recognized the basic design of the weapons. They were Chinese repeating crossbows, carried six or seven bolts in them, and they were good for siege work if he remembered correctly. But how had they managed to get their hands on that many of them? He didn’t recall them being mentioned earlier when he and some of the others had gone over the inventory list. He blasted again before he stole another glance at the crossbows. The wood was fresh as if the weapons had just been made, but it would have taken someone with more speed than he could think of to make two or three-dozen crossbows with bolts, which meant either the wizards or Clark had helped them in the making of the weapons.

The potentials dropped the crossbows as the enemy began getting to close, they picked up their sharpened staffs and deadly blades preparing for the worst. “Ranged fighters fall back!” The people that had been doing most of the fighting retreated past Spike and all of the others, leaving the Veela and Clark Kent as the only remnants of the long distance fighters. Charlie Weasley landed the Threstal and followed the others up the stairs while one of the Jaffa grabbed his staff and leaped onto the horse and spurred it back into the sky taking pot shots with his staff and letting the flying horse dive bomb the vampires sometimes ripping off parts of their bodies with his teeth as he returned to the sky to make another run.

“That means you kids!” Faith yelled at the Golden Trio as they cast a variety of fire curses into the vampire ranks.

“Not bloody likely.” Ron retorted to her. “Incendio!” He shouted catching a vampire in the shoulder.

“We don’t run.” Harry said, making a slashing movement with his wand. “Inflareus.” A number of fiery streaks erupted from his wand and hit two vampires. “Not anymore, we’re going to see this down to the end.”

“Well this time you do run yo!” Faith shouted at the two British wizards who were ignoring the tugs that their best friend was giving to their shoulders.

“We have to go now you two!” Hermione shouted at the two boys. “Our part is done, let the others do their part now!”


“Oh honestly.” Hermione huffed, she then trained her wand on her two friends. “Leviocorpus!”

The boys were flipped over in the air and held by an invisible string Hermione then towed the two boys out of the air.

“Nicely done Hermione!” Fred chortled, as he and George then un-shrunk a couple of large crate from their pockets and lit a fuse next to them before throwing them into the pit. Half way down the crates exploded and fireworks of all types spilled out. A number of the fireworks took on the vampires catching several more of the vampires on fire. The twins smirked before they apparated out of the hell throat with large cracks.

“All right everyone, up the stairs. We have to set up another line of defense.” Cyclops ordered them all. The ranged fighters nodded and began heading up the stairs.

That left just those who were close range fighters, the veela, Rogue and the Last Son of Krypton to hold the vampire horde back. How long did Willow need to complete her spell, and how long till Spike’s amulet did anything to help them? Was Spike really the right person to use the amulet? Were they all going to die down here after all? Those were the questions that were filtering across the minds of everyone right before the first wave of vampires surged over the ledge despite the efforts of Clark and the Veela to burn them away. The lead Vampires leaped over the ledge and engaged the potentials and a few other hand-to-hand fighters that would be joining them, other vampires leaped even higher and began scrambling along the walls till they could leap onto the Veela that were flying in a defensive circle. Rogue swallowed hard before flying toward the outcropping of remaining stalactites slamming through the hanging rock formations letting the rocks drop far below them hopefully taking some vampires out as they hit the ground. Rogue returned to hover beside Clark as the vampires pulled back after the assault waiting for the rest of their fellows to climb back to their feet.

Fleur knelt down beside her fallen grandmother and her eyes flared with anger as her normally beautiful features shifted slightly into more avian appearance. The part Veela began using an ability that she had seldom shown the ability to use as a weak fireball appeared in her hands and she tossed them at the vampires. Her raptor like cry of grief ripped through the cavern, and was then echoed by other members of Veela family as they redoubled their efforts against the Vampires who were pushed a few steps back by the fury of the Veela assault.

The Vampire army once again regrouped and made for the ledge that the forces of good were making their stands. Clark stopped his heat blasts, as they were no longer slowing the forces down anymore. He reached down and picked up a pair of sharpened wooden staffs, he tossed one of them to Rogue who snatched the weapon out of the air and the two of them then dropped to the ground beside the others it was time to take this down to the vampires level.

“You two ready?” The Slayer asked the two super strong teens curiously.

“Ready as we’ll ever be I suppose.” Rogue said her eyes shining with fear. Clark merely nodded in return since, he was using another blast of heat vision on a few more of the charging vampires.

No one said anything as the vampires began closing the last hundred yards between them. As the Vampires reached them though they all felt the power that started at this place and seemed to blast across the world in an explosion of power.

“They are so dead.” One of the potentials said with a dark feral grin as she readjusted and tightened her grip on her own staff, looking on with an almost hungry expression as the vampires came closer.

Across the world the effect of Willow’s spell was felt by the forces of light and dark, some understood the meaning while others were merely confused as they felt the power that rushed around the world.

Smallville Kansas,

Chloe Sullivan stumbled a bit as she felt the power that entered her along with the memories of those that came before her. Turning to her side she saw that her best friend seemed to be watching her as well as her eyes glowed a bright violet for a moment as her senses felt the power in her best friend and roommate before the sense died.



“What just happened?” The Asian looking girl asked curiously.

“No idea,” the shorthaired newly made slayer said, “but I so intend to find out. Out of the way.” She ordered, heading for her laptop.

Lawrence, Kansas

The seer known as Missouri gasped as she felt the changes that were occurring around the world, she shuddered as she felt the power that had just been released into the world, so many futures and destinies had just been changed because of the short blonde woman. “Oh Child, just what have you done to this world’s destiny?” The woman asked in amazement, not sure if she was talking about the redheaded witch or the blonde Slayer, all Missouri knew was that things were going to be different from now on.

Colorado Springs at Cheyenne Mountain S.G.C

Lt. Hailey stumbled as she felt the power of the slayer erupt in her. The young prodigy regained her footing and grinned like a predator as she looked at the large young man that had just goaded her onto the training mat. She was going to enjoy punching this guy’s face in and tossing him around like the insignificant that he was.

General Hammond watched as the Stargate was glowing with power from some unknown source. Sir we’re dialing out. Walter told the older man.

“I can see that son, is there anything we can do to stop it?”

“Negative sir.”

“Where’s it dialing to then?”

The man scrambled to look at the readings. “The chevrons are the ones from the last address that was dialed off sir.”

“And that address would be?” The general asked.

“The Alpha site sir” The man said as they all watched as the gate finished dialing and activated they watched, as a strange white energy seemed to slam through the gate and then disappear through the gate.

"What was that?"

"Unknown sir, though it was similar to what happens when an Ancient turns on a gate."

“Prepare a mission to head for the Alpha site. I want to know what kind of damage went on down there and if it’s a threat.” Hammond ordered the man, who nodded in understanding at the order that he was given.

New York Greenwich Village

Dr. Stephen Strange felt the power that was changing the very balance of power on Earth and other than supply some extra power to help the spell along the Sorcerer Supreme did nothing about the spell it would actually lessen his burden here when he had to travel the other dimensions.

Wanda Maximoff and Ethan Rayne sat on opposite corners of the world and wiped at the blood that was running from their noses as the power swept by them. The two Chaos magic users nearly fainted as they felt the raw power that was coming from the Hellmouth.

“Incredible.” Ethan muttered to himself, as he recognized the magical signature of the girl whom he had once turned into a ghost.


Johnny Blaze stopped himself before he preformed his next insane jump and shivered as he felt some unknown power in the air, unaware of the fire that was surrounding his eyes as the spirit of vengeance tried to react to the spell.


Bruce Wayne watched unobserved from his hidden perch as a Japanese girl who moments ago was being beaten on by a pack of gang members was now holding the leader by his throat while his minions were scattered around the ground nearby. The shocked girl dropped her opponent and backed up fearfully looking at her hands and the people around her in disbelief. She seemed as shocked as those around her at what she had just managed to do.

Jason Blood grimaced as he and Etrigan felt the magic that was sweeping over the world. The two of them understood what this meant in some ways, and wondered what there was to come of it.

Zatanna paused in her dressing room as she felt the sheer power, here was a person that was almost as powerful as she was. She was tempted to go in search of this witch, it would be so easy to follow the magical signature back to where it had come from, unfortunately even though a spell had just changed the very way the world worked the show must go on.

Shazam looked up from where he had been meditating, the old wizard was surprised at the amount of power that he felt. Was it time to call forth for a Champion? He wondered in silent thought, he had thought that he still had some time yet before he needed to create his Champion. No, it was not quiet time, but soon the world would require the kind of hero that only he could make with his mighty and ancient magic.

The Priestess of the Amazons swooned as she felt the raw power summoning warrior women together for a mighty battle the likes that had not been seen in this world in many years. “Sister! Are you all right sister?” Diana asked her friend, who merely nodded with a weak grin.

“Aye princess, the final battle draws ever closer and the proving ground is about to either win or lose its prey that it has been choking on for the past seven years. Soon the next generation of protectors will be required to make their entrance so that they may be prepared for what is to come.” The Amazon Priestess said cryptically.

“The Amazon nation stands ready to fight the forces of darkness whenever we see it.” The dark haired Amazon declared with conviction.

“You know that your mother would never approve of you joining the battle unless there was no choice Diana.”

“Sometimes you have to do what is right.” Diana said stubbornly.

“Be careful what you do Princess.” The Priestess warned the young woman.

“I will do what I feel is right.” Diane answered not wanting to get into a debate with a priestess over something like this. She then walked away.

“The time for man to be made aware of our presence is near Diana, but are you strong enough to bear the burden that destiny has laid out for you?” The priestess asked into the air as she stared into the fire at the altar. “The next age of heroes is coming Princess, and soon you will have to make the choice on what is right and what is expected of you.”


Blade slid his sword into its sheath, his vampire like senses flared as he sensed a new type of power nearby from one of the victims that he had just saved he ignored the small girl though as another girl erupted with the same power something strange had happened the Daywalker realized wondering if this was something the vampires had done or if it was something that had been done by somebody else. The only question he had was would they give him trouble now that they seemed to have some sort of power, or would they stay out of his way so that he could get his job done. He would have to make sure that Whistler learned about this, he might have heard about something like this and be able to tell him about what it was that was going on here. The old man better have an answer though the Daywalker really didn’t like mysteries that he didn’t already know the answers to. He thought as he drew his gun and shot into the group of vampires who’s glowing eyes were darting from him to the two girls that they had been about to feast on.

“This isn’t the end Slayer.” One vampire that had dodged the bullets growled as it was staked by a piece of wood that one of the girls had thrown before it turned into a pile of dust.

Blade smirked, he did enjoy it when the victims got to handle the justice. The name the vampire had called the girl would have to be checked on now though, hopefully Whistler had heard of it before and be able to explain it to him.

John Constantine paused as he raised a lighter to his face, he had just finished with a particular draining exorcism. The power he felt passing by him was intoxicating to him. Something had changed with that burst of power though he could feel it deep down in his bones. He wondered how, or if it would affect him though. ‘If it did affect him he doubted it would be in a good way though. Changes in the order of thing never meant good for him they always meant trouble for him no matter how much he tried to get out of the way of the problem.’ He thought to himself bitterly as he finished lighting his cigarette.

New York

Hellboy massaged his temple as alarms throughout the B.R.P.D complex went off as they detected a large surge of power that had overloaded about half of the sensors that they had on one of the Mystical convergence areas in California. “What is it Liz?” He asked his teammate who was working at one of the computers. “Do we have a new mission?”

The Pyrotechnic shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.” She said, “the alarms detected a surge of magic that is bigger than anything than we’ve seen in a long time. Last time we saw something like this was when you came through and yours was a bit bigger actually.”

“This is because of a spell?” The top B.R.P.D agent said in surprise.

“Yeah, they changed something.” A technician said as he worked alongside the young woman. “Unfortunately we can’t seem to figure out exactly what it is that it did, but there are a number of mystically empowered people out there now we may need to send a few teams to investigate exactly what it is that we’re facing.”

“We’re on it.” Hellboy said gruffly, Liz nodded in agreement and followed after him. Abe Sapien met the two of them at the door with their orders as he fell in alongside of them.
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