Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

I blinked at him "W-What?"

"Me and Kat have been talking about it for a long time. I want my daughter to be free but I know that I'm too old now to be a killjoy. We've been waiting for someone nearer her age to runaway with her." Kat's Dad looked at me "So... Are you willing to become a killjoy?"

I nodded dumbly, not knowing what to say for a moment. Then it hit me "What about my family?"

"Well I'm afraid you'd have to leave them behind." Kat's Dad admitted "But if you and the killjoys can take down BLI then they'd be safe, wouldn't they?"

I thought about it. I twisted a strand of my red hair between my fingers and looked at it. That was all it took "Okay, I'll do it." I know it seems kind of selfish and self-centred to choose my hair over my family but that wasn't just was this was about. It was for freedom of expression.

"Well, you can't be going straightaway." Kat's Dad told me "For starters, I'll need to be making you a killjoy outfit. The killjoys would never trust you wearing this." He gestured to my outfit in disgust "And also, I have a way out of BLI that I've been working on for several years now. I'll show you when you're ready to escape though. Also, you'll need a raygun. Did BLI give you one?" I nodded "You'll need to take it from your parents. You can either leave it blank or we can paint it for you when you get here. We've painted Kat's."

"Dad, maybe you should get started on working on her killjoy outfit." Kat said with a small smile "God, this is really exciting isn't it?"

I laughed and Kat's Dad stood up to measure me. Once he'd got my measurements he ran upstairs to get started "Don't tell anybody about this." Kat whispered "Not even Stella or Sarah or whatever her name is now. She might worry about you and blab and then we'd be doomed."

"I promise I won't tell anyone." I whispered back "Can I see your killjoy outfit?"

"Not today." Kat smiled "You'd better go home before your parents get worried about you."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

Kat waved at me and I left the house feeling a lot better than I had that morning.

It didn't take me long to get home. Everyone was watching the news "Oh hello Crayon!" Dad smiled "We heard you got given new names today. So Stella is now Sarah... What's your name?"

"Oh uhh Victoria but I'd prefer it if you still called me Cray-"

"Shush, come and sit down Victoria." Mom said "We're watching the news."

I rolled my eyes. Trust my own parents not to listen to me. And Stella was slowly turning into a mindless BLI citizen. Well I didn't intend to go down the same road "No thanks, I'm going to the library." I told them. After all, if I was going to be a killjoy then I'd need all the help I could get.

As I left the house, I saw a large white van drive down the road with the creepy smiley face on the side. They stopped outside Kat's house. I watched from my house as Haku got out the van and so did several draculoids. They went into Kat's house and pulled her and her Dad towards the van. They chucked them into the back of the van and then drove off again quickly.
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