Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Am The Fallen

Taste of Freedom

by WeAreTheFallen 2 reviews

Frank's frustration grows as he realizes his chances of getting the angel back are slim

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-08-14 - Updated: 2012-08-14 - 1096 words

I try calling Violet four more times but I’m sent straight to voice mail each time. Why is she doing this? Are we really that terrible to her? I mean she’s got food and shelter and people to talk to if she ever got her ass out of that room of hers. Violet took our moment of weakness as her chance to escape. All of us risk death trying to find her.

I drive around the small town once again my eyes peeled, looking for Violet. It’d be hard to miss her. So far I’ve seen no one that even resembles her. Why does she have to be so difficult?

Grumbling, I pick up my phone deciding to call Gerard and tell him I’m giving up. Violet will come back if she wants to. Over the past two years I’ve learned you cannot make that girl do anything she doesn’t want to.

“What Frank?” Gerard demands. He sounds really frustrated.

“I’m giving up. We aren’t going to find her,” I answer waiting for the explosion.

Gerard just laughs, “We know where she went. We can’t go there, but Violet has been located.”

My eyes are glued to the red light, “Where is she?”

“Three guesses.”

“Ronnie,” I grumble through gritted teeth.

About four months into Violet coming to live with Gerard and the rest of us she met Ronnie. Due to his charm and good looks Violet fell for him…hard. For a very long time the two were inseparable. Only thing is none of us knew about their secret meetings. It wasn’t until I stumbled across them that things went to hell. She ran away with him causing us to have to wage war on the other coven. Violet hates me now and Ronnie wants my head on a platter. Giving her very little time without supervision (I spend a lot of time on the roof) Violet and Ronnie hardly got to see each other.

I should have been smart enough to think of him first. They’re probably cuddling by the fire and talking about old times or how ‘terrible’ we’ve been treating her. Ronnie is full of so much shit I’m surprised he hasn’t exploded.

Violet deserves so much better than him.

“You got it,” Gerard answers. “We’re working on a plan to get her back. The other clan is about a day away from us on foot. We have no idea how far out the angels are, or if they’re aware of her change in location.”

A horn honks behind me and I realize the light has changed from red to green, “Let’s hope they’re aware. How are we going to tear Violet away from her precious Ronnie?”

“Bait,” Gerard answers.

“What do we have that she’ll want?”

“No corruption. See you when you get home.”

The line goes dead. I sigh as I snap my phone closed. No corruption, what the fuck does that even mean? Sure we’ve not got people turning on each other, but we’re not very organized and Violet has no freedom when she’s with us…rightly so I guess. With the other clan she’s got Ronnie and his brother and freedom to leave whenever she wants. There’s no way we’re getting that girl back.

About five minutes later I pull up behind our house. After cutting the engine I get out and crawl up on the roof. I remember sitting up here, staring at a fiery eyed Violet. She’d always get upset when she found me up here. It was like I was invading her private area. We’d shoot a few rude comments back and forth before she’d let herself back into her room through the window.

Sighing I pick up a rock and let it fall from the roof. I watch as it hits the sidewalk, bouncing off into the grass, “I love you Violet.”

I watch the neighbor girl and her boyfriend kiss each other goodbye before climbing through Violet’s window and entering her room.

Everything is still there. She left in a hurry. A lot of Violet’s stuff still scatters the floor, only a couple figurines have been put back in their proper spot. Why the hell did she have to leave?

Sighing, I jump from the top step, landing silently on the landing. I can hear movement in the bedrooms but I ignore it. Gerard is in the kitchen, he’s the one I want to talk to. Again I jump, this time arriving soundlessly in the kitchen. There, our dark haired leader sits, sucking on a bag of blood. Margaret is there with him but he sends her away upon seeing me. Gerard tosses me a blood bag before sitting down at one of the bar stools.

“The angels will be here by twilight tomorrow. We either move out or get sent to the underworld,” he says grimly.

This confuses me, “I thought because the angel was still alive we could not be killed.”

“True, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t be sent to the underworld. There we would live out our days in misery until the angel is finally dead.”

“How are we going to get her back?” I demand. I’m not here to trade words with Gerard. Violet is my main concern. Without her here I feel uneasy. How can we know if she’s safe and if she’s being taken care of. The answer is we can’t.

“Well, the answer is rather simple, we wait for a bit. Ronnie’s clan is full of power hungry, fairly new night walkers. As the threat of the angels finding them increases the clan will turn on itself. Not knowing who she can trust, Violet will come back to us.”

I shake my head, Gerard’s lost it. There’s no way, no matter how fucked up Ronnie’s clan gets, that Violet will come back. She hates it here. That has been made clear various times. Locked up in the attic, Violet’s anger towards us has grown. Now that she’s free from the confines of our safe house there’s no turning back for the young angel. She’s got a taste of freedom.

Author's Note: Hey guys, I got another chapter up. Yay! :) lol. Whose clan veiws do you like better so far, Ronnie's or Gerard's? Anyways hope you enjoy. R&R
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