Categories > Original > Humor > Danny's Demise

Danny just gave you the sexy lick

by MCRmy_Killjoy 0 reviews

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-06-29 - Updated: 2012-06-29 - 712 words

Danny’s pov
After mine and bens little show in the car park, our tour manager just seemed to be ignoring us and whenever he did look at us he would give us a scowl. For some reason I think he blamed us for being late. I wonder why?
Whereas the guys just kept laughing at us especially ben who seemed to be embarrassed and bright red throughout sound practice, which kept making me laugh, which meant us messing up the song which would result in another evil scowl of our tour manager.
Once sound practice was finished which seemed to take forever, we all walked off stage, I placed my arm around bens thin waist, but I didn’t get the reaction I wanted. He flinched away again. I looked down at him worried.
“Did I do something wrong?” I asked him he stared at me, taking a few seconds to answer.
“No, no I just didn’t know it was you” ben answered quickly, I looked at him there was definably something else wrong. He saw that I knew and carried on speaking. “It’s just, I urmm have a bad feeling about tonight”
“What you mean” I asked him.
“You know, I just know something bad is going to happen. Like what if I forget how to play or something” ben answered making me laugh.
“You are the best guitar player everrrr” I said carrying out the r. so nothing’s going to go wrong” I said rubbing his side for comfort”
“well other stuff could happen, like when we tell everyone about well us” ben answered looking me deep in the eyes “they could all turn in to homophobic twats and kill us” ben said making me laugh again.
“Ben baby I don’t think that’s going to happen” I told him
“How do you know?” ben asked looking like a little confused kid.
“Well since everyone seems to get off on us two just kissing and joking around before when we said we was straight” I said then bring my lips to him ear to say “well imaging what they are going to be like when they know the truth” I said then started nibbling on his ear while he giggled at me.
“Blood hells Danny are you hungry or something” James shouted at me while walking towards us.
“Na mate this is just me being a sexual human being” I said grinning
“That’s the most us un-sexy thing in existence, its making my dick go even softer” he said with a big smile across his face.
“Yeah, yeah whatever you say, we all know you want some” I said then quickly ran up to him and licked all the way up the side of his face.
“Eww fuck off now I’m going to go take a shower and run my skin to it actually falls off” James said then an off screaming like a girl in a horror film. Leaving me and ben, dying on the floor with laughter.
I put both my arms around bens waist and pulled him into a hug, he nestled his head into my chest and I rested my head on his. “Now do you see nothing is going to go wrong” I told ben, he didn’t answer for a while.
“What if he comes, to get me” ben said in a whisper.
“he won’t get fucking near you okay, I’ll make sure of that” I told ben, the thought of that man and what he did to someone as kind and innocent as my ben made me want to fucking kill him.
“Do you promise” ben said again in a whisper.
“I promise I will do everything in my power to keep him away from you okay” I told ben, he nodded. We stayed like that for a while after, in silence. In was a comfortable one, it was like it was just me and him, okay so that sounds cheesy as all but it true. It didn’t matter that there was loads of people around us or what was going on in our messed up little lives. At that very moment we were happy and alone with just each other’s company.
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