Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To the End

Let the bad memories go

by millieisdeadokay 1 review

Corey takes revenge on Gerard for hurting his little brother, by taking it out on Mikey...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-07-13 - Updated: 2012-07-13 - 553 words

I didn't sleep much that night... So many thoughts were rushing through my head, like a violent river, sending my brain into a total state of confusion and mis-function.
Okay, so I had only spent my first day at Ashton High, and already I had friends, was liked by at least one teacher and was in love! Everything was going far too fast for me and honestly, I was exhausted. My tiredness may also have been partly due to my walk home - or rather, run!
After I'd left Frank, I went off so search for Mikey around the playground. Luckily, it didn't take long due to the fact that a majority of students had already left to go home. But what I saw horrified me. My little brother - my Mikey - was crouching in the corner, trembling. He looked pale, well paler than usual, with what appeared to be streaks of crimson through his hair. Blood? I began to freak out. Panic caught me, knocking me to the ground and pushing down on my chest until I could barely breathe. Because what I saw drove me to insanity. Corey Pitts. Corey FUCKING Pitts. I watched, helpless, as he circled Mikey; a menacing grin gripping tightly to his face. I tried to scream for help but my voice failed me. Laying my head on the floor, I felt all the air escape from my lungs. Not at any point, however, did I question the where abouts of the teachers through all this...
Distantly, I heard some shouting - echoing through my mind. I don't think I really regained consciousness until somebody pulled me up off the ground and began running, faster and faster. My heart rammed against my rib cage with every step I took as the whole world around me became amplified and blurred.
The next thing I knew, I was shoved behind a car with a forceful hand placed over my mouth, muting my screams. From beside me came a gentle sobbing. I peeled what turned out to be Frank's hand off of my mouth and turned to face my little brother. He looked at me with tears in his eyes, causing my heart to sink. Why didn't I save him? Why did I have to be such a shit brother? Crawling over to Mikey, I gently cradled him in my arms, rocking him slowly. He buried his face into my chest, sobbing harder. This entire situation was my fault! If I hadn't taken out Corey's brother, he wouldn't have beaten up mine. I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach and tightened my grip on Mikey, kissing the top of his head lightly. It was at that point I decided I was not going to let a single person hurt him again - ever.

I rolled over, my pillow dampened with tears. I tried to shake away the bad memories but they just kept flooding back. So I remembered the good parts of my first day at Ashton High. Meeting Frank, be-friending Bob, Mr Hardy becoming so fond of me and my work... With that, my tears melted into a smile and I eventually drifted off to sleep.


Hey sorry it's only short, I couldn't really think of much to put in this

Millie x
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